Friday, November 25, 2011


 This photo is thankfully downloaded from

Speaking with good souls is a good experience and life time learning. Sometