Thursday, November 29, 2012


The choice is a gift of god to human beings.

Choosing the best among people is difficult choice especially when a skill/test is involved in the process. A skillful man is well recognized by one and all that is why he is chosen one.. It is true that the skill, knowledge and expertise choose best of its own kind that is why we respect such decisions based on certain above mentioned logics. Certain people who do not have such skills are involved with failing the process by hook or by crook. Finding traps in life is happening things and occur at every turn; we cannot avoid it nor cannot take them too long for the sake of defined purpose of life. Greed is the root for such traps. The criticizers are part of public life. They are mark of your success too and define your story with their created tone/ pitch. Their offerings are always based on evaluating your deeds and actions. Be careful about them and never believes them as your followers, they are here to make you lonely and broken. A king needs to check his actions and decisions before taking them. A commoner may do thousands of mistakes but a king must not indulge in that. That is related with faith of people. That is why power brings responsibilities. Responsibilities of doing or refraining. Being king is an easy task but remains there for long time is arduous and could be possible only through regular retrospection and good pieces of advice from the council/friends and above all by controlling the lust and desire for unseen threats and dangers offered in the way. It occurs in life path too……. That is a why a walker smiles and travels continue but never forgets to see the ground of his next step. He knows the choice is a gift of god to him.

"Angel and Devil do not exist in this world , they live inside of us . Both them are breathing and alive due to power supply made through our emotions. They get energy from our soul and it is our free choice that how we distribute our energy between them...."

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Mother and Son- STORY

Dear friends,
Lets share a story rather 2 stories in one story :
Once upon a time there was a son and he had a mother who was illiterate but wise and positive thinker. They had a small tiny house which is just a single room for living, sleeping and cooking. Life was difficult but somehow they were surviving. The mother knew the importance of education so she made her son to study hard and arranged him books for learning.The son had many friends in school but he was always shy of bringing or showing them his house. He always felt low in front of his friends as they lived in bigger house and had a flourishing childhood in comparison to him. The son always asked his mother to take some land and to built a bigger house over that land so that he could show his friends a big house. The mother knew the ground realties and always replied positive about the future. The son used to get annoyed by that and made valid arguments about his poor state. The mother understood his pain but helpless in relieving him from that unbearable pain of his child due to limitation of resources.

Just to release him from his pain the mother used to tell a story to his son: that there were mother and son like them who had no better life than themselves and one day the son came home running and told his mother that a camel is being sold at single penny. On that the mother replied that it was too costly and  they should refrain themselves of buying that camel at such a high price. The time went on and situations got changed and after a few years the son came home running and informed his mother that the camel was being sold at a price of one hundred thousand pennies. On that the mother replied that he should bought as many as possible as it was a throw away price.

The lesson of story was that sometimes even a single penny is expensive and sometimes even thousands of them were a throw away price. It has occurred due to prosperity and buying capacity of the son.

After hearing that story the son never argued with his mother nor complained about their small house as he had understood the true meaning of narrated story.

It happened with all of us in life when sometime we are not able to spend or buy a thing which is available in small price as it would seem to us a big price and sometime the situation gets opposite that even at hefty price the money seems to be very small for any thing we desire. We shall never forget this that it happens only when we work hard and achieve results through our sheer hard work. Life changes for them who believe in  focus, hard work and consistency. The situations changes better for them and at that stage no price is bigger than your effort and result achieved.

Always appreciate and thank god for what you have as at any stage of life you would feel pride in having it.

This story goes well with necessity point of view as that when you are away from desert, a camel is not required even if it is available in a single penny and if you are there and facing the difficulties in surviving then it is cheaper even in all carrying gold as nothing can compare to life gifted by god.

Never forget a camel may be costly even in single penny or sometime cheap in thousands of them.  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy Deepawali- Best Wishes

Dear friends,

At the auspicious and celebratory day of Deepawali (Diwali), I wish that all of you be blessed with lights of good fortune, sweetness of best deserts, taste of all best food, showering of god's blessing, happiness of parents, sharing with friends and relatives, joys with children, congratulations from neighbors. Deepawali is the festival which comes with soothing winters, warmness of sun, wearing of best dresses, best season for working and celebration. It is not a festival of any community, it is festival of sharing happiness  and love between friends. Let this year too Goddess Maha Lakshmi brings fate, fame, finance, family-gatherings and freshness to you all which you would share with all  while keeping your hands open and wide... Aum !!!

Happiness is always in sharing ......

