Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Maverick -The Pathbreaker Hippie

Maverick -The Pathbreaker Hippie

I am not designed to be a routine man, 9 to 5 hook up, switch on-off one, plush house owner, ultra expensive car, branded wears, taking you to multi complex  shopping, dining in heavy furnishings restaurant,  heavy duty saloon maintenance type...

I am shaped to be an adventurous schedule sticker, breaking all norms and conditions, taking you for a cup of tea at road side vender, invite you for a long walk in a silent alley, 2 am listener, advising to be remain yourself in all aspects, make you laugh,  preparing you to fight against odd challenges, getting you join some yoga classes, suggesting you to become a candle in someone's darkness, brain wash you to fulfill your unrealistic dreams, guiding to be a guilt free risker human, Assist you to know your potentials and pursue your hobby, experimenting your half cooked food over me, Encourage you to help the weaker and deprived, and above all motivate you to get rise again and again in love with self .

So I offer you both - Red Pill & Blue Pill.

Choose your intake.

One for going back to sleep again and  you  would never remember that  we had met before and other for taking  you on infinite journey and #AKS promises your life would absolutely never be same again in  all circumstances and for record both are placebos and what matters is the choice you have made...



Monday, April 1, 2019

The Cry of Bleeding Heart

I wish I would have
opened my heart
to you all


no one could reach
to me through words.

My life's days have
remained hide in
my heart.

The burning wishes
in me,
the flaming fire of
hope  and love
could ignite the 
sparkles of happiness
in sky.

The chaos, desperation
and indecisive surroundings chained me
from fears
and failures.

The manipulations,
conspiracies and
hatred tried bringing
me down.

I survived through
the strome of faith.
How far I have
reached in this
dilemma of self-journey.

Now "aks" I wish
I would have
opened my heart
to you all but
I know no one could
understand me through words.


Courage - The Essence of Life

“If I have to move forward and achieve ultimate goal of attaining salvation then…


…I have to accept myself as a fighter against circumstances and would not attempt to be role changer in anyone's life but I;


…I have to understand that my life partner has not come with obligation in my life to accept me with mistakes and I will complete only when I know how much important he/she carries and plays in shaping my destiny; 


…I must thankful to my forefathers who have contributed  enough  dust in my creation and that is why I am breathing this life today healthily . I accept them as they lived their lives, handled past failures and remained motivated to unfulfilled desires, done best to resolve their problems within the blessed consciousness; 


…I have to accept my parents had limited resources and free them from the feeling that they had not provided me all those opportunities which others were getting at that time;


 …I need to accept that my children have their own dreams and destiny and their free will would bring liberation to them and that is the real essence to them and pride to me; 


  …If I am able to learn one or two thing from their illustrious lives then I may be pure as dew and true to self as nectar. I owe my existence and wisdom to them, and accept my duties and liabilities as consequence to my actions. 


Now I shall accept the ephemeral nature of responsibilities and understand the greater meaning of life without any expectation.


... I would write my history myself as I know that I have lived a life that is transparent to me and made me understood that who is me and why I have lived it like this and cannot be intended  to  explain  to anyone else.


Yes I am feeling free from self doubts, self-imposed restrictions and physical visible matters and aspects. I am now a concept to break certain superstitious norms and sick rules of society and above all “AKS” is not what they see or feel me. I am beyond this; I am infinite source of energy flowing charged and vibrant through various sources of creation existing since unknown yuga.   


The reality is I, Me and Myself merged in SHIVA- The Infinite Energy.

-Arun Sharma