Looking back my life I have discovered that no one even
god can't keep everyone happy. People say things while you are wet and they
will say while you are dry. One who has come to this life has his own
destination and one travels in that direction till one accomplishes. No one
supports all and all support none. We live in a world where human life span is
too short to make all happy. Criticism is part of life even the great souls
like Jesus, Rama, Pegamber Muhammad, Guru Nanak did not come with this object. Even
greatest writers were not read by all. And those who have not read them are
happy and miss nothing. Even a door mat at entry who takes all rubbish is taken
as wastage material. We should know that our priority is walking on our path
not to look here and there for others whether they are watching or not. Live
your life to full in this moment which is slipping quickly....

What is aks- Arun's Reflection: an image in mirror/water is aks but I know it is my body but not me. I stay with stillness of soul not with the time seen in age & appearance of body. This blog is my understanding learnt in various bodies & places in different time zones and circumstances. Whatever I know is not new but just a repeat thought flashing in me. This is grace of Shiv. He has connected all the points & draw this beautiful picture. ALL COPY RIGHTS RESERVED with Author
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Sex - The Love Fruit
“I want your sex” was the song by George Michael which I heard in my
college days. It was mentioning all the good things about having sex.
The singer was trying to influence his lover to have sex with him. That
song was one of my favorite and I heard it many times as talking about
sex was a taboo especially when someone expressed his wish to do so. It
was like low quality stuff talk. I have remembered at that time the song was
banned by BBC radio due to its word “SE*”. In India we did not hear it
on radio. I still remember a song in Hindi called as “SEXY” was replaced
with “chikni (चिकनी)” word (I find this word more vulnerable than sexy)
but there is a change and now day’s people openly express their views
about it. At least we do not see much botheration if someone expresses about wanting it from willing one.
What a man wants from a woman or what women desire from men is not a secret topic. A sex is wonderful act of appreciation between the two individuals. It is sacred or sinful it is depend on their understanding. An act which is acceptable by souls is sacred and if denounce by even one of them then it becomes sinful. Sex is what when an emotion is converted into action of bodies is sacred and when bodies force to create an emotion in it then it is sinful. A good chocolate is not eaten with teeth rather it melts in mouth with grace. Sex is like this if done while taking care about pleasure of hard and wet organs then it is untimely, tiring, routine, boring and incomplete and if done with soft melting of emotions with warm feelings then it is heavenly, energizes, freshen and fully complete. It is an experience which is like remaining outside of your own bodies and seeing self. It is a feeling of having two heads- self and lover’s head on your own single body.
A man who lives in world when realizes the importance of fulfilling the emotion through his actions, he understands the importance of other person’s in life. Sex is like any action which is directed by an emotion only then the body participates. A tensed emotional charged body refuses to answer this call despite the best opportunity of doing it with best one. Sex starts with soul leads bodies to responds and again concludes with soul. That is why it is fearless when souls respond this nature’s call. Do all we enjoy this when experimenting or experiencing it? The sex is only responsive when it is between the trusts worthy. It is a state of surrender to give an opportunity to lover to rise above you. A sex with stranger or one night stand may give a pleasure for fractions but cannot stand you when any answer is required that is why one night stand does not amount with emotions rather with bodily pleasure. A sex with loved one gives relaxation and not performance oriented. It is not the race or battle to win over the lover. A good sex is like a good dose of breakfast after a good morning work-out. Do it every day and whenever you get the opportunity without any guilt. This time will not stop and nor will come back. You would be left with precious uncounted moments of indulging and experiencing it and countless remorseful slipping moments of missing it.
The best fruits of life are emotion based and remember sex is one of these. Enjoy it with surrender so that it can melt in you and your lover. All the good things in life have led you to experience this sacred angelic act.
Live every sacred moment of it without any sin or shame. May be tomorrow you will have only this experience to carry your emotions to another world.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Right and Wrong
Let's share a story* about a human who is standing between RIGHT and WRONG of life.
