Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Dice of Shiv

The Dice of Shiv

"Jako Prabhu darun dukh dehi, 
Taki mati pahle har lehi,"
"Jako vidhi Puran sukh dehi,
Taki mati nirmal kar dehi."
 -Ram Charit Manas by Sage Tulsidas

Brahm plays amusingly with us,
Whenever unfortunate incidents approach one, even the wiser thinks adverse about positive changes and deprives of luck and good fate, and 'aks' when good is going to happen in one's life, the intention and acts become pious and goal oriented so to understand the truth in life one may not remain depend on knowledge but whole heartedly also on the grace of "Shiv".
-Arun Rise Sharma

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