What is aks- Arun's Reflection: an image in mirror/water is aks but I know it is my body but not me. I stay with stillness of soul not with the time seen in age & appearance of body. This blog is my understanding learnt in various bodies & places in different time zones and circumstances. Whatever I know is not new but just a repeat thought flashing in me. This is grace of Shiv. He has connected all the points & draw this beautiful picture. ALL COPY RIGHTS RESERVED with Author
Friday, August 31, 2012
YOU and Friends
You who have faith in your ability will not feel tired until you achieve
the target. The means/ resources may feel vacuum while doing so but the WILL shall
never feel empty. The biggest asset of your life is the EFFORT you have made
for the desired result.
Many times the negative forces would make grape wine and discuss among them about your slow progress or laziness. They would say the running behind the impossible things is foolishness. They would add comments about your impractical theory of life and your unachieved success as a matter of joke. There are many temporary problems be raised by them to divert your attention. They would also give you so called sincere advices and suggestion based on flimsy ground of practical ground to prove their life theory. It would seems to be hard hitting facts but you have to trust your own instincts as believing them would take you to vulnerable state so you have to keep your attention towards the thing which has become your passion for life. Your acquired knowledge through your action will assist in knowing what people could not understand through mere saying or doing things half-heartedly.
On the contrary the friends ( plz. See who is friend in a separate topic
on this blog) would always rely upon your ability and strength as they have
understood you. One would never be left lonely by his friends. The friends will
always bring new charm of learning’s to you by sharing their heart with you and
you do the same with them. They will make you understand about the unseen
phases of life w/o mocking your lack of experience or knowledge. They would be
at your side when you are happy or sad, broken or strong, alone or lonely. They
would make you feel bliss in their respective life. They would never come to
you for knowing about your failures but visit you to share the happiness of
success- your success, their success. They would act positively to build your faith
over your wish and hope for victory. They would be your best strength in the
war of fate. They would not only support you but rather stand for you when you
are fighting the wars of challenges with others and yourself.
I wish we all shall get like this! I wish we all shall be like this. The friendship begins at heart- from inner self. The words are only the impressions. They need to be expressed a few times but act always. Remember you may be ‘alone’ but not ‘lonely’.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Thank You GOD - 2
24 July 2012, while I was on my tight working schedule, I was checking an Under Trial Prisoner
admitted to hospital from jail told me with sarcastic and negligent tone that "GOD
DOES NOT EXIST" this is what I have heard from someone charged with
homicide on hospital bed with one imputed leg in pain.... Thinking it.....
question about the existence of god is raised several times by the human beings
on various occasions. Whether we are happy or sad, weak or strong, feared or
brave, lonely or in company. Sometimes it shows the mind-set with broken state
and sometimes with proud. The person in front of me was showing one of his emotions.
I asked him what had brought him to this hospital. He replied that he was a street
vendor/ auto mechanic, had his make shift repair shop on the one corner of a footpath
situated on a busy road. There was another person who was a rickshaw puller
also sleeps near to him on that footpath. One morning he was found murdered on
that place. The police conducted investigation and as per investigation and on
account of an eye witness and corroboration by other witnesses, he was found to
be involved in that murder. He was arrested and charge sheet for this offense.
The case is under trial and he is lodged to jail as per procedure. He claims
that he was innocent but police arrested him. He has right to claim his case
for trial which is pending. He further informed that while he was in jail, he
once had pain in his right leg which he was ignoring him for long time due to
his personal commitment. He requested for medical examination and authorities
referred him to hospital. During the detailed medical examination and further
tests confirmed him the patient of cancer. It was prolonging for long time so
to remove the tumor and its ill-effect, the surgeons had no other option than imputing
his leg below the knee. He is feeling better now but why he is in jail and facing
murder trial, why he has cancer and why his leg had been imputed, these
questions have arisen him to doubt over the existence of god. When first time
he reacted in this manner, I just ignored his doubt. While moving away from
him, I just said that god is everywhere, all the time for everyone. It was self-talking
so I felt uneasiness and started thinking about his doubt. For responding his
query about the shaken faith, I need to reply. I know that god loves us but
detests none and whoever calls him with faith and surrender, he quickly responds
affirmative. I asked him whether he had ever suspected that he is suffering
from the dreaded cancer, whether he was able to get the quick medical response
for his treatment, whether he could able to survive to this date of today if he
would not been reached to this medic center through jail/ police authorities. What
is more important to him- life or leg!! The authorities have become reason for
his survival. The way/path for getting the help to overcome this ordeal was
different and related with his “Prarabha”- the past karma’s. As the case is under
trial so the fate of judgment cannot be commented but what he has today is
more important than what would happen in future. God has not permitted us to
predict the future in exact tone otherwise we would have been blessed with this
‘Divya Drishti’- Divine Sight as well. Whatever one has in hands is the present
and he should devote himself to shaping of his today’s deeds, the tomorrow will
automatically shape up in bright colors. He nodded and agreed with my words. I
could feel his gratitude feelings. He was now calm and at peace. I was happy to see him as I have accomplished one
of my purpose of living this day. Thank you god for being with me, always!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
In August 2012, while coming back on my bike from Gurgaon after my exam I had met with a road accident. I was hit by a SUV while it tried to overtake me. I handled the first impact but on second impact the bike got jumped and reached beyond control. I was lying vulnerable on road & got few severe injuries and my right hand got fractured too. I was taken to hospital and got first-aid. Later on I switched to other hospital and got operated on my hand. I remained more than 3 hours in the operation theater/ hospital. The initial time under treatment was painful as my wrist which had multiple fractures was having unbearable pain. Besides this I have a wound near to my elbow and that was bleeding and sending pain waves to my body.
