Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Relation between LIfe, Religion and God

Which is the ancient religion? Why we have many religions? Which religion is complete in all senses?

Recently in a discussion, I was asked about the ancient religion and other relevant questions as mentioned above. As I have stated before that all religions have a single foundation that is character and its building on certain principles of life.  A strong character is as nearer to god as a newly born still connected with his mother’s navel nearer to her. A correct character leads a man even in darkness of ages. 

When the human first time learn the taste of sharing his best fruit with others, he learnt the first quality of a character. Giving is magic of life. It shows a trust in self as well as in unseen power which controls our all emotions through setting a design of life for us.  Religion is like software for me for running the mind in right direction through building of character and integrity. It happens vice versa as well. That is why a character leads to rightful path of religion. It is a good question that which religion is an ancient religion. I understand the question and its purpose and for me finding the answer is not difficult too. 

Dear friends, the answer which I am sharing with you must be known to you much before I have spoken. The VEDIC DHARMA is the ancient religion which occurred much before us. Here I am referring to sacred books prescribing human values and significance of positive discipline while maintaining relations with other human beings in the interest and development of society through true path of character. The VEDA are sacred books which explain about the conduct and behavior of human beings while dealing and acting with others including of family, friends, society and other aspects of life.  It is the base of all religions as it is founded on basic characteristics of life- the qualities of human-being. By calling it VEDIC DHARMA, I mean the guidelines mentioned in sacred books mentioning about qualities of a human being required for living rightfully in society. A man is a social animal and it has never believed in living alone. Even if we look at many animals, we will find they also live in group and up bring their future generations with love and affection. Some of the animals even go for hunting together with specific strategy. Living in society and group requires a feeling of giving and sacrifice for the well-beings of others. The society goes with this basic principle. I was wondering yesterday about the first party hosted by early man. It must be an effort of many days. I mean collecting food i.e. flesh, fruits, water from various sources and keeping control over the instinct of grabbing and then calling every one for having it. It was showing his trust in himself as well as in his creator. He must have believed that he was able to do it again (getting food and drinks) for him and others. This aspect must have awakened the feeling of giving and sharing. It was not a simple giving rather developing of an emotion/ thought which had changed our life forever. 

People must have felt that there ought to be a code of conduct for people who live in society so that their character can be developed for the welfare of civilization and forth coming generations. Some basic principles must be written in ancient language as guidelines. Those guidelines had been taught and were learnt by our ancestors in order to achieve the progress of mankind. These guidelines have become part of our life and cultivated in our character as basic necessity. Slowly with the passage of time these had become important for attaining self as one who was ideal to society had become the perfect human/ angel/ messenger/ avatar / god. Everyone was trying to know their life and learning from them but as we know the world has its ins-out. The things always get improved and easy for understanding life. An ancient language which has the code of conduct written in it was not able to read by all and therefore some people must have started interpreting it to the people. Here they started having the feelings- a feeling of bigger and self-interest involves too. Whatever is written in the book have new faces of meanings as per interpretation given by scholar/ teachers/ preachers.  The things were getting messy as well and the basic purpose of building a character started damaging. The Vedic language was less known in comparison to yesterday's years, some were interpreting according to their wish that is why it is creating dissatisfaction among people. The definitions were vague and control over the language learning had its updating of life- a new religion. It must be thought by an intelligent one again that the basic purpose of life shall not suffer therefore the character must get its strength. Then we had a set of guidelines in simple language, understandable to one and all. Those presumed to be new guidelines were similar to old one but they were more communicable than last ones and got understood by all. New religion took lead over the old one and people accepted it for their betterment and progress w/o knowing the guidelines were same as before only difference is nobody was explaining them and now new religion has same basic guidelines but in easy simple language.

 It may be said in simple language that Vedic religion is like software and as all software companies do the regular updating, the same needs to be done with religion. That part is possible only when we realize that a religion is based on principles needs regular progress through his followers. Now on the other side the traditional ones have also realized that whatever is saying by new religion has a right saying as well and by this the purpose of life can be achieved too. The acceptance leads to birth and development of new path as increasing of its followers and preachers. It happened before and it still happens today.  

