Friday, September 21, 2018

Is Lord Krishna an atheist?

                                          Is Lord Krishna an atheist?

ईश्वर: परम: कृष्ण: सच्चिदानंद विग्रह: ।
अनादिरादिर्गोविंद: सर्वकारणकारणम् ।।

ishvarah paramah krishnah
anadir adir govindaha

Krisna is called as Govinda, the one who is Supreme God, has an eternal blissful spiritual being. He has no other origin but is origin of everything  is the prime cause of all causes and actions. - Brahm Sanhita

It is really seem to be weird thinking that Lord Krishna - the greatest yogi with all godly qualities from Dwapar yuga could be an atheist but somehow this question just come up in my mind and then started mingling with my thoughts. How can someone who himself is worshipped by many people across the global, whose thoughts have generated the greatest book of all time, ‘ Sri Mad Bhagvat Geeta’ would be thought as an atheist. Is it not a surprise for all of us? However truth is truth, despite its opposition and conflict with human mind. Let us start with this subject.

 First of all we should understand that who is an atheist? In general meaning, anyone who does not believe in god is an atheist. Who so ever refuse to accept the entity of god and feels that there is no god then he would be termed as atheist.

One of major religion of India which has come into existence from Sanatan dharma defined its theory around humans. The humans who would have shaped the human lives around basic principles of human qualities while controlling the desires and greed, encourages kindness towards all other beings and based on forgiveness are some of the basic facts of this theory. It is defined that anyone who has attained these qualities can be termed as sage and ultimately liberate through attaining nirvana/ moksha. It does not talk about god or any other divine power rather believes that the chaos in the world has occurred due to absent of god otherwise if god exists then there would not be any chaos. It further says that it is prime duty of all being to understand that the life itself is a curse and the liberation is the solution to end grief and pain of soul.

There is another religion which has also come up from Sanatan dharma that also defines about the liberation of soul through choosing middle path of life as it elaborates that the extremities kill the purpose of life. Live normal is the basic theory of life and one could get nirvana through living normal as it would attract to less or no evils in life.

As I have explained before in my previous sessions that  the religion has been mistook by the followers as it is character based principles and the purpose of religion is to bring rightful conduct among its followers. It is like a software to run human life and society and whenever the software becomes obsolete or not able to cope up with the changing principles of life then a new software ie. Updated religion appears before us which is  like another advance updated version of software to run human life and society. The best software can be that which could easily absorb the updated versions as well as not rigid to its limitations. In that manner I have analyzed that Sanatan Dharma or Hindu dharma has that qualities of accepting facts without guilt and allows everyone to follow and discover his own way to explore and understand God. That is why it is more of receptive way of living life then following any particular path. The broaden vision has also helped in understanding various dimensions of God. That is why whether you are an idol worshipper or nature worshipper or believes in any other form or formless God, you are Hindu. Even disbelieving is accepted as you may see God in innerself or in some other else. That defines God in best possible manner.

 When Arjuna was standing at battle field and that moment of life he sudden had confusion in mind whether to fight or denounce this world and go into sanyasa as he was seeing his own relatives, brother and family members fighting each other over the kingdom which had to left here after even winning as death is the ultimate truth. He dropped his weapons and came up with many queries. Lord Krishna here came up as not only his advisor but savior of society, explained and removed all his doubts and brought him out of dilemma. At that moment whatever he had said that preaching had been become the greatest saying and no book could ever explain better than that about karma. Whatever Lord Krishna had said that can be truly read in the book- Srimad Bhagwat Geeta.

According to great Sage Sri Vivekananda, he had mentioned one sloka which could give the inner throught of entire book.
क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः पार्थ नैतत्त्वय्युपपद्यते क्षुद्रं हृदयदौर्बल्यं त्यक्त्वोत्तिष्ठ परंतप॥
klaibhyaṁ mā sma gamaḥ pārtha naitattvayyupapadyate, kṣudraṁ hṛdayadaurbalyaṁ tyaktvottiṣṭha paraṁtapa.
O Parth {Arjuna’s name fondly used by Lord Krishna also has a meaning- The Sharp Shooter/ Son of Prutha (Kunti)} The dilemma at Dharma Yudh does not suit a warrior. Eliminate your weaknesses and arise from within inner strength and destroy your enemies like an ash.

