Maa, the woman of my life, She departed in 1994 but she still remains in my heart, whenever I achieve something my first remembrance to her cos I know how she should have felt if I told her about this success. It is being 17 year the memories of many things have faded but she still lives here where she was in 1994 and before... I have kept a big room in my heart for her so whenever I have to tell her I just go to her and speak with her and she also does the same, whenever she wants to say something, she just whispers it my ears.... I am happy that I have chosen her and she had accepted me... LOVE YOU Maa..

What is aks- Arun's Reflection: an image in mirror/water is aks but I know it is my body but not me. I stay with stillness of soul not with the time seen in age & appearance of body. This blog is my understanding learnt in various bodies & places in different time zones and circumstances. Whatever I know is not new but just a repeat thought flashing in me. This is grace of Shiv. He has connected all the points & draw this beautiful picture. ALL COPY RIGHTS RESERVED with Author
Friday, November 25, 2011
An asset of a critique
Ignored by his family
Joke of Films,
Target of media,
Lured by riches,
Abused by public
Hated by politicians
Berated by their seniors,
Feared by children,
Isolated by society,
Sulks every moment,
handicapped by judiciary,
blamed by advocates,
left by colleagues,
faces danger for unknowns,
Challenged when act,
Shamed when does not,
Stoned when mob,
Suspended/Dismissed for other's happiness,
It is 'me' - A COP......
Salutes you....
While I was on morning walk, I used to hear people talking about their business activities while passing them or when they cross me. During this I have realized that most of the people talk about land/plot/ house and their sale – purchase dealing. Some of the people have their ear phone and listen something from their mobile phones. Some young girls and boys talk through that for longer hours. I always prefer to walk either alone not lonely or with Reena -my wife. I remember when I start walking initially I used to recite ‘Mrityuanjay Mantra’ for one circle of walk and in rest of the circles I used to think something or many things.
Today after dropping Orian at his school while I was walking in park, suddenly I started thinking about nothing and my mind just started controlling the flow of thoughts which usually shower like rain drops on every step. The process was just so natural that I had done nothing to achieve that. The thought of controlling the flow was come from the thought of "Sri Mad Bhagwat Geeta". I was thinking about the free flow of thoughts with the speed of light and real warrior controls the flow of thoughts with control over the attached feelings i.e. anger, happiness, delights, sorrow, celebration, mourn. At that moment I had realised that MEDITATION / “DHAYAN”is related with this feeling.
MEDITATION / “DHAYAN” emerges from our attention over one emotion/thought i.e. allowing the thought/ emotion to remain for long hour in our mind and soul. It shall be given time to allow to grind clockwise and anti clock wise and let that be crushed like a thin sand and than extract the juice from it. This juice is the nectar emerged from the process of dhayan.
As a human being we are always in thinking mode and when we think we always think in tons and ton. But If we have to achieve the dhayan than we must give an enough space to a thought only than it would progress. It will develop in an environment where it would get enough space for spreading. MEDITATION / “DHAYAN” is providing that space to that particular thought. In that moment of thought no one else exists except the yogi and his thought. It is an interaction between the Karta and thought. The thought become alive and takes a shape and started knowing the reason of its existence.
MEDITATION / “DHAYAN” assists in knowing the logic behind the thought like reason of its birth and emerging. MEDITATION / “DHAYAN” is a dam to control the flow and keep storage of thoughts and emotions. It allows the process in a manner where one can understand and check each thought to allow in systematic manner. The life of yogi is based on theory of half filled glass so she/he has to take care of that part by assigning space to immortal emotions.
We all have to understand that It is not asking to stop thinking rather telling to know what you think so that each thought when emerge from you, can take a proper shape and progress in your own interest as well for the welfare of universe.
All inventions are emerged from MEDITATION / “DHAYAN” because the thinkers have given them a shape and space for progress.
Think if it was not done than how a life would be…..!!
Validation and Recognition
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Validation and recognition
We get weak and weaken when we think about the reaction of other people. That times our emotion and process of thought gets slave by other comments and views. We forget to live in our body and start living a life which has no meaning for us or has temporary phase in our life. Making happy everyone is arduous rather impossible task. We are not here to do so. The life given to us is not of a door mat. It has power to deny and accept what it desires to do so. Our thoughts /emotions make an impact over the others in short as well as in long spell of life. One should not here to make everyone happy and satisfied. Even GOD- the Almighty would try to do so, he would not succeed in doing so. People will piss off you when you would go ahead or criticize you when you would move fast. They would not stay for you nor motivate you if you are slow. They may pull your leg when you are walking aside. This is their way of understanding the things. They may threaten you to leave you alone if you dare to do any of acts as mentioned above so now the question in front of one is that what one shall do? The answer is as old as this universe; just walk on your way because it would be a temporary phase of life. The certain and permanent phase is just walk with your own pace and desired speed because that is set by none other than your emotions/ thoughts and the almighty has favored the same in your own interest.
Always remember that the this world is beautiful and the people here are good and lovable only if you know your worth....
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In our life we all go through a phase where we are given a choice to stay at the certain level where it is called "settled"... “ALCHEMIST” one of my favorite book written by Mr. Paulo Coelho mentions this phase as an important part of life of his main character. The story actually takes shape when Santiago - the character became self-sufficient while working as glass seller/ tea seller. He had enough money to buy herd of sheep's and he could stay/settle at that place to develop his business. He was given the choice either to follow his dream i.e. to go to Egypt and find the treasure or be happy and settled at that place. This type of situation is always remained with us. While working over something we become so much indulge with the things around us, we just forget that our actual dream is still far from achieving it. We become used to receive happiness from temporary comforts, luxuries and multiple small and short sight successes that we generally miss the purpose of life without realizing the meaning and purpose of life till we reach at our last step of journey. At that time we pretend that we remained busy with commitments, fulfilling promises, taking care of our beloved ones that is why we had to sacrifice the actual purpose for them. We start playing blame games in front of our creator- our best friend, we may blame him too for this mismanaged programs of gifted life. Santiago could do the same on the pretext of one or other, in the name of his father who gave him some gold piece, or that old shop keeper who trusted him more than himself or in the name of settlement of his own life. That journey could well be avoided and wish for search of treasure could be left unfulfilled but what he did was actual "karma" without thinking about present status or future success/ failure he just focused on his journey for his own salvation....