As his bosses found him good for his work they gave him a difficult assignment. He was sent to another factory where lot of labor problems occurred. It was a difficult place. He was told to be careful with labor mafia as well as local politics. He worked earnestly and within no time even won the heart of people. He worked hard and made that factory quite manageable. Things were going smooth but there was a union leader named as Jack. He had a backing of some labor, a little part of management and was a nuisance as well. People were afraid of him and tolerated all his nuisances in the factory. Due to his affiliation with baddies of the area, Akash's bosses advised him to be careful and not to indulge himself with him directly. Akash knew that if he diverted his energy with Jack then he would not able to do his job so he avoided direct confrontation with Jack and worked for the progress of factory.
With the passage of time, the things got smooth and the factory started organizing in a way as it should be. Jack knew that if the factory would be disorganized and notorious only then he would able to keep his existence in the unit otherwise he would sooner be powerless. The organized people might protest and stand against him and he would not able to get them exploit. He was looking for an opportunity but failed in finding any. As Jack was getting weak therefore some of the labor working in the unit where Jack himself was supervisor started disobeying his anti- factory and anti - people orders. One of them was Marc. Marc was a good worker and always did his job with hard work. He knew that his supervisor Jack was a cunning but he was forced to work under him for his living. On the other hand Jack knew that Marc did not like him and had understood his evil designs. So one of the morning when he tried to humiliate Marc on some fake issue. Marc immediately protested and resigned from the job. Jack felt insulted about it as he wanted to take revenge from him by damaging his career but due to his resignation he did not able to do that. He came up with another evil design. He spread the news that Marc was a thief and used to steal from the factory. He complained to bosses about it. As every one was aware about his such actions therefore the matter was referred to HR and Akash was told to verify the allegations made by Jack about Marc. Why Marc had quited the job? He made a complaint with management and Akash was ordered to inquire. Akash did a detailed inquiry and found out that there was no truth in the allegations made by Jack. He made a factual report and submitted before the management that Marc was innocent and due to Jack's ill-attitude of disturbing others, he had left his job. On the basis of that report, the management decided to take no action against Marc and that had infuriated Jack. He knew that due to Akash's report, Marc quited with respect and dignity. That had helped him to find another job as well. After that incident Jack started coming open against Akash and whenever there was an issue, he generally related it with Human Resources Deptt. and accused Akash for all misshapenness.
In between there was a major change in management of factory and bosses who appreciated Akash for his work opted out themeselves from the factory and joined some new companies. The newly appointed CEO has an old unsettled point with Akash and that made him prejudiced as well and that had made Akash to be alone and unsupported and on the other side Jack used that for making foundation for his ill-acts. He started making various false complaints against Akash further more he started bad mouthing about him to his bosses. He disturbed them again and again to show that Akash's functioning was not in the interest of factory. He irritated them by one or other way. The bosses started telling Akash to negotitiae with Jack, Akash knew that the situation was different then but helpless to do something to flatter a man who had no morality or ethics.
In between, another incident of false complaint came up by Jack against a woman labor- Sarah . Jack had again made allegations against her for theft and working against the interest of factory. Akash was assigned to take up the inquiry by the bosses. On inquiry, Akash came to know that Jack tried to sexually exploit the woman and making inappropriate advances towards her. To safe guard her respect, she quited her job. Her husband along with her, had an argument with Jack as she informed him about the incident but Jack denied and told every one that she has tried to bully him with his male body guard. As she was handling the logistic side therefore Jack alleged against her for grabbing company articles. On finding that, Akash again refused to submit a fake report against her. despite Jack's persuasion. Jack tried to pressure him by various means, by labor force, conveying his annoyance to his bosses, filing representation with labour court. He was using all methods to get the wrongful done as that time he was worried too that if that woman would told everyone about that, his image would be blackened. The bosses stood by the report but got annoyed by Akash. Obivously, it were his reports which were disturbing them. They were feeling that Akash should personally satisfy Jack by any means. He was even told to change his report at one point but as the matter was already opened therefore that was declined as policy matter. Akash's bosses did not want such things to be happened in the factory. New management team felt that because Akash failed to attend Jack that was why they were being bothered by Jack. Akash was sacked from the job by the management. He was further alleged to be a poor knowledge team leader. Before sacking him, his unblemished service record had many adverse entries so that he could not opted for job vacancies in other companies.