When people do not get the answers of their questions on their traveling path, they get attract to another path. It may be a new one or a tried one depend upon the raised queries in mind. All religions have defined man and god in same context with basic purities of character. The difference in knowing path occurs due to lack of knowledge and learning and it further enhanced by the translators and people who believe that the particular path key is possessed by them. What “A” religion says is repeated by “B” religion and same by some other guru’s community and group. People w/o realizing the basics principles argue with each other to prove their path is better than others ‘path. A religion is always given rise to another one only when it is led by selfish people in their interest that is why I emphasize on not cursing any religion or path and their followers. We do not have to convert to any religion for getting answers. The correct learning of path is desired which is possible through education, knowledge and regular updating. We only need to know how it is to follow and update the information on time to time. 

All religions have a belief in one thing – the development and progress of human kind and their life through true character. They say about the qualities of character, serving the parents and elders, doing well for the welfare of people and defending, feeding the needy ones. It tells about speaking truth and hurting none. 

A GOD is god whether it is Param-atma in Hindi, Khuda in Urdu, Allah in Arabic. It is same as LOVE in English, PREM in Hindi and MOHABBAT in Urdu and liebe, lubhav, amore in other languages etc. The expression remains same and same goes with feeling of enlightenment and god as well.  All religion has basic purpose to teach the character building and they help to understand our creator through baking of our character and quality of life w/o harming people.

A religion chooses a man with character and integrity that is why a strong character is more nearer to god and people.

Always remember a religion should be chosen like software but character must be chosen like a processor and server connecting god, self and mankind.

Friday, October 19, 2012


What is importance of previous Karma …. Whether we get suffer due to our sins which we committed or how our birth is decided. Why some people is born with silver spoon and I am not? ...I have everything in life but I am not happy. Does this relate with my karma's? Do our karma’s play a role in deciding this? Why some are born as rich and prosperous while some die in poverty and anonymity. What we should do to have a better life?

Recently in a discussion I have heard that people have a general tendency to relate the life learning’s with consequences of previous karma’s. 
It is generally believed that one has this problem/pain of relation due to his bad deeds. One is suffering due to his sins done to others in self-interest and that is why he has all these problems in life. 

Dear friend, this is true that one suffers due to his previous karma’s and sins but the life lessons have nothing to do with them. These are exclusive ones and they would occur in life when they are to be taken. Then what is the suffering occurring due to these sins. On this I would like to mention that life is basically governed by fulfilling or getting the desired fruits for basic needs. These basic necessities are Bread, cloth, shelter (roti, kapda, makan,) transport, other facilities and communication. Otherwise whether one is rich or poor, we all have pain/anger/ anxieties/stress of life lessons and there is no difference in understanding them and the only difference appears through quality of fulfilment, atmosphere and learning place.

Every life has a basic rule of living. It is gripped by basic amenities or requirements. These basic requirements are motto of life. Bread, cloth and shelter are foundation of basic needs. Nowadays the transport and communication have added to these one along with other known facilities i.e. place, environment, medical, entertainment, education etc. The human life makes difference through this. All Human face and bear all other emotions i.e. Pain, agony, anxieties, celebration, happiness whether they are  rich or poor, successful or unsuccessful but the difference comes in life through fulfilling of basic needs. A person whether born in a rich family or poor family, he faces all the pain of relations in his life. The inner and outer struggle is never different. The life lessons cause him pain, celebration, happiness and give worries and stress too. He feels tension due to maintaining of his relationship. He gets pat over understanding them as well. Brothers’ fight for father’s money and empire which leads to detachment as well. 
On the other hand, life is loaded with some comforts in the shape of quality of bread, shelter and clothes. Some people have the best food of life. They are served with best quality food throughout the life. They wear best of dresses and live in palatial mansion. They have service to fulfill their basic needs. They use best transport means and fly with best jets. They use best communication system in life. They order and get what they want but they are not away from the human emotions. They cry and feel happy as well. They feel cheat and abandoned as well. They pay the price of betrayal and loneliness. They feel love and loved by other. They learn their lesson of life in due course. Then how does the difference in life appear in context with other people. 