Life tells the same to every one, to us as well. The only need to response back with open mind and inner strength.
Are we ready?
In our life we all go through a phase where we are given a choice to stay at the certain level where it is called "settled"... “ALCHEMIST” one of my favorite book written by Mr. Paulo Coelho mentions this phase as an important part of life of his main character. The story actually takes shape when Santiago - the character became self-sufficient while working as glass seller/ tea seller. He had enough money to buy herd of sheep's and he could stay/settle at that place to develop his business. He was given the choice either to follow his dream i.e. to go to Egypt and find the treasure or be happy and settled at that place. This type of situation is always remained with us. While working over something we become so much indulge with the things around us, we just forget that our actual dream is still far from achieving it. We become used to receive happiness from temporary comforts, luxuries and multiple small and short sight successes that we generally miss the purpose of life without realizing the meaning and purpose of life till we reach at our last step of journey. At that time we pretend that we remained busy with commitments, fulfilling promises, taking care of our beloved ones that is why we had to sacrifice the actual purpose for them. We start playing blame games in front of our creator- our best friend, we may blame him too for this mismanaged programs of gifted life. Santiago could do the same on the pretext of one or other, in the name of his father who gave him some gold piece, or that old shop keeper who trusted him more than himself or in the name of settlement of his own life. That journey could well be avoided and wish for search of treasure could be left unfulfilled but what he did was actual "karma" without thinking about present status or future success/ failure he just focused on his journey for his own salvation....
Life tells the same to every one, to us as well. The only need to response back with open mind and inner strength.
Are we ready?
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-I get confused when people while sitting in parties on comfortable sofa, say that this world is getting spoiled day by day and no one does anything for saving. It is a selfish world which is dying every day due to this attitude of public.
- I know that I can’t change the world but I can spread a smile over the sad face, I can create a chain of happiness in the world, I can go beyond the boundary to tell my neighbors that I love them and I care for them, I can take my child to park and play with him to see him happy as I know he is waiting too long for this, I can paint a scene for him describing him as sun/ light of my life, I can go and walk in park, wishing good luck and smiley hi to all I see them,
I can’t change the world but I can become a part of greater smile/ happiness and aura of positive energy…
-I get confused when people while sitting in parties on comfortable sofa, say that this world is getting spoiled day by day and no one does anything for saving. It is a selfish world which is dying every day due to this attitude of public.
- I know that I can’t change the world but I can spread a smile over the sad face, I can create a chain of happiness in the world, I can go beyond the boundary to tell my neighbors that I love them and I care for them, I can take my child to park and play with him to see him happy as I know he is waiting too long for this, I can paint a scene for him describing him as sun/ light of my life, I can go and walk in park, wishing good luck and smiley hi to all I see them,
I can’t change the world but I can become a part of greater smile/ happiness and aura of positive energy…
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What bloody love to do with silly life...
Life is completed when we are deeply in love, when one forget and start keeping bitterness things away only then he can live it to complete. To live fully one must live each and every moment of life because whatever we are having now is slipping like sand from our fist so there shall not be any delay to enjoy this moment. Love can bring best in us. Love makes us a better person and good human being. It works as miracle to us and give strength for inner soul too. Many decisions which may call a absurd by intellectual become part of a lover. The love helps us to know this emotional aspect of one side. The lover takes risky decisions and fights well if required to protect his /her love. Furthermore it gives the patience and tolerance to forget and forgive all bitterness of life. One becomes choosy when in love that not to choose anger, anxieties, hatred.
That is why love in life is close to soul and god .........
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Speaking with good souls is a good experience and life time learning. Sometimes all of us get opportunity to know and understand what they have meant to speak in their plain simple words. We all have purpose to live and to walk tirelessly on the destined path. Without understanding the truth about the phases we will not able to make any difference in our own life. We all learn from different experience and styles of walking.. Everything learn in this life as important as oxygen to our body. The actual game which we learn is the simplicity of life lies in today. But we always scare to share with other as they may mock us over the issue. playing a game is like experiencing the inner side of oneself. The person comes out in open w/o realizing that he is exposed to every one that is why a child can play better than an adult. Life gives and goes to best player or a player who has played with true spirit. The game may go to winner but essence goes to only those who play w/o fear of losing or winning. Only ‘karma’ helps us to understand the meaning of true warrior. The true warrior never plays any game in bad light or half hearted. Whatever he plays , it has his heart and dedication in it. The taste of sweat is good when taste after the serious unending fight. The happiness can be understood after the deep pain in soul. When we play and we feel that the win is being gifted to us in a tray, we don’t enjoy it. The taste of win is good when the pain of wounds are high. I am good and I am the best but I know that soon I am going to meet a better person in my life then we should get up and celebrate this meeting and feel lucky for chosen one. The true warrior can only be tested in the time when things are against him. he may pick to remain in action with anger or can initiate the fight calmly with focus and visionary attitude. the fight brings best in true warrior and he know it that is why when he is called for this fight he will obey the inner voice given as the gift from god. he knows that the decision of this war is destiny point of his life and will decide his onwards journey….
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