He thought the situation again and again. What was his fault? Because he refused to trap the poor workers who were not strong as Jack was in the factory. Sometimes he thought why did he tried to save those who were not even known to him? Why did he listen the inner voice? He could have understood the changes in the system and submitted the false reports citing those weak persons as guilty then he would had been appreciated by his bosses and got an increment with promotion in the company. He could have been among the successful employees in the factory. He remembered his other colleagues who always told him to be practical and professional, not to think with heart by but by mind. He should not have flowed with his emotions rather with manipulations. Jack still works in the company. He is powerful again as rest of the labor know that he had got sacked Akash and has good rapport with management. Everything is running smooth except the life of Akash.
What is right and what is wrong?
Where the things went wrong?
He feels agitated and angry not with Jack but with his inner voice which told him to do so called karma in the way which got landed him at this place.... He knows that sooner or later he would bounce back but this time either he would hear his inner voice or will do what he detests to do?
Standing between Right and Wrong, he is trying to learn what is right and what is wrong? .....
Dear Friends, Many of us face this type of situation when we find ourselves to stand on such point in life where life is taking an "U" turn and we find ourselves at receiving ends. The right seems to be wrong and wrong seems to be a winner. The choice is difficult and rather a thorn path impossible to walk. The reason for understanding self seems to be lonely and broken. Whatever is learnt in the life is seemed to be bogus and fake. The good teachings by parents and teachers seem to be out of world. Some one like Jack exists in all societies and in all times and he would just come and try to knock you. We feel that there is no escape from this sufferings and pain occurring in life. Do not lose heart, be courageous, have patience and face it boldly. No one is escape from this situation. Even the angels and all good souls are confronted by them.
Things always improve and trust your inner voice. It has power to rise the sun from the west.
Remember however the difficult conditions but RIGHT will always be right.
I know Akash would come up with this situation and if life would give him another opportunity to do this, he would repeat it again. The temporary defeat in life is test of his determination and learnt ethics value.
Let's pray that we all if face such situation would always be on the path of truth whatever the circumstances are... Amen!!
* ps: The characters/ place/ circumstances mention in the story are fictitious and do not resemble with any living or dead ones.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Moksha- Salvation
Recently while I was reading an epic story, the word "MOKSHA" have stroked up in mind. With the passage of time this concept has become important and life-target for all those who live their life to learn their lessons in the life-span. The basic theory of life depends on this as an ultimate aim for man kind to achieve that.
Now we would discuss a few words about what is 'Moksha' ?
"MOKSHA" is the final destiny of any living life. It realizes one's about the well learning of lessons with keeping neutrality of thoughts and emotions w/o having any favor/ greed for self nor fear for uncertainties and humiliations. It is merging of one's soul with with super soul-GOD as the fulfilling of purpose of life-journey.
Many of our great super human-beings have achieved salvation as their life were lived as an example while preferring to sacrifice for the welfare of people and society. They are many of us as roses of this beautiful world or bright stars in the universe. Some of them are known as Lord Mahavira, Lord Buddha, Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Jesus Christ, Guru Nanak, Sant Kabir, and many more and some of them are unfortunately least known to us as well. They are the angels, messengers and sufi saints, preachers and many good hearted souls. It is an endless list of those who are loved since their arrival in this world and their existence in our respective life have made us a better human being. Recently while watching a movie in which wolves were shown intelligent than us and made humans to surrender, killing them and saw themselves dieing one by one has made me to think that we human beings are weakest of all creatures in this universe. We can not run as fast as tigers do. We can not climb trees as monkey does. We do not have sharp teeth as lions have. We can not see as sharp as an eagle could. There are many short comings in us but what does made us to master this universe which other species could not. The reason is thinking ahead in future (Foresight), victory over fears, developed limbs and above all thinking about welfare of other people and always try to make this world more ideal and worth living for forthcoming generations. It has assisted us to live this life with team spirit and positive attitude. This is the reason for our strong hold in this world. This spirit has further lead us to think beyond life and about "Moksha".
The 'Moksha' as I have said before, leads us to merging with super soul-GOD and we all get free from the cycle of life i.e. birth and death after attaining the same. Generally it is believed after that these super human-beings become the self conscious therefore they live in super world- a world meant for all those who are ahead of us is like heaven. They live in that world with better means and resources. They would never come to earth as the purpose of their soul is accomplished.
The 'Moksha' as I have said before, leads us to merging with super soul-GOD and we all get free from the cycle of life i.e. birth and death after attaining the same. Generally it is believed after that these super human-beings become the self conscious therefore they live in super world- a world meant for all those who are ahead of us is like heaven. They live in that world with better means and resources. They would never come to earth as the purpose of their soul is accomplished.