Dear friends, The difference occurs in the shape of quality of life which generates from fulfilling the basic needs. It is generally observed that people connect the life lessons with karma’s and mentioned in day-to-day life that as one has suffered due to his previous karma’s. If that is true then why Rama and Krishna had to suffer in their life. Why Jesus was hanged to cross and made to suffer with pain. Why Mahatma Buddha and Bhagwan Mahavira had to suffer in jungle for inner peace despite having the kingdom. Why people had pain in life. The reason is that the life has nothing to do with karma’s in context with life lessons. These lessons are chosen by us and we choose what we like to know. But the karma’s make the difference in the shape of basic amenities. Some people live a lavish life and wear best of branded clothes. They have the biggest house to live in along with fleet of services standing for them for round the clock. They enjoy everything of life but remember some could not because of their some sickness or other problems. They have everything but still deprived of enjoying it.  It is their karma’s which revolves around them. As I have said before some despite having the best lives left everything behind and prefer to live the common life having a normal feature of living. It is because one cannot learn the true lesson of life in one sitting/setting of life and they prefer to live multiple lives in single life. They choose multiple settings and learn the lessons through fastest means. Thus karma’s decide the entity of basic needs of life the rest are lessons of life help us to get merge us with our extended super soul.

A better life is result of well learning cos it would lead us to sinless life. A sinless life which seems to be a impossible phrase in life has nothing to do special living. It is “Live normal” and fulfilling all your duties.

Remember some of the battles are fought with emotions and some with brains. Do what is right and can make you stand correctly before you as well as your creator.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


In 1988 when I was in finals of my Bachelor's degree in Delhi University, appeared in exams { this was the year when DU introduced the use of computer network on university level in all places} and when the result was out, my name did not appeared in the list. I asked my college's principal Mr. Jain- a thorough soft spoken kind hearted, patience human being. He checked with university and informed that due to keeping the work load limited on newly adopted data feeding system, only the results information of qualified students are declared. It meant that some of my exams had not cleared. I was afraid n confused. I along with my college friend went to temples as nothing could I do. I prayed and prayed first time in my life. I did not ask anything as hoping nothing in return.
 After 1 week the results of unqualified were out. My name was on the top at no.2 along with others mentioning their unqualified papers however no paper was mentioned against my name. I again went to Principal Sir. He queried about it and told me that my result was not recd. from university. On his advice I went to Univ. office and then repeated visits. In between I was visiting temples and praying god, asking nothing .... I did not inform about it to my mother as it would be a sad news for her. 

Ultimately on dtd. 8/8/88, I received my result. I qualified my degree exam and a graduate than. On query I was informed that due to some technical snag, my result was omitted by the computer. It happened with me ..only with me. It was a computer failure for many...for me, it is a gift of god. Many logics could be given for such incidents and explanations are endless but FAITH and SURRENDER need no logic or explanations. I had realized that I am not alone..I never was!! God is always with me. Thereafter I did not look back. I have chosen my guide-God.

I have chosen my day n it is 25 th yr. since than I am loving this.

This event is designed with this intention that wherever you are, alone, lonely, happy, sad, celebrating, mourning, silent, moaning, loving , lusting, angry, enjoying, crying, eating, fasting, dating, resting, surfing, watching, shivering, heating, gyming, shopping, swimming, standing, sitting, walking, sleeping, in, out, up, down, flying, diving, underground, space any time in day just whisper A LITTLE LOUDER in any language (Sign language too) and let other might look amaze or happy, and !!

Say These words -


That will be like having your divine presence  in celebrating happiness of awakening.

Place: ANYWHERE- in, out, up, down, flying, diving, underground, space 
Date and Time :Thursday, August 8, 2013 At anytime

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


This post is thankfully created with the help of and 

"Every one wants to start/live life with silver spoon.... and Every one wants to share one's story of life struggle with his children......"

If LOVE is my religion then how can I decline GOD.....

Where there is god, there are questions too !!!

If I tell people that I believe in him and his existence, will I look superstitious, fool, weak and out of world.... NO, you will realize us that you are strong, wise, awaken and above the average one- lovable kind hearted soul........

No I do not visit him at places, neither I see him in one and all nor remember him when I alone cos I am * spiritual * and *awakened* )) !!!...... Wake up friend now, You are lonely and regret to tell you that broken too...

My love will bring you back from the memories ....

The difference between Speaking and shouting arises through application of mind and respecting of others...

The struggle between selfish and selfless always on.. only one needs to know one's side...

One must remember that when One takes care of surrounding energy one becomes fearless credit to one's good energy power and if one gets hurt in such battle fought inside of oneself, one do not feel tired or lost.. as one knows what does good mean to oneself..

A perfect life.... Nay... I do not believe this...

A devil mind uses all his love connections to gain and god protects all his connections and ready to sacrifice for them.. and remember who wins always !!

Keeping mind empty is sign of wiseness and continue flow of emotions through awaken soul ... Have more dear..!!

Some people fight to retain their negativity....

One may be a voice but listening is their choice...

People should not teach you what they want but what you need to know....

Love is the sign of give, Give is the sign of faith, Faith is of surrender, Surrender is of heal, Heal is of togetherness, Togetherness is of happiness, Happiness is of sharing, Sharing is of friends, Friends is of health, Health is of meditation, Meditation is of god, God is of love, and Love....

Where there is truth, there is charity, good deed, wealth, character and learnings... and God himself..

O God! Bring light to me so I can see dark in the darkest....

A joke without laugh is a serious note with saying....

If your anger and hate (I am sorry for using harsh words like this) for me may bring you nearer to god , My friend I am happy to bear that as well..

Sometimes I miss my inner child in me.. my connector with my best friend - God...

An adultery by mind is more penetrating then by body...

A humbleness is the best possessed quality of a human being and a leadership is humble it means welfare and kindness to self and all....

We should not drag our loved ones to such issues where we are acting in self interested motives. That hurts them as well as others...

Life is full of giving and lots of receiving... I say receiving not taking...:)

Share what you know... not what you are trying to know.. !!!

A thought can be corrected upon but an emotion can not be altered ..

Wherever there is reverence, there is god....

Not today, I will pray from tomorrow ... Sure !!

If you have GOD in your mind then your heart is in no mode of searching....

You and GOD always begin from same place - together, only difference is you walk faster than him...

A relationship is ruined by expectations.....

Thy shalt write which is imprinted on thy heart n thy heart will reflect the power of soul for being self, an offering to god...Amen!!

No ifs n buts and the name of god is important than any relation and person in world.....

Our path is knitted around GOD, It has made it possible our union in this life. May be some day we will be walking in different directions and I would be remembering your good words spoken in the journey.

The forgiveness is divinity in warrior.

A path which leads and supports/helps its walkers is true path.

To accept the truth w/o condition is quality of a virtuous man...

The hatred is invincible enemy. The jealousy is incurable disease. A forgiving man is noble and back stabber is ignoble.

When Minister (Friend) , Doctor and Guru speak according to one's wish due to fear, greed or dis-satisfaction, it leads to end of nation (family) , body and Dharma respectively..  

Life is full of vulnerable when you are at your journey halting point.. It is risky and endangering but you enjoy it.... This is always you have waited n wanted. Smile!! You are a thing now from nothing...

Choose Guide- GOD, then you would never be on wrong foot...

A life based on logics, rules, regulations needs update at regular intervals.....

No one is cursed, my friend, it is matter of little time, more education and great knowledge. We all will awake like rising sun ..... )

Seeing leads to thinking, Thinking leads to doubts, Doubts leads to shaking of mind , The shaking mind gets stable with decision... A decision is sign of an intelligence and updating.

Simple truths can neither be ignored nor abandoned..

I am always a learner .. and I am happy to be surrounded by you, my friends- my mentors for encouraging me in this life... The things I know and say belong to you and your spoken/unspoken and motivational guidance. The god remains always with and in me through your precious words. Thank you all.. I love you too....

An emotion never gets repeat itself....

Heart follows those who are brave enough to listen it.....

The heart speaks only when it bleeds....


There is an addiction in knowing self......

