Saturday, September 15, 2012



The beauty of life is influenced by easy meaning of day-to-day happenings. These happening shape us and bring best hidden inside us. Life is a simple game of hide and seeks. The more is adventure if we explore ample.  The choices may be limited but conclusions are great. The emptiness in life leads to idleness. Keep life full of adventure and risks taking, may we experience what other might have not known for ages.

Anyone is recognized by his act and influence over the society. The name may vary and person can have different identity but their thoughts and mind-set make an impact over the future generations. If we do not cry over the sorrow of others then no one would empathize with us when we would be trading our places with them. 

There shall not be any hesitation in telling what our heart feels and why. May be at initial stage we remain in isolation, rudeness and closed heart ones. Sooner when the things would be opened and cleared, we may not remain lonely and isolated. Rather it would be great to know that we never were!! This is called following the heart and heart follows those who are brave enough to listen it. A self-voice tells about our mold of emotions and thoughts. They make us what we would like to be. There must be unity between them. It is unity between heart and mind, self and alter-ego.  Egoists and self- destructives know and understand a design to create a division between them. They have their choice of following their senses- immune to other human-beings. They do not have ‘cruelty’ word in their dictionary so they do not use this word to explain about their directions- a routine work for them but all other know what they are doing.  We must not get our soul hurtled in this battle. The soul has to travel on the long path of destiny and a wounded soul will not able to do justice with our emotions.

An emotion never gets repeat itself. It is always a new feeling like individual’s destiny. We do share our food, shelter, cloth but not the destiny path nor the ‘manzil’. The soul which identifies itself does flow according to its wishes w/o compromising with truth of life. Let that truth runs the soul w/o questioning the uncertainties of life. The truth never feels tired due to continuity of walk and interest in quest. It transforms itself when death of body occurs but never leaves the search. Such an addiction in knowing self.

We should always understand no two lives are similar to themselves. The birth is as certain as death is. There is not much distance between them. They are the parts of a process for designing and making use of us for the benefit of soul. Every product manufactured in the unit would not be termed as perfect, some will be treated as seconds and some would be treated as waste disposal for re-cycling. This has happened neither because of machine nor man rather due to resistance offered by the product while in manufacturing. This resistance is the derivate from the unknown fear of transformation. It is occurred due to non-understanding of destiny and path. The product which qualifies the test of endurance move on to its destiny-path and become a traveller. They reach to their destiny and rest is the history for us.  The rests are again relocated and begin their search after emerging as perfect. The worker/ the machine/ the unit do not leave any one imperfect or half manufactured. These lessons of life are visible in all walks of human-beings. We cannot and shall not ignore them.

The meaning of life is not to collect the arte-facts rather to know making of them and gift them to our friends. That is sign of learning the skill. These skills will remain with us whether we remain in this body or other. This learning prepares us for onward journey and unseen obstacles. We should remember that we shall not waste our time around catching such calculated obstacles. These are the designs of devil to keep busy you with little challenges of life. These short successes are for the satisfaction of adrenalin not the supper of soul. Avoid them if possible. This is true we may handle them, overcome them but they are energy suckers and divert our attention from the real objectives of life. The actual tests begin much after these routine tests. They occur when you are on top of the world. You taste the real adrenalin. You would be running nor walking. The running would be your pace for walking smoothly. Keep your step in control; there might be an uneven spot. You would not able to blame the road nor should you. This unevenness is the part and parcel of destiny-path. The injuries are the proof of your risk-takings, courage and dare to walk for the unknown but your love- the most precious gift of god to you gifted at the time of beginning of path shall always be intact. It would make it realise that you keep things with affection and give due importance.

We all have a single beginning but different phases. When we start our life, we are the most fragile creation but the walk makes us strong and worth living. This walk is extract of all lessons of soul. This path will be unify in the god where we would meet everyone, whether friends or foes, relatives or enemies, Self and others. It would be feeling of togetherness. Till that time we shall wait and let them wait too.

Let this be the source of my motivation for the walk….

Let this be the gift of god to me….

Let this be known to all my friends…..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is an interesting blog. I enjoyed reading it.