Here I would like to mention that yes, that is true that they merge with super soul and become the part of bigger canvas but they come to earth again and again not for living their lives but to make our life better and worthy. They shape our future and give us opportunity to know our life with better understanding. This time they take birth as per the requirement of society and progress of people i.e. great scientist, Author, Inventor, Actor, Big Tycoon/Industrialist, Skill Developer, Painter, Investors, Educationists and so on. They work over the issues which we face in day to-day life and provide us the solutions to such problems besides providing relief and comforts to our life. Some of them I wish to mention are Chankaya, Chander Gupt Maurya, Mahatma Gandhi, Osho, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Shakespeare, Kali Dasa, Nightingale Florence, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Elvis, Michael Angelo, Abraham Lincoln, Confucius, Charaka, Shuruta, Tulsi Das, Major Dhyan Chand, other born talented personalities as we call them and many more. Some of them are existing now and doing lot of work for society as well. ( I am willfully not mentioning their names due to reasons understood to you as well) They have become the ideal of billions.Their lived life became the reason of smiling for millions. They work for the society and welfare of people. They lit the light in the darkness by charity, providing facilities for research, medical facilities, education, becoming part of great movies and other creative fields, arts, sports, skills. Their contribution for the better growth of the society. As they are the merging part of super soul therefore they could think and imagine beyond time. Their future sight seeing becomes the main tool of our life. Their karma becomes the reason for smiling of millions. We live a better life because of them. They provide employment, knowledge and information, comfortable articles to life. Their contribution in life make our dreams come true. Some of them just arrive and vanish w/o blinking the eye or recieving the thank call from the people.
Let's say thanks to them for making this world beautiful for us but one thing must be cleared in mind that "MOKSHA" is not an one time issue rather it is an regular process of progress. There is always a big responsibility lies with great power achieve through salvation. One must remember this while living the chosen life. A chosen life tests the human nature and temperament again and again and if one fails in living a worthy life while refraining from the weaknesses/evils of life i.e. greed, deceit, manipulations, anger, exploitation, and so on now one must remember then whatever opportunity is given becomes the reason of curse on journey path. It must be remembered that as the God himself is part and parcel of said life then the level of consciousness is much higher at this time so one can not excuse oneself to be a learner nor ask for mercy to forgive the committed sins. So dear soul, live this life happily as super human, successful, handsome, intelligent or may be as rich but do not forget there is no retreat for committed sins. So start coloring the life of people, fulfill your duties diligently, make this world a better place and play a role in the progress of mankind, forget self but do not forget the purpose of life because all other have come with assigned job but you have come with chosen goal. That will help you to update the process of salvation- 'MOKSHA" on each and every step on your journey path.
Remember if any one of us doing good for the mankind, universe then we do not need salvation rather need to update it by doing good deeds on regular basis. Never feel tired or disappointed, you have chosen this life.
Remember if any one of us doing good for the mankind, universe then we do not need salvation rather need to update it by doing good deeds on regular basis. Never feel tired or disappointed, you have chosen this life.
Best of Luck and blessings...
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
LIFE SKILLS : The Mantra of Good Life
* This post is related with LIFE SKILLS posts : SUCCESSFUL and HAPPY.. How? and The Mantra of Success ....
Dear friends, In this post I would like to share about keeping fit and young by using simple life techniques. These simple steps if taken on regular basis will help you maintain your body energy and living a good life. I will not say that you will look in 20's cause that is not possible but certainly you will look younger and enthusiast than your actual age.
1. Early to bed and early to rise. Do not allow yourself to get late for sleep. An ideal time for sleep is 8 & 1/2 hrs but you must get up by 6.30 in the morning so that by 7 AM you will be ready.
2. Good music gives good sleep so try some relaxing music at low volume while going for sleep.
3. Drink some warm water before sleeping.
4. Put some oil over the exposed body parts incl. of face, hands, elbows, feet.
5. Keep a 1 & 1/2 hr gap between the sleep and supper.
6. Wear light cloths/dress while sleeping. Always remove your socks before sleeping.
7. Start a day with some warm water. Apply warm wet towel on face/hands/neck/throat. brush your teeth for 2 min. while repeating the brushing 3 times in whole mouth. Remember gargling will not do much help if not followed by brushing.