Every journey is started from the single step and the road to faith n belief is certain.....

Listen to heart.... It speaks truth... only truth...!!!

TRACK LOVE-Life is such a short affair of journey and love gets only a few moments....

I have many questions asked by my heart. I have answered a few and still I need to reply many. It is waiting, the questions are waiting and I am waiting too… :)

Only sayings will not reform life, one needs to apply it to understand....

The simple things in life if taken care would automatically take care of great happenings...... 

The world is beautiful n People are good.... I wish some of them would live all the time . :)

If you earn 10,000 $ per day and your expenses are 10,000 $ per day than you will always remain HAND TO MOUTH.... but if you are earning 50 $ per day and your expenses are 30 $ per day than you are well off so CONTROL your EXPENSES that is the key to prosperity....:)

When you live your life with complete happiness than you don't have to be serious in all matters.....:)

Remember friends do not hurt and some one who hurts is not the friend…. It is better to take your path and moved to self destiny than to follow some one who is not aware about his own direction. Know your worth, identify yourself. 

So my son Orian loves to have his big office... I have explained him that big office means he has to do more work... he is ready.... and I am happy.....!!
Don't count how many moments one lives in a life,... count how many life one lives in single moment....

"Life is a beautiful fact ... just live on till its last drop....."

"Water has magic that is why life depends on it....."

"Surrender: related with spiritual feeling... to understand god, u believe in surrender not in gathering piece of evidence..."

"God: I see god in this beautiful world where people are good .. I see god in happiness.. I see god in smile... I see god in u....

"A rose with thorns never feel lonely it feels protected... life is like this"

"If pain is my destiny how can i avoid this... better to accept it n move on... it gives strength to survive n bounce back...."

"Surrender is completed when u stand high in sky with open hands n ready to merge in god w/o questioning or asking why..."

"Getting up early is nasty till u wake up n then it is wonderful..."

"One should not fear "Fear" it is an opportunity to learn to fight against ill-forces..."

"I will only get rest when I will be walking... so let me flow with river helping me to meet my friends..."

"Vishwas se aage jeet hai... Jeetne ka vishwas hai...."
The faith leads to victory and the victory is certain...

"Life is a battlefield and stilling of pain does not work for longer..."

"So if one does not read it... one will miss nothing...... AND... if one reads it, one will know a little...."

"God, parents, friends, lovers, angles, good souls , soul-mates, happiness, innocence, good deeds, help, motivation, courage, care, remembering, welfare, strength, unity, peace, beauty, relationship, child, confess, dreams, miracles, existence, destiny, path, joy, great, celebrate, success, sacred, nectar, faith, positive, heaven, sweet, education, experience, luck, color, vibe, relax, give, ......"

"I feel scared when people get hurt unknowingly........"

"Saw some one is happy over someone's pain.... It is painful watching such things...."

"People go and than come back w/o understanding that the walker has moved on the path....."

"To take the first step on wrong path is difficult and if (god forbid)it was taken then it is all cruelty and justification of act exists.. o god be always on my side to refrain me doing so...."

"I don't know how I show that I care for you, you are special for me and especially when I know that you have been wounded to protect me......"
"Poor are called crazy, riches are called eccentric but the devoted are called maniac.........

"Nothing is permanent in life..... we all meet and departed at various points of life path... n meet again at different junction....."

"Agar dusron ko apne dukh aur dard dene se aapke dukh dard khatam hote to iss duniya me sirf dukh aur dard hi hote........."
If causing pain and sorrows to others would have distanced you from pain and sorrows then this world would have burdened with only pain and sorrows ....

"May we have met before, May we have spoken before, may we have seen before, may we have known each other, may we have traveled in time machine, may we have ??????"

"If you are determined than sun will arise from west......"
"When you live your life with complete happiness than you don't have to be serious in all matters.....

"A man with simple emotions....... can speak with god directly...

"You do not have to be extra ordinary to have sinless life , just live normal and you would meet ur creator whenever you feel...

"If one needs to know the world so he should jump out of the well... If I will not listen, I will not learn.... only saying will not fulfill the purpose..."