GOD bless you all - HAPPY DEEPAWALI :)

Monday, November 5, 2012


Dear friends, here again  I would like to share a story which I have recently shared with my son Orian while going for sleep. The story goes like this: 

Once upon a time there was an old man who lived near the river bank in a small house. He was a satisfied person who did not have any complaint with any one. He was a friendly person too. As his house was near to river and on way to city, people used to come there for rest and used to gift him something for his self less services to him. He had a horse namely 'Sultan'. Sultan was a beautiful horse and had capacity to run fast as compare to other horses. Sultan was having a good height, strong legs and could crossed the river with in no time. That horse was basically belonged to old mans' son who died in a war while fighting for the mother land. It was his remembrance which was keeping the old man alive and active. He loved the horse like his own son. Everyday, he used to feed it with best fresh grass and beans, massaged it, bathe it daily. The horse also understood the love of his owner and always reciprocated him in the same manner. All the nearby people knew about the horse and the old man's love for it.  One day when the old man was feeding Sultan, a man with good physique  wearing precious clothes came to him. The old man offered him the place to rest and some food to eat. He stayed a while and observed Sultan closely. After some time he went to old man and introduced himself as commander of king's army. He informed him that he had heard lot of good things about the horse and after hearing them, he had come to see it. As he had felt that the facts about the horse were genuine therefore he wanted to buy this horse for handsome money. The old man turned down the offer and politely informed him about his attachment with Sultan. He told him that he had never treated Sultan as animal rather it was the extension of his died son's soul who still with him in the shape of Sultan. He could kept himself hungry but never ever kept Sultan hungry. On hearing that the commander got angry and threatened the old man with dire consequences. On hearing that news the local people gathered there and asked the commander to leave the place otherwise they would force to take action again him. On seeing the local support and positive impression of old man, the commander understood that he would not able to take the horse then so he started marching back. Before going back, he threatened the old man that sooner or later he would take the horse from him whether willfully of forcefully. After that the old man started keeping Sultan inside his house for safety reasons. As the time passed the memory about the incident was also faded away. The old man thought it to be a cry of defeated man and moved on. One day in the evening while he was taking a stroll with Sultan in the trees, he noticed that a handicapped old beard man was sitting in the middle of road and was trying to repaired his broken carry cart but it seemed to be unrepairable. He stopped Sultan and offered him help if he could provide. The old handicapped man requested him to drop him near the river as from there he could ride a boat for his village. As the night was getting fallen and there was an imminent danger of wild animals in the night which could attack that weak man therefore he lifted and supported the handicapped to ride the horse and started walking alongside of him. As they walked a few steps suddenly the handicapped man took control of horse and started riding it fast as an expert rider. He removed his fake beard and wig and he was commander who had come before taking the horse. The commander stopped at some distance and told him with sarcastic voice that as he had said that he would grab the horse which he had done then. On that the old man did not say a word, he was not angry with the taking of horse but he was in pain because of method used by commander. He spoke calmly and said he wanted to say something to him, if he would come near him but the commander said that if he would come near to him he would take back the horse from him but on his repeated requests, the commander came back and stood at safe distance from him. The old man said to him that he (the commander) must not tell any one about the method of grabbing his horse as it would break the trust of people over the help-less people and no-one would help any handicapped old helpless man in his need. Thereafter the old man returned to his house, that night he did not eat any thing and wept through out the night. In the wee hours when he got a little sleepy suddenly he heard a some sound outside of his house. On curiosity he opened the door and astonished to see Sultan standing out side of his house.  He felt so happy and fed Sultan with his own hands. In between the commander came with king, Both of them asked for pardon for the mistake of commander. The old man surprised to know that even Sultan which was gifted to king refused to eat any thing in the palace and cried there continuously. When king heard Sultan's voice he could make out that something wrong with the horse. He called commander who narrated him the whole incident. After hearing the story, the king did not stop himself and came to return the horse to the real owner. There after the old man and Sultan lived happily for years in each other company.

Dear friends this is the story I have shared with you. In real life we meet several people at various junctions of life where many time we need help or a few time they need help. We should help each other without thinking second time. It could be a god's hand through us for that we should be thankful to him for making us his tool. Sometimes after helping some one we might feel that the person who was helped was not a genuine one as it happened with the old man when he tried to help the handicapped man so we  should not help fake people as they would be cheating and exploiting us for their undue benefits. The future is unseen and fortunately we know nothing about it. A help is a god's hand to needy one and needy must be helped. The way to help is to forget what is done and remain thankful if some one helps us. The pain of betrayal may not turn you in a person who you are not. We should not waste our time in evaluating about the nature of a helped one. This would snatch the purpose of help.  Let what they do as it is in their nature and let what we do, it is in our nature too. 

The relations are not made for taking advantages, they are made as we trust  them.