8. Do not take any tea/coffee w/o a light buscuit/ slice of bread.
9. Listen some light music/ religious/motivated songs in low volume.
10. Take a walk for 40 min./4 kms/4 days a week or running/cycling for 20 min/2/4 kms/ 4 days a week followed by 20 min. complete exercise of whole body.
11. Sit for 15 min. in sun light while facing towards sun. This is the time when you may pray/ remember the good moments/plan your day.
12. Take a good bath. Do the dry massage then soap massage then oil massage and towel massage.
13. Have a fruit, wheat flacks, butter slice, milk, a piece of chocolate, poha, dalia, mix cooked vegetable.
14. After 2 & 1/2 hrs take a biscuit with coffee/tea or or a small tumbler butter milk.
15. 15 min. before lunch , take a bowl of fresh vegetables sprinkled with lime and little salt/pepper.
16. Some bread, curd, cooked vegetables, beans, rice in small quantity.Drink water with supper but before finishing. Take a sweet dish if like.Do not take water after food.Take some green tea after 15 min.
17. Take a small walk of one mile/15 min with easy steps.
18. Take a nap of 10 min.
19. After 2 hours take a juice/tea/coffee/ milk/ with some little snack/cake piece. Read news paper now.
20. In the evening go for salad/ dalia/ khichri/ dry chapati vegetable roll. Drink as much as water.
A. Listen good soothing music. Alcohol intake shall be limited and not more than twice in a week and that should not occur on continuing days. Smoking is strict no-no. Only allowed on 31 December at midnight.
B. Join yoga/gym/hobby club/sports/dance and do it for 3 days a week.
C. Teach your kids their lesson otherwise discuss moral values and family traditions/latest developments. Ask informations from them by becoming ignorant about their interest of knowledge.
D. Discuss day with your wife in nut-shell. Learning should always be shared. Know her routine as well.
E. If routine is broken, do not get disappointed, if lunch is heavy, go for light dinner and subsequently dinner is heavy go for light lunch prior to it. Do not change your breakfast. It should always be wholesome.
F. Walk as much as possible. Have a buddy who likes to walk with you.
G. Clean the bathroom self and wash small clothes i.e. hankies/under garments/ small towels/socks with hands. Polish your shoes, wash your vehicle, water your plants, Ironing, help your wife in house chores are equally good exercises.
H. Less use of remote and cordless, mobiles increase efficiency.
I. Use public transport as much as possible.
J. Do deep breathings on regular interval.
K. Use peels of vegetables and fruits as skin fresheners and polishers.
L. Take care of your wife-Love her, be friend with her, keep her active and motivated, both of you will be stress free and happy.
M. Live normal, Live today.
Best of luck and have a happy life.....
Dear friends, In this post I would like to share about keeping fit and young by using simple life techniques. These simple steps if taken on regular basis will help you maintain your body energy and living a good life. I will not say that you will look in 20's cause that is not possible but certainly you will look younger and enthusiast than your actual age.
1. Early to bed and early to rise. Do not allow yourself to get late for sleep. An ideal time for sleep is 8 & 1/2 hrs but you must get up by 6.30 in the morning so that by 7 AM you will be ready.
2. Good music gives good sleep so try some relaxing music at low volume while going for sleep.
3. Drink some warm water before sleeping.
4. Put some oil over the exposed body parts incl. of face, hands, elbows, feet.
5. Keep a 1 & 1/2 hr gap between the sleep and supper.
6. Wear light cloths/dress while sleeping. Always remove your socks before sleeping.
7. Start a day with some warm water. Apply warm wet towel on face/hands/neck/throat. brush your teeth for 2 min. while repeating the brushing 3 times in whole mouth. Remember gargling will not do much help if not followed by brushing.
8. Do not take any tea/coffee w/o a light buscuit/ slice of bread.
9. Listen some light music/ religious/motivated songs in low volume.
10. Take a walk for 40 min./4 kms/4 days a week or running/cycling for 20 min/2/4 kms/ 4 days a week followed by 20 min. complete exercise of whole body.
11. Sit for 15 min. in sun light while facing towards sun. This is the time when you may pray/ remember the good moments/plan your day.
