Today I am sharing a story about a vision which I
had it in year 2006. The vision took me to another level of awakening and
guided me to understand myself better and further made me understood that “IT
There is a lot of confusion about a single entity
called God.
There are many saying, many believing and many disbelieving and a deep
silence when we discuss about him. For many he was always here much before the
time started by big bang. Actually the galaxies are his toys which he keeps
them in one basket and sometimes throws one of them outside of basket and then
again put it back in the basket. What is truth? No one knows except him
according to some people who believe that he exists. The others are trying to
get answer through their limited knowledge.
are many instances when those who, have faith, have felt his presence. Many
told and untold stories are around in those the logical approach of human mind
which has almost crashed non-believer to death.
Miracle is one such platform where we have failed in knowing whether it
is a co-incident, planned event or an unknown favorable consequent. Those who
believe him have a concrete like faith on stable ground have no hesitation in
understanding these events as Miracle.
my blog post
, I have shared about a vision by which I have received a message about how one
should live his/her life, this may be illusion for many but for me it is true
picture of life guided by none other than my creator. The purpose of sharing it
was not to enforce certain code of conduct but to follow the life with true
friends, I would like to share another incident which was a dream of dream in
reality because that time I had this vision, I was somehow in semi stage of consciousness
with sleeping with alert subconscious which was ruling over me. An alert
subconscious is something when you see and feel the world w/o involving self in
it. You receive some source energy like a signal from your creator- the super
soul w/o letting other know about source and its vision.
In 2006 something
like this happened with me in November- December month when I was on my job and
present in the field-duty in c/w some assignment in New Delhi area. As there was
still some waiting for job to commence, I went to my vehicle and I sat inside just
to relax there. Suddenly I had a feeling that the things around me going far
and the view was getting broaden and open. The roads were going down as I was
feeling light and above ground. The green trees could be visible under the feet, the picture had
become clear and I could see the sky which was off white completely further I
saw two sun images as a pair which were six
inch distance from each other with positive radiance w/o disturbing my eyes.
The radiance which was exalting from them was giving a shape of two chakras.
The radiance was bright but soothing as I was able to see at them without blinking
or feeling irritation in my eyes. I was
surprised and looking at them with feeling astonished. It happened for some
time as I do not remember how long I felt that way thereafter both the suns started
slowly merging in each other and I would able to see a bright chakra. The view started
regaining its shape and again I could see roof of trees then road and all the things started showing
their presence as I could hear all the voices from moving vehicles which were
passing from there. I came back to me and feeling surprised and little bit of confusion. I immediately came out of my vehicle
and narrated the incident with my supervisor. She had a different view about
this vision and felt that due to tiredness or weakness I had this experience
and I needed some rest. (I think she might have thought it to be a neuropsychiatric problem which has never repeated with me till now) I knew that I did not feel tired while having this vision.
I could have understood its meaning and reason. I knew that it was a message
from God. I did not discuss it further. After some time I was back on my
scheduled assignment.
did not discuss this with this any one and kept its memory with me.
Now I feel
that I shall share this with you all as I believe in sharing divine experiences
which are part of God’s telling and commutating message with us. Visions,
Divine experiences, Miracles are a language to show path to us. As I had a
strong feeling that I should scattered some crushed biscuits around ant-holes
before monsoon and I did that.
Listen to unspoken … you may hear the divine language!!
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