Friday, December 25, 2020

Sanatan Dharma in Future

Q: Which religion is going to be most important and wilfully acceptable by the people in future? 

There are 2 ways to study and understand different religions and their sages.. 

One of the way to understand the religion and their sages through Sanatan Dharma and you will feel that they are the part and parcel of Sanatan Dharma and culture. You could read and follow the good, already mentioned in Veda, Puranas and Upnishad. There is a well defined place and respect for every religion and path and their sages' thoughts in Sanatan Dharma. 
So no problem, while following your own path if you are receptive and open to their views, you are Sanatani too.

The other way is to know Sanatan Dharma from their respective religious literature, practices and commentary and you would be astonished to know that they mention that Sanatan Dharma is the way of savage culture, primary traditions and must be curbed and destroyed, forcing and converting them to surrender by using violence, coercion and greed whatever ways it is possible.

Now everyone of us has a choice with a dilemma what to choose between them.

Being Sanatani you could choose to be follower of ancient philosophy of science and inner peace, learner to all paths without any mal-issue and conflict and there is no problem in doing so. 
But unfortunately this option is not available to all those who are blocked by their respective religious literature, practices and code and that's the tragedy they face in their life. @k$

The good thing is this people are understanding it and accepting Sanatan Dharma as wholesome truth and that's why in next 50 yrs. Sanatan Dharma would prevail as an essence of life in whole World, may be with different names but the sweetness of life would be grown same in everyone of us. 
-Arun Rise Sharma

Monday, December 21, 2020

रूद्र महामंत्र

"रूद्रान्नापरो देवों
शिव नापरा स्तुति: ।
आधारभूत: ऊं तत्वान्नापरो मंत्रों नास्ति,
तत्वों शंभू सत्य परम् च।।"
-अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा
"श्री रूद्र से महान कोई नहीं,
शिव से श्रेष्ठ कोई नहीं।
आधारभूत तत्व 'ऊँ' से बढ़कर कोई महामंत्र नहीं,
तथा शंभू से ऊपर कोई सत्य नहीं ।।"
-अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Why do We Namaste?

Q: Why do we Namaste (नमस्ते) when we meet someone?

Namaste (नमस्ते) is derivated from 'Namah' (नमः) word. It is 'Namah+ Aste' (नमः+अस्ति). The wordly meaning of it is "I salute you" or "I pay my respects to you". It is also "I bow before you in respect and love". When we pronounce the word, we could know it is more than what is said. "Namaste" (नमस्ते) has a vast meaning to understand. It is derivated from "Tat Sat" (तत् सत्) that means "I see Divinity in you and for me You are the creation and creator", literally Brahman. It explains that 'N' 'Ama' means "Na+ Aham" (न+ अहम्" ( I am nothing) as I could see that divinity in you and feel that You are Brahman. "Aste" (अस्ति) means that after seeing radiance of Brahman in you now I am bowing and surrender in devotion and faith as I could understand that everyone and everything is creation of God. I thank you for revealing the truth to me. Please accept my sincere gratitude for you and oblige. What a beautiful way to tell him or her that you are the most precious creation of almighty Shiv. 

It has further yogic effect too. When we bring and touch our palms and keep it near the heart chakra, the energy which is produced through our hands gets into our heart and activate heart chakra. It generates positivity of thought and action, brings people close to each other by creating an aura of trust and love. 
So next time when we should greet someone, say 
"नमस्ते Namaste" and feel the vibration.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Chhath Puja


Know Sanatan Dharma and know Bharat.... 

Chhath Puja is a festival devoted to Bhagwan Surya and his wives Usha, who is also known as Chhathi Maiya and Pratyusha (Sandhya) During Chhath Puja, people thank Bhagwan Surya, the god of vibrant energy and life-force for sustaining the our life on Earth. It is celebrated during the month of Kartik (October-November) after 6 days of Deepawali — mainly in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Chandigarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Mauritius, Fiji, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Suriname,Jamaica, United States, United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Macau, Japan, and Indonesia and other places by Bihari aboriginal migrant and settlers.
It’s the only festival that is dedicated to Bhagwan Surya, who is supposed to be the source of all powers and energy. The God of new hope as light, life force and energy is worshipped in order to promote well-being, development and the prosperity of human beings and nature. The devotees express their respect and gratitude towards Bhagwan Surya and his wives by worshipping and performing  important rituals over a for a span of four days. People who observe the fast during this festival are called Vrati- on fast. It is rigorous and strict manners which teaches the importance of discipline . During the fasting period the devotees (those who practice) remain separate from the main family for maintaining chastity as well as purity. The prasadam is cooked without salt, onions or garlic or other 'tamsic' ingredients.

