END OF WORLD on 21/12/2012- A myth or a fact
For the last one year I am noticing a
trend among world that 2012 is the end of life for human kind and its
civilization. Wherever you go wherever you see, the people are discussing it
whether sitting in open or in closed circle that this world is going to end in
this year. They have fixed a dead line i.e. 21/12/2012 for this. The Hollywood movies
based on end of world i.e. 2012, Knowing, Deep impact, Resident evil and many
more are chanting this through their mode of act and show. If you make a search
on Ü Tube, Google or any search engine if you just type any relevant word to
end of world, you will find thousands of sites dedicating to this stand.. Some of the religious and awakened groups are
also saying so and publicising the concept.
About 2/3 months back a famous and pretty Indian ….Kumari who represents a sect’s views on TV was also explaining the situation about this end on due date. People are scared and dreaded by hearing such news. We do not want to face the death on due date.
Recently I was going through one of page/ group what I have noticed is that they are talking about the survival tips on doom’s day. Some are taking about the theory of displacement of earth crust causing high magnitude earth quack that would send us deep in rubble. Another theory is the rising of sea level that we will be dead because of floods, storms, etc. Another vision is that we will be attacked by the energy of sun and that would become the reason for our end. Some predict alien attack for natural resources and some are expecting meteors is approaching us for hitting with power. This what have started from the theory of Mayan calendar. It is to believe that the Mayan calendar is being ended on 21/12/2012 so that is why the civilization is ending on this due date.
After going through such reports, I think some people might have started giving trainings to handle this disaster. Some might be making grand from fearful innocent people.
The death if decided than it would come on due date. If
people are so sure about the time of their departure than I feel that there
shall be less pain and more gratitude. There shall be less taking more giving.
There shall be more forgiveness than revenge. There must be more humbleness
than cruelty. There must be more love than hate. But what I am noticing that
people are becoming more centric than thinking about welfare. They are becoming
greedy than distributing their comforts.
Apart from individual’s attitude, there might be an end to any
chaos but not at least on 21/12/2012 as planned by a civilization by ending their
calendar. The ending of calendar was not
ending of earth, I repeat not ending of earth but it was ending of knowledge of
Mayan people. They made a calendar because they could not think beyond that.
Today the humans are more open to these things. Even computers did not
surrender before the chaos of 2K on 31.12.1999.
I remember while I was in school, I had heard that in 1980,
we would be having 3rd world war and then lot of saying about 1984, 1992, 1999,
2002 and now a new dead line is 2012.
I am not sure whether this world be ending on 21/12/2012 as
I am not a time traveller nor I intend to be but one thing I am sure that today
is the best day of our life and whatever
we had dream last night, we would do efforts to achieve that.
Wish you a happy and delightful 22 December, 2012 with your loved ones...