During this period I have got time to analyze about the life and its relation with pain. The pain which is part and parcel of life makes a significant impact over the mental status of one. It can make one negative and solid critic of life and surroundings. It could transform one in solid devotee and surrendered one. The choice is individual and varies from person to person. One can blame and try to punish the other or self in uncontrolled circumstance. I have also learnt few things in this transition period. I realise that pain has no price. The bearing can not be calculated in monetary/ material terms. One can not charge the price of pain occurred. The true price of pain is to forgive and forget otherwise the bearings will have unending disappointment resulted into self-punishment. I have further learnt that these are lessons of life to make one understand about the role of others in one's life. God does the same with long term motive to get you merged with him. I thank god for making me understand the pain of broken bone now I know how big the pain of a mother while delivering the child. They bear the pain to get us a better children and creator of our future. People learn lot of things and act many times in selfless manner. This could happen only when if one may understand one's role as a human-being. One who empathises and feels the pain of other is a true human being. It is humans greatest asset. Many sages and saints have left their comforts just to understand this simple principle of life. The life was never the same for them. Whatever they have understood is shown in their theory of life and its relation with soul & god. Thy the one, who is in pain if understand the pain of other one, will have to bear the less pain in the course of life caused to thy in circumstances. It further explain the importance of life cycle and its consequences arising from the true feeling of reality. There are many things which one look through out the life are usually found in abundance if understand the emotion. The pain can deliver which happiness is still searching. One can speak the unspoken language in all dialect w/o even knowing the language. The response to all questions posed is as clear as crystal because the tears are answers to your all emotions that is why a child is the most true picture of truth and god. The child reflects an emotion which is nearer to river of joys and delights. One can respond to god if one keeps the inner child alive. That is the most shortest way to him. In this period when I was hurt I had cried like a baby so I am happy like a baby. During my life as I have opted many experiences, I have chosen pain as well for my life long learning experience.
Remember once I have said that the world is a big party hall, enjoy the ambience's and surroundings.The experience is related with this chosen dish by me at the beginning of life. This pain has brought me to remind about true essence of life gifted by my creator. Now I have understood that the gravity of pain is not depend over the intake of sorrow but on the absorption by strength. I know the pain caused to me is taking me to another level of comfort and salvation where it ( Pain) leads me to inner self. This is the time when I would be in the blessing phase of voyage - a journey in which I have performed an inner journey in the company of myself. The feeling of crying heart and sorrow will create and transform the sweat and tears which are the nectar drops generated through grinding of pain. It makes one to analyze one's life in that moment. The feeling of loneliness becomes an asset and ultimately takes to upper stage of being alone- the gift of creator.
Now the life understand a new meaning to self. It realises one to know that when we are happy, we celebrate with others. When we are sad, we enjoy with ourselves. Now it comes as great gift to us- Alone fills, lonely kills. Here the story of life takes a new turn. There is always a ray- RAY OF HOPE. Any story which might be having any end or conclusion but never calls sad and sorrowful unless, until if it is ending w/o hope. Always remember the sad part of story is end of story with out hope. Now the whole negativity transform in a zone of positive aura and radiance. One cannot fight with one's heart, cos if one does so, one will destroy everything even oneself- completely. The truth transpires its involvement and one despite recognising the temporary defeat still opts for truth and when one loses, one would not get surprise with pain nor with remorse. He now knows that this universe has different emotions ruled by variety of people and some people would act like crab, he decides what he wants to be, one of them or some one else. This becomes the theory of life for true human beings. He knows that he is no more remained as sleeping man. He can not stay at the bank and has to flow with flow as his heart says that people who remain mute spectators despite knowing the truth are bigger enemy than who rejoice.