How is it celebrated...

The people wear clean or new clothes. They do not drink alcohol or smoke and abstain themselves from drugs as it is sinful to use during puja days. The positive energy gains from the Chhath Puja brings purity of soul and reverence towards the nature, brings prosperity and good health, wealth and moksha to the family and dearers.
The 4-day rituals of Chhath Puja include taking holy morning and evening baths in the river, ponds, lakes or other water bodies, fasting, and offering Prasad and 'Arghya' to the Surya during Usha kaal- Sunrise and  Pratusha kaal-Sunset while offering and recititing vedic prayers and Rig Veda's mantras, performing sacred religious rituals. The sages used to perform the puja by exposing themselves to direct chilly winter winds and surviving through natural sunlight, gaining strength from Sun rays and avoid eating or consuming any eatables for life.

*History of Festival*..

Chhath puja is one of ancient festival, part of our vedic life as well as in later yuga and mentioned in both Treta Yuga-Ramayana and Dwapar Yuga-Mahabharata. In Ramayana, Sita performed Surya Shashthi or Chhath Puja after Ramrajya was established. In Mahabharata, the puja was performed by Kunti after Pandavas were escaped from Lakshagrih fire conspiracy. During exile, Draupadi and the Pandavas celebrated Chhath in order to solve their issues and gain their lost respect and kingdom again. 

According to another legend, Chhath Puja was first performed by Karna, who is considered to be an offspring of Lord Surya and Kunti. He ruled over the Anga Pradesh which is now the modern-day Bhagalpur area in Bihar.


Chhath Puja is completed in 4 stages of purity of soul, mind and body to understand  'Atman'. First- detoxification of Body by bearing hunger and second winter harsh weather by remaining in the water at riverside during araghya and third meditating on Sun to awaken kundalini so that cosmic solar energy may penetrate in the body and reach to soul to make you an infinite island of cosmic purity and fourth and final connecting you to Param Braham - Sat Chit Anand.

*Science behind Sanatan Dharma Festival*...

Chhath Puja also has roots in science as it helps the human body get rid of seasonal sickness, negative bacterias and virus. The water works as connector to make Sun enrgy to go through your whole body and passes positive enrgy in your whole system. #Arunaksarun

Best wishes to all on Chhath Puja festival...

-Arun Rise Sharma

Monday, October 26, 2020

Who Am I ? - In Cosmic Dimension

Who am I ? 
( In Cosmic Dimension)

*एकोहम द्वितीयो नास्ति
"बस मैं हूं और कोई दूसरा नहीं"
Only me.. none else

*एकोहम बहुष्यामि
"एक में भी में हूं और अनेक में भी"
I am The Oneness is defined in many..

*नास्ति मम प्रतिमा अस्ति
"मैं निराकार हूं"
I am formless...

 *मम स्वरूपं अस्ति
"मैं साकार हूं"
I am formed One..

*अहम् शिव अस्ति
"मैं हूं भी और नहीं भी"
'I am One' and ' I am None'  ..

*सोहम अस्ति
"वह मैं हूं"
I am That..

*तत् त्वम् अस्ति
"वह तुम हो"
You are That..

*मम् सत् चित् आनन्द अस्ति
" मैं हूं सत्य चैतन्य मय आंनद"
I am The Truth, The Consciousness and The Bliss..

*ऊं तत् सत्
"तुम हो वह सत्य"
You are That Truth..

ऊं नमः शिवाय
-Arun Rise Sharma

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why am I in Pain?

Why am I in Pain?

{My pain is worst than anything. Plz sooth me...}

I may emphatically feel it is hard to listen preaching words when we go through difficult and life death situation. No word defends against the storm we face in real life situations. Then how one can remain intact in real situation, "aks" life is a wheel of giving and receiving. Whatever we give, we receive the same in double. So let us motivate each other especially when we ourselves are in deep trouble by putting  and citing our own example..   we never know who is going through that phase too... 🕉️

_Arun Rise Sharma


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Thank you Shiv - Prayer before Supper

Thank You Shiv - Prayer Before Supper

Dear Shiv- Our Father , 

With folded hands and respect we invite you to have the supper served to us with your kind grace and blessing so that we may have the leftover of it with taste and interest after obtaining your permission. 

We further pray that the energy received from this supper may assist us in always remembering you  and be utilized for the welfare of our family, friends and whole of the Universe.

Thank You Shiv,  

Thank you for being with us. 