12. Take a good bath. Do the dry massage then soap massage then oil massage and towel massage.
13. Have a fruit, wheat flacks, butter slice, milk, a piece of chocolate, poha, dalia, mix cooked vegetable.
14. After 2 & 1/2 hrs take a biscuit with coffee/tea or or a small tumbler butter milk.
15. 15 min. before lunch , take a bowl of fresh vegetables sprinkled with lime and little salt/pepper.
16. Some bread, curd, cooked vegetables, beans, rice in small quantity.Drink water with supper but before finishing. Take a sweet dish if like.Do not take water after food.Take some green tea after 15 min.
17. Take a small walk of one mile/15 min with easy steps.
18. Take a nap of 10 min.
19. After 2 hours take a juice/tea/coffee/ milk/ with some little snack/cake piece. Read news paper now.
20. In the evening go for salad/ dalia/ khichri/ dry chapati vegetable roll. Drink as much as water.
A. Listen good soothing music. Alcohol intake shall be limited and not more than twice in a week and that should not occur on continuing days. Smoking is strict no-no. Only allowed on 31 December at midnight.
B. Join yoga/gym/hobby club/sports/dance and do it for 3 days a week.
C. Teach your kids their lesson otherwise discuss moral values and family traditions/latest developments. Ask informations from them by becoming ignorant about their interest of knowledge.
D. Discuss day with your wife in nut-shell. Learning should always be shared. Know her routine as well.
E. If routine is broken, do not get disappointed, if lunch is heavy, go for light dinner and subsequently dinner is heavy go for light lunch prior to it. Do not change your breakfast. It should always be wholesome.
F. Walk as much as possible. Have a buddy who likes to walk with you.
G. Clean the bathroom self and wash small clothes i.e. hankies/under garments/ small towels/socks with hands. Polish your shoes, wash your vehicle, water your plants, Ironing, help your wife in house chores are equally good exercises.
H. Less use of remote and cordless, mobiles increase efficiency.
I. Use public transport as much as possible.
J. Do deep breathings on regular interval.
K. Use peels of vegetables and fruits as skin fresheners and polishers.
L. Take care of your wife-Love her, be friend with her, keep her active and motivated, both of you will be stress free and happy.
M. Live normal, Live today.
Best of luck and have a happy life.....
Monday, February 4, 2013
Play Hard or Go Home
Sometimes the
smoothness of life makes us what we were never dreamt of… A Coward. The new
changes make us feel scared and becomes the reason for risk taking abilities to go at bottom. We become
used to a useless life as we see people, who have courage to take what is dear
to them, are struggling harder and again on the beginning of what we call- a rat
race. The uncertainties make us weak and we think ourselves a wise and experienced
man who has seen the world w/o living it. Life becomes the routine and routine
thinking makes us lethargic and lazy. We feel at least if we are not going anywhere
wrong. The pleasure of stationary seems to be great and mark of intelligence. People
those are trying and making changes in life seem to be failures than us. Their hard
ship makes us feel successful and happy-ones. Changing of cars, replacing the
wrist watch and carrying an expensive pen or getting new dresses/shoes gives us
sheer happiness and make us what we were never in life- a defeated. The life does not want what we are looking at
that place. It shines and gets bright with us when we accept it with opened
hands. It gives sign that is why we get young, old and then die. I may look a young man of 20’s but cannot be when
I will be in 40’s. The energy of 20’s would always be missing so one should not
wait to enjoy one’s 20’s till one gets in 40’s. A moment in this life which is
in hand is worth than what we will have in future. Life will play its own game
of contradiction and possessiveness. We look for what we do not get and have
what we need the least. That is why a life never gets satisfied. A rich but
sick wants to jump for bungee jumping and an instructor wants to have many
assistants so that he can sit w/o doing the jump. That is why one should be enjoying
what one has and that is possible if one has a moving life in all directions. We live a good life at every moment w/o
noticing it. People who have limited means are happier if their life moves with
them on their briefing and instructions than those who live a lavish but stationary
life at one junction. It is rusting, it is hara-kiri. Know your wish and have an emotion not thought
to fulfil that. A thought will make you weak and broken but an emotion has power to transform your dream. A right choice is always risk-free. Give your consent, Play hard–NOW otherwise go home, be a coward and live a meaning less life.
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