"If you earn 10,000 $ per day and your expenses are 10,000 $ per day than you will always remain HAND TO MOUTH.... but if you are earning 50 $ per day and your expenses are 30 $ per day than you are well off so CONTROL your EXPENSES that is the key to prosperity...."

"For destroying identities, one does not have to kill people, just destroy their books and they would be no more..."

"Religious and fanatic are two different aspects which are unfortunately mixed up by misusing religious slogans to flare the heated emotions of innocent people by miscreants to justify their horrible acts. I swear , I have witnessed that and discovered that religion / god has nothing to do with them, take care of innocent, do not leave them for our own sake..... They need us and we need them too...

"Angel and Devil do not exist in this world , they live inside of us . Both them are breathing and alive due to power supply made through our emotions. They get energy from our soul and it is our free choice that how we distribute our energy between them...."

"When you are determined with your belief, when you surrender before the almighty and some one comes with this motto that he would crush your belief and destroy you according to his wishes then do not quit, be there, have patience, be calm you will succeed. I have read that (Jesus), I have witnessed that and thank you god you remain with me too in my fear of losing you...Thank you...

"Every artist rises from the ash of his heart.....

"EXPERIMENT leads to KNOWLEDGE leads to LESSON leads EXPERIENCE leads NEW EXPERIMENT leads to NEW KNOWLEDGE leads to NEW LESSON leads to NEW EXPERIENCE leads to ANOTHER EXPERIMENT leads....... and I am enjoying it......

"The world is beautiful n People are good.... I wish some of them would live all the time ...

"a TRUTHFUL person and a LIAR can say what an ordinary man can not even think in normal course of life....."

"Difference between HOUSE and HOME ? House is for (ho) USE and Home is for (ho) ME .....

"Every child is a new idea sends for understanding new dimension of God....."

"Some people are in so hurry, what ever they have learnt in whole life want to erase in seconds to save the memory ram and then download the latest version through pirate software kit or look Google for free soft ware programs....."

"Just ignore the bad by writing over the beach sand and remember the good by reducing into writing on a hard rock.... sometime our creator just checks us about our memory about FORGET & FORGIVE......"

"One can not learn the lessons of life in a single night.... let them learn in their own unique way.... may be tomorrow if they learn, they know better than us...."

"A great mind is not born; it is achieved through sheer hard work, focus and determination........"

" Seeing is not sufficient to comprehend, we must feel it…… that is the true essence of life….. The real truth…"

"Every human being is himself "a philosophy of life", a 'real concept of living' a life, we have more than 6 billion concepts progressing in world and billions of them had already circulated their theory about it......"

" Annoyance creates from frustration. The brain leaves one in frustration. The destruction is not far if brain leaves. "

"Pain has no price/tag. The bearing may not be calculated in monetary/ material terms. One can not charge the price of pain occurred. The true price of pain is to forgive and forget otherwise the bearings will have unending disappointment resulted into self-punishment."

"One who empathizes and feels the pain of other is a true human being."

"Any story which might be having any end or conclusion but never calls sad and sorrowful unless, until if it is ending w/o hope........."

"The mind is best friend when under control and worst enemy when out of control...."

"I do not have control over the quality of breathing air, I do not have control over the taste of planted fruit, I do not have control over the walking path but what I have is control over the breathing space, planting right tree and on my pace so let me think and meditate on what I can do. .. PERFECTLY...."

"When we are happy, we celebrate with others. When we are sad, we enjoy with ourselves......."

"Everything is precious for awaken man...."

"Time heals with passage of time..."

"The gravity of pain is not depend over the intake of sorrow but on the absorption by strength.."

"One who has won over the anger has won the self...."

"Greater pain is cured by causing lighter pain...
that what doctors do to my wrist on my visits to medic center...."

"Time tests you many times before the actual testing begins..."

I am ready to stand in heat and sun than in shed if it is in the company of god...

My wife Reena says do not put many status on wall.. it is difficult to read all.. make a status a day.... I am trying .... I CAN STOP MY MIND FOR NOT DOING SO BUT HOW CAN I STOP MY HEART FOR NOT THINKING SO...