Monday, March 12, 2018

“Live Life Without Expectation” - The Swan would fly away

       “Live Life Without Expectation” - The Swan would fly away

Kabir - a weaver from profession was a 15th century mystic from 'Kashi'. While weaving, he remained connected with 'Bhagwan Shiv'. He was denounced for his progressive thinking about contemporary religions.

"Ud jayega Hans Akela" {The Swan would fly away} is one of Kabir’s popular devotional songs. In this song, Kabir urges the seeker to understand the nature of soul. The soul while in body forges many relations which seem to be never ending and forever lasting but when death appears that soul which seems to be in love with every one leaves the body without prior information. The relations, friendships and love could not stop the soul to stay even a extra moment in the body. The detachment is so intense that even the body which holds soul for long time, could not deter the action of soul. The ‘Atman’ moves to another dimension and without any identification reaches to new unknown strange places and initiates a fresh.  We all shall understand that the final destiny of soul is to re-merge with  Super Soul- ‘Braham Shiv’. Only then we could live here without expectation and annoyance.  I am giving Hindi as well as English translation for easy understanding.

उड़ जाएगा हंस अकेला - कबीर
 The swan would fly alone          – Kabir

 Interpretation / Denotation
उड़ जाएगा हंस अकेला –    
   अर्थ / आशय

उड़ जाएगा हंस अकेला।
जग दर्शन का मेला ।।

'Ud jayega hans akela l
jag darshan ka mela ll

#The Swan would fly away alone,
The world is a mere fair#
When the time would come to leave this body, the soul does not wait for anyone to accompany it. It does not make friends nor relations and moves without having any attachment to anyone, even not to the body in which it stays for long time.
The whole world is like a visiting place, a place to tour and this visit is not termed as permanent resident. One goes and visits different places but despite liking so much they return to same place where all they belong- the real home therefore the body is not a home to soul but a place to visit and ultimately it has to return to its root- the real Brahman, that is the purpose to be attained by soul.

जब मृत्यु समय निकट आएगा तो आत्मा समान भाव सहित बिना  मैत्रत्व ओर संबंध रखते हुए, किसी की प्रतीक्षा ओर मोह रखते हुए शरीर को त्याग कर आगे बढ़ जाती हैं। समस्त संसार एक भ्रमण स्थल है ओर कोई भी चाहते हुए भी मनपसंद स्थल होने के बावजूद यहां स्थायी रुप से नहीं रहता हैं अतः आत्मा शरीर को पसंद करते हुए भी इसमें स्थायी रुप से घर नहीं बनाती हैं क्योंकि आत्मा का परम लक्ष्य मूल तत्व रुपी ब्रहृम शिव मे लीन होना है।।
जैसे पात गिरे तरुवर के
मिलना बहुत दुहेला
ना जानू किधर गिरेगा
लग्या पवन का रेला ।। 
jaise paat gire taruvar ke l
na janu kidhar girega l
lagya pavan ka rela ll 
#As the leaf falls from the tree, it is difficult to find where it has fallen and as it is Struck with a thunderous wind#
As the leaf of tree once fall from its source and even best efforts cannot fixed it again with the tree. And when the leaf is uprooted due to storm or thunderous winds then it could not even locate the tree. The same happens with soul when the body is left by soul then after sometime the soul cannot even re-enter in it as the body is mortal despite soul is immortal. Therefore after leaving the body the soul flies and floats like a wanderer and reach to unknown places without having any identity.

यदि आंधी तूफान से वृक्ष का प्रिय पत्ता भी टूट कर अलग हो जाए तो वह पत्ता इच्छुक वृक्ष पर वापस नहीं लगाया जा सकता है उसी प्रकार आत्मा भी नश्वर शरीर से अलग होने के पश्चात अपना परिचय भूलकर नये संबंध स्थापित करने अंजान स्थानों के लिये कूच कर जाती हैं।।
जब होवे उमर पूरी
जब छूटेगा हुकुम हुजूरी
जम के दूत बड़े मजबूत
जम से पड़ा झमेला ।।
Jab hove umar puri l
jab chhootegi hukum huzuri l
Jam (Yam) ke doot bade majboot l
Jam se bada jhamela ll
# When life is Completed
The orders compliance will be over too,
The messengers of Death-'Yama' are cruel & dutyful and it is an chaotic situation to stop death-'Yama'#
Till we are alive and soul is connected with body, all the relations forge by body are intact and feel ageless unending but as soon as the death occurs all the relations which were once strongest become void and useless. All the duties which we render become ephemeral and fruitless. Therefore the
strongest relation if we have, that is with death and unfortunately we avoid even discussing till it appears before us.

जब तक यह शरीर प्राणयुक्त आत्मा द्वारा चलायमान है तब तक इस शरीर द्वारा स्थापित संबंध सुढृढ़ ओर अंनत प्रतीत होते है परंतु प्राण त्यागने पर सभी भावनात्मक लगाव व्यर्थ हो जाते है। जिन कत्तव्यों की पूर्ति महत्वपूर्ण ओर लक्षित होती है वह सब गौण नग्यण हो जाते है जिस मृत्यु के साथ अटूट संबंध है उसके बारे में प्रत्यक्षदर्शी होने पर भी चर्चा नहीं करते हैं।।

दास कबीर हर के गुण गावे
वा हर को पार पावे
गुरु की करनी गुरु जानेगा
चेले की करनी चेला ।। 
Das Kabir har ke guna gave l
wa har ko paar na pave l
guru ki karni guru janega l
chele ki karni chela ll
#Kabir praises the 'Braham Shiv' and believes that he would find him soon,
the Guru would be rewarded as per his actions and the disciple would dealt acoordingly.#
We all praise and sing hymns about the God but never able to understand him and roam here and there to find without understanding him and that we all are been rewarded or punished according to our good or evil actions and that is why even people who live together or nearby are being classified and divided according to karmas done by them.

हम सब परमात्मा की आराधना करते हैं जो हमारे कर्मों के अनुसार फलदायक है और हम उसे बिना समझे इधर उधर भटकते है जो कि एक ही परिवार के सदस्यों को भी कर्मफलानुसार अलग अलग गति प्रदान करते हैं।।