Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Righteous Protects Righteous - धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः

A truth - bitter and hard to digest but will remain truth even after millions of year.

Why Ravana was killed ? 

Why Kuru dynasty was termed as evil in the history?

Why truth alone triumph?

This post is dedicated to understand Dharma, Life, after life, death, ultimate liberation ie. Moksha. 

The answer lies in this sentence- Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha !! Dharma protects those who protect dharma.

 धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः 
तस्माद्धर्मो  हन्तव्यः मानो धर्मो हतोवाधीत् 

– मनुस्मृति  Ch. 8, verse 15

 तुम धर्म की रक्षा करो
धर्म तुम्हारी रक्षा करेगा
Righteous Protects Righteous.

The answer holds the answer of all the queries we have in our mind regarding our existence, progress and destruction. It is a quest and the answer lies in walking a shortest journey from 'Self to Inner self'. The route is easiest of easy but needs lot of patience, tolerance, understanding and overall free from self boredom that occurs in knowing self. People may mock you, they may take you as joke or you become the reason of most serious discussion shall not bother you. You shall not feel sad nor happy if they denounce or praise you. It is most frightening journey as you would walk alone and have not understood the meaning of alone but once you know the definition of being alone then you would never fear of it, rather you would feel blessed in alone-ness. 

Have a blissful journey for self understanding !! 

RED PILL CLUB - Welcome to Club

Choose wisely..

Whenever things are not cleared and not understandable and you have feeling of travelling through black hole in uncertainty, desperation and agitation. You feel the life you live is imposed over you to keep you far from truth and put you in delusion and dark. That time a choice appears in front of you that to choose rising or sleep forever and you have been told that rising path would be difficult, unbearable and painful too and vice versa if you would option to sleep, you may remain in feeling happy, worldly pleasures and comfortable.

Remember and know sleeping is an imagination which actually never be occuring and far from reality and keeps you remain with no option just to chain and put your reins in unknown's hand and later on feeling like you would be reaching nowhere and then this world would like a ephemeral dream where you were able to understand little but always trying following whom those were keen to know more.

Then understand and know there is no option except to rise up and to choose red pill for awakening , not the blue pill for everlasting sleep.

Taking red pill is necessary because thereafter despite it is a fact that now you would never be settle but certainly calm, blissful, awake and conscious.

Therefore going through unknown phase of life and given option to Red Pill/ Blue Pill that is either to awake with knowing self and then to lose self to inner-self and merging with unknown Or remain happy in ignorance and die as a meaningless creature then Choose #RedPill !!

I have chosen Red Pill...

I am happy for all those who are taking the red pill !

See you at the club ...

Monday, June 25, 2018

The Universe in me

So today Sunday 24/6/2018 at around 11.30 Am, while taking bath, I had put some herb on me and waiting it to be dried.

In between I decided to focus on my chakra as I was having time to experience them in peace.

So I sat on my Bathing white stool, keep face toward east direction and close my eyes and first of all meditated on ‘Moola Chakra’.

After fractions of seconds I was able to feel it at the right spot and then as I was there only, suddenly the energy started moving upwards and reach to ‘Swadhisthana Chakra’ zone therefore I then started focusing on ‘Swadhisthana Chakra’ but before I could meditate there for sometime, it shifted upwards and reach to ‘Manipura Chakra’ and then without my any effort it reach to ‘Anahata’ and then ‘Vishuddhi’ and then to ‘Ajna Chakra’.

I was also trying to keeping pace with it but reaching after the energy moved there. As I focused it on ‘Ajna Chakra’ and meditated for fractions there now I could feel that the same energy was going flow out from ‘Sahasrara’.

The energy was purple with radiant green, blue and flowing like fire flames.

I again balanced it and then brought back to ‘Ajna’ and then subsequently downwards one by one till ‘Moola Chakra’ zone.

I again started it upwards and this time it again moved upwards and then this time I controlled it at ‘Ajna Chakra’ Zone.

I remained rest of the time there. I could as usual feeling the energy zone.

It was black spot in dark as I was able to see spot despite being darkness there. Both the things that is the energy as well as surrounding were black in colour.

Down below it is always a pin touching feeling at all other zones.

However the experience of Ajna is totally different from rest of others.

The ‘Sahasrara’ always have a experience of something 1/2 inch above my head, not visible before, only felt and experience it today.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Finding Self

Last night, 13/14.06.2018 while I was present in my office and reading and listening some calming music, all of sudden I had a feeling of emptiness and it seems that my head grew heavy and rest of the body got light without having any feeling. There was some ocean type strong waves of whirlpool moving indistinctly occurring inside my head. I could feel that something wanted to come out of my head and making an attempt to release from that limited space. It was something wide and bigger roaring like a stormed sea and then unaware as a natural instinct I just hold my head and close my eyes with my palms. It was an effort to stable the whirlpool feeling and calming down the storm inside the head. On that moment I realised that for the last few minutes I was totally empty inside and no thought, view, no sight no listening, no reading nor sleeping too. I don’t remember whether it was ¾ minutes or 7/8 minutes or more as I did not see the clock not before the beginning nor after when I opened my eyes. I have regained my conscious back and till now trying to be acting normal. Thereafter I diverted myself and wrote a few words. It had happened about 15 hrs back- now it is 16.55 hrs. Thereafter I had a sleep of about 4/5 hrs in break. While sleeping I was not sleeping too. It was just like resting while keeping eyes closed but I was sleeping too some of the time. What I am noticing that I am hardly speaking 20% of the normal speaking. I want to be quite as much as possible. I have become least bothered about the things occurring around me. Feeling like not attracted to anything. I am having a strong feeling of denouncing everything behind me and proceed to unknown. It is of course not the Himalayas or some ashram then where? I will try to find the answer hiding in this moment. However I love this feeling of peace, quietness and free.