-Arun Rise Sharma


लाकडाऊन और डेनिम जींस का दुस्साहस और दंड

लाकडाऊन और डेनिम जींस का दुस्साहस और दंड

आज सुबह जब नहाकर मैं अलमारी के बाहर रखे लोअर और टीशर्ट उठा रहा था कि अलमारी के अंदर से आती खुसर फुसर ने मुझे संशय में डाल दिया। थोड़ा कान लगाने पर पता चला कि अंदर रखी डेनिम जींस दूसरे सभी कपड़ों को भड़का रही थी कि कपड़ों को पहनने वाले का कांड हो गया और इसी कारण से अब कोई पहनने नहीं आएगा जिस पर दूसरी किसी पैंट ने कहा कि लाकडाऊन के कारण वह यानि मैं नहीं पहन रहा हूं तब जींस ने कहा कि लाकडाऊन तो 14.04.2020 तक था अब तो 27.04.20 हो गयी हैं और समझो कि अब अपने आप को wear-tear कर लो और मौज करो। 2/3 और हां वाले हुंकारा सुनकर लगा कि ये तो विद्रोह की तैयारी चल रही है, इधर जब लाकडाऊन खत्म होगा उधर कपड़े फटे हुए होंगे अगर इस जींस ने सबक नहीं सीखा तो लिहाजा लोअर को रखा साईड में और एक दम अलमारी खोल दी, अलमारी खोलते ही जैसे चोरी पकड़ ली, जींस तो जैसे रंगे हाथों पकड़ी गई, मैंने भी उस र्निलज्ज को आड़े हाथों लिया और र्शमिंदा करते हुए उसी बाहर खींच लिया और पहन लिया, उसके बाद से तो जैसे सबके मुंह पर ताला लग गया है। सभी भाईयों से निवेदन है कि इस किस्म की बगावत को समय रहते काबू में करने अन्यथा इधर लाकडाऊन खत्म हो और उधर कपड़े रखे हुए फट जाएं । 
-अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा
#जनहित में जारी

Don't Explain The Light

"Don't Explain The Light"

Remember when they are not even near thy,
Nor they have strength to touch 'aks' soul,

Do not waste thy energy on explaining them the opportunity they have,

Neither reveal the aura surrounded thyself 

Nor whisper the sweet words of Almighty Shiv to them,

As what they listen is the choice they had made, 

and experience what they lust for, 

Now they have phases of evolution to  dream the bliss thy get

 The conciousness thy bless with,

The lotus feet of Shiv are touching thyself

And I know I am not what you see me

 nor what you experience me 

I am beyond infinite boon of soulful voice

I am not the certainty, nor the flexibility,
Neither a fact nor a fiction,

I am neither a sin nor a pious, 
Neither a visible lie nor an invisible truth

I am not what I am but I am what I am..

I am That - "Soham"
I am Shiv - "Shivoham"
- Arun Rise Sharma

"Prarabhbha"- (Past) Karma & "Sanchit"-(Deposited) Karma Effect

During our life, We all do and indulge in such acts on those sometimes we feel ashamed and guilty. That guilt starts controlling our future course of actions as well as become hindrance in changing our course of action. Like I did this in past so why should I not do now despite knowing now that it is wrong. 
Plz tell me How to modify "Prarabhbha"- (Past) karma and "Sanchit"-(Deposited) karma effect.

Nothing gets changed in this universe. Whatever you feel it is your basic unchanged nature. You were same as you are only there is veil between yourself and soul inside you. 

For releasing from impacts of past karma and present doings and achieving spiritual growth, Be rejoice one, Do things full heartily without making any fuss or noise,   Remain available to self. Stay without indulging senses.

 Do not look for achieving ephemeral pleasure, respect, honor but for infinite possibilities of Bliss. Let this stage be permanent state of Mind than my dear "aks" you would certainly be freed from Prarabha and Sanchit karma.
-Arun Rise Sharma

यूं ही चलता चलता दूर तलक चला जाता हूं !!

यूं ही चलता चलता दूर तलक चला जाता हूं,

यूं ही चलता चलता दूर तलक चला जाता हूं,
के मिलने जुलने वाले अज़ीज़ भी ख़ामोशी से पीछे छूट जाते हैं ..

मेरी दीवानगी मुझ पर ऐसे ही नहीं छा जाती,
हर बार की तरह एक ख़ामोशी दिल में दे कर गहरे तक उतर जाती हैं..

यूं तो कभी भी इतना मसरुफ़ नहीं हुआ,
के ख़ुद को भी आवाज़ ना दे सकूं..

पर बात इतनी सी है के सुन कर अनसुना करना मुझे आता है,
और अकेले में तारों से बात करना फिर चल कर साथ गुम हो जाना ख़ूब भाता है..

क्योंकि चलते चलते जब भी दूर तलक़ निकल जाता हूं,
 ये तारें भी आवारगी में चोट खाए आशिक बनकर साथ आ जाते हैं..