The journey of wisdom towards salvation commences with neutrality of emotions. One can laugh with pain as one can be happy with tears. The journey is guided by the god and let other guess, I know where I will end.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
SONG OF THE SOUL- श्रीमद भगवद गीता ( Srimad Bhagavad Gita)
"When I read the
'Bhagvad Geeta' and reflect about how God created this universe everything else
seems so superfluous" - Albert Einstein, the German born American
On 2/8/2012, while coming
back after the exam I had an accident. I got few severe injuries and my right
hand got fractured too. The initial time under treatment was painful as my
wrist which had multiple fractures was having unbearable pain. Besides this I
have a wound near to my elbow and that was sending pain waves to my body. I am
thankful to my wife Reena and my sons for taking care of me. I am thankful to
my sister and her family for standing by us. I am thankful to my family friends
for helping and supporting us in the hour of need. I am thankful to Doctors,
Nursing staff and para medics for my treatment. I am thankful to all friends
who when come to know about it have either visited or conveyed their best
wishes for my recovery. I am thankful to my superiors who have allowed me to
avail rest as I am not able to work/drive with my hands. Thank you friends for
your kind gesture and humane approach.
During this break when I
am on medical rest, I have got some time to think about religion, character,
karma's, fear, pain and soul. These all emotions relate me to know things about
their connection with one self. The 'GEETA' reminds me about them. The first
time I came to know about it when I was in Bosnia and tried to know few things
about it. I was impressed by the flow of human emotions through this holy book
so I took some literature and studied. This book is like a "SONG OF
SOUL". It clarifies what is written and what is not written but part and
parcel of this holy book. It defines soul, nirvana and god. It is not a book of
any religion, sect, group or people. It is a encryption of human beings. It is
logical in all era and brings texture to live life.
Dear friends, whatever I
have understood from this longest poem of universe narrated by Sage Ved Vyas,
written by Lord Ganesha, am sharing with you. I further request you to read the
holy book if you get time and wish. May be what I have missed, I may know
through you.
cannot be among happy if doubts himself.
Annoyance creates frustration. The brain leaves one in frustration. The
destruction is not far if brain leaves.
What I know is my understanding and learning. How I do & behave is related
with my knowledge.
· I
am in hurry and only learning and knowledge can give me peace.
We live in all time whether in this body or other one, the soul has commanded
us all time.
Keeping hungry or eating like buffalo will not lead us to inner peace but
living normal is the right way to attain it.
· God
in heart lead us to process of merging our soul with super soul.
The soul who knows & understands self has understood everything.
Do not worry the fakes do not exist.
No one is escaped from karma & no one can.
It is better to learn and
understand than to work as machine or data feeding. It is always better to have
skill than to work in ordinary manner. It is best if you have intensive grip to
skill to have desired results because that would lead you to mind and body
co-ordination even doing half sleeping.
Never leave the company of hope. It is bridge between soul and body.
No work is smaller than a thought.
Nirvana brings control of fear, recognition of duties & responsibilities
and power of self with enlightenment lead by feeling of inner joys resulted
into peace of mind connected with none other than god.
· Keeping mind open leads to skill and intelligence.
The presence of god is felt everywhere & all time.
Neutrality of mind leads to self-soul and super soul.
The understanding and doing shall be same from all views.
· I
do not have control over the smell of breathing air, I do not have control over
the taste of planted fruit, I do not have control over the walking path but
what I have is control over the breathing space, planting right tree and on my
pace so let me think and meditate on what I can do.
The mind is best friend when under control and worst enemy when out of control.
Only true learning and understanding can remove doubts from mind.
Doubts makes one sad and uncertain.
· No one is waste, no
one can be, just awake and rise, the world is waiting for you.
Bear the pain and happiness of knowing self.
Desire of impossible, fear from unknown and anger with self leads one to chaos
and confusion.
Even a piece of straw dedicated with gratitude and faith is precious than the
empire of universe.
· A
heart which is incapable of hating is heart of gold.
Those who dishonour become the slaves of them by thoughts and deeds.
There is no night in the life of wise.
We are sad and happy like seasons.
· I
offer I, me and myself to you.
· There is no pain beyond pain.
· Nothing rides mind at peace.
The circumstances - love them or hate them, they would always be here. Live
them only than they would pass.
· A strong rope is nothing but the knitting of weak
· The steady action makes one forgets the reaction/result.
Everything is precious for awaken man.
Let’s take a bath, it is time to change everything.
Wisdom removes doubts and superstitions.
The self-less service to society leads to better progress of soul.
· Seeing glass filled with half water is day to-day
· A
restless mind recognises god only when it at peace.
Deeds are the by-product of thoughts and emotions.
The emotions exist all the time only thinkers are changed.
Actions are signs of alive man.
The choice is a gift of god to human beings.
Know you job better than explaining many’s job.
· A
birth can be postponed but death can never.
An action to soul is like a radiance of sun to sky.
Stand up not because you like but because it is your basic behaviour.
· The master and
disciple are symbols of learning, understanding and knowledge.
· The
half knowledge is enemy to full learning.
The “KARMA YOGI” is known by his control over the
madness arises from the intense flow of desire and anger.
A man with simple emotions....... can speak with
god directly.
Be happy the way life takes shape because it is all
decided n destined. Be a happy traveller.
Forgiveness is the quality of braves.
Action is an open secret of success.
*The inserted image
is symbolic & taken from free google search and the author has no rights to
distribute it.
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