 Despite knowing and understanding that when Arjuna still had doubt then Krishna showed his virat rupah wherein the life was shown like an endless stream and thus removed his doubts about thoughts of committing any sin while fighting the Dharma yudh with Kurus.
To further elaborate, at one time Lord Krishna pronounced and revealed that he is Parameshwar- God while expressing different shapes of life. Then he further pronounced that now Arjuna should not doubt and must rise with weapons in hand as a karma yogi. That explanation made him to stand and fight as a warrior and became victor in the Dharma yudh.

Now the question arises that when Lord Krishna has revealed himself as God then how could he be an atheist as he pronounced and revealed himself as  God. To understand that we need to understand a little further about Shiv- the almighty.

In my previous sessions I have defined that Shiv is a true reflection of everything which is visible or invisible. He can be experienced through senses or existed without even understanding. He is a dark energy in darkness or a light in illuminated zone. He is beyond all known or unknown energy, metal, substance or space. He is one who is or one who is not. The mere possibility of question comes to an end as he is beyond logics or illogics of understanding. Shiv is a super soul and our destination and destiny of life and so either we are travelling towards him for merging in or he is reaching to us for making us realized by merging. Whatever it be but one thing is certain that it is voyage between self to super self through awakening of consciousness. The human in us motivate soul to get complete by finding truth beyond soul as the bliss in knowing self is beyond limitations and dimensions. The search remains continued till quest/purpose of soul is achieved. Once you would know and understand him then you would not look for anything. After understanding this now you would come to know that whatever is outside, the same is situated in you. Shiv exists in you before that realization. The least visited place in universe is inner self and there Shiv is present. That makes you to know that I am the truth, consciousness and bliss [Sat Chit Anand]. Now you would not try to look him anywhere because he is omnipresent and omni-existent. You worship self and know that whatever you do is not going to affect Shiv in any sense it is affecting you and your surroundings. Your sins, your words, your thoughts, your actions are with you always and they create an environment, surrounding and aura for you. You do well, feel good and remain happy, you do bad, feel worst and die in pain. This concept seems simple and straight but not everyone is able to achieve that. It is easier to say then do in action. People get affected by other views and observation that make an impact over the karma. A few who are truly karma-yogis are able to achieve that and none could doubt that lord Krishna is a true karmayogi however Arjuna was not like that, he was like most of us, filled with conflicts, confrontation, and many ifs and but therefore even Lord Krishna was not able to convince him completely and finding no other option he revealed himself to him. Whatever he has revealed is seeing god in self. However it is not possible for us to show to other that Godly presence. Being a true yogi and booned by Bhagwan Shiv, he revealed what he or every one of us is, the true form of almighty Shiv. After seeing it Arjuna followed the directions to perform karma with being detached or attached.  This is possible only when you start your journey being an atheist. Krishna had a difficult childhood and at every step he was being attacked and saving himself by lot of efforts. It makes one yogi and making him believe in self. Believe in self, understanding God in self is Shiv worshipping. You connect yourself with Shiv and become karma yogi, neither attached nor detached.

Therefore my message to all who feel themelves an athiest shall understand that somewhere they are near to Shiv and following the route track for reaching Shiv.

I would further like to tell that Lord Krishna’s Guru Sandeepan and Upmanyu were devotees of Shiv and their impact on Krishana is seen from the beginning. Even the Krishana worshipped to Shiv to grant him a good son and that resulted into the birth of Pradhuman from Rukmani. Therefore I may conclude that Krishna is devoted to Shiv in full forms. His actions, his thoughts are true example of Shiv’s presence in his life. That is why he is being known as greatest devotee to Bhagwan Shiv and could discover Shiv in self.

Aum Krishanay Nameh..

Aum Nameh Shivay...

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