बाकी सच है के कुछ तो बचता नहीं है ख़ाक में मिल जाने पर,
पर गर्द में गुम निशान खुद ही दास्तां ए खाक बन एक चुप्पी से कह जाते हैं ...

तो अब सुनो अब मेरे ज़िगरी यार,
'अक्स' ऐसे यूं ही दूर तलक़ नहीं निकल जाता हूं, 
ख़ामोशी से जाकर फिर ना आने का फ़ैसला भी जतला जाता हूं ।।
-अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा
-Arun Rise Sharma



Some start early, some later but REMEMBER none is loser...

Some earn in $, some in ₹ but REMEMBER none is poor ..

Some learn the experiences, 
Some experience the learning, but REMEMBER no one is ignored..

Some live a luxurious childhood, 
Some have comfortable retirement, but REMEMBER none is devoid of life..

Some feel they have learnt the finest and some still improve the finest..

.. hence do not leave that stone unturned but REMEMBER "aks"
only we could decide where we are going to stand..
-Arun Rise Sharma

Shiv - The Life

" Shiv "

The Consciousness in Soul, 

Wisdom - The Worshiper, 

Life & Body - His Abode, 
Doings - Prayers, 

and ..

My Sleep - Meditation in him

"ऊं  नमः शिवाय"
-Arun Rise Sharma

Why am I here ?

Why am I here ? 

I am a seed sent by the Almighty Shiv with the message to understand the inner strength from life, 

Those who have revealed it the wholesome truth, are sailing the life boat with bliss in heart, 

Who still in doubts are questioning the will and driven by lust and craving for desires, 

The answers which you are searching, never been in arguments and confusion rather hidden in power lies.. 

while surrendering so stop trying bomber me with conflicts and willful ignorance 

as I am bathing in nectar of enlightenment while flowing of with devotion,  faith and love.

Remember, I was not the first nor would be the last to be chosen.

I have not opted it for respect nor to be in elite class,

I know and understand the wilderness and storm in soul 

and left myself untied in a vulnerable boat to tame the thunderous sea of universe, 

making a war cry for it to release me from chains, shackles of Maya and ego that I may pronounce that
Now I am neither a Devotee nor an Atheist,
I am neither Arjuna nor Eklavya,
I am neither Prosperous nor a Pauper,
I am neither quite nor shouting,
I am neither hungry nor overate, 
I am neither lonely nor in crowd, 
I am neither lost nor intact,
I am what I am not but That I am..
So free me from That "I am" !!

-Arun Rise Sharma

Ram - The Symbol of Unity and Respect

Raam- The Symbol of Unity

In 1989, My mother asked me to buy a brick, I was in my early 20's having a carefree attitude and least concerned about political and religious movement. I said that there are so many bricks scattered here and there, use any of them but she insisted to buy one and that too ascribed with "Ram" or "Jai Sri Ram". I checked and bought a brick from building material shop. I was thinking that shopkeeper would be astonished to sell one piece but he was normal to hand over that. There I saw many of us like us buying single brick. I tried finding reason and first time came to know that There is a Ram Janmabhumi mandir in so called Faizabad(now Ayodhya) which was damaged by Babar and a litigation was underway and the decision had come in favor of Temple. My mother asked me to arrange  sending of brick to Ayodhya, I knew Sangh Pracharak and got helped from him. That was the first introduction to Ram Temple. My mother who was a religious woman waited for Mandir and expired in 1994.  Since the sending of brick by my mother, The millions of tonnes water flew through in Ganga and Saruyu river and we waited and waited for that day to come when her dream would be visualized in reality, today while seeing live TV coverage of "Shilanyas" - foundation of temple at Ayodhya, I could speak to her in my heart where she lives forever, that the brick which was send by her is now used for temple and her respect and feeling has got place in Sri Ram's feet.

Ram is our glorious heritage and our shinning future. He is the possibility for our future generations. In his time he had united Bharat beyond "varna", ethnicity and classes. He is the representative of masses and feeling of society. He has once again united us in true sense. His name is sufficient to bring us beyond our identities and physical appearance. He is not an ordinary man but Excellent thought on Planet. A "Maryada Purshotam" and torch bearer of "Sanatana Dharma". I have not seen God and experienced him through meditation and spiritual uplifting of self and surroundings and as per  Veda and Upnishad he is "Nirakar"- Incorporeal as well as "Sakar" - Corporeal but I have felt that if God would walk besides us, he would choose to be appeared as Ram that's why Ram is a walking "Brahm" for us, an Avatar in human form. 

"Jai Sri Ram"... 

-Arun Rise Sharma

*Some of the images have been downloaded, not for any monetary gain, from open sources at social media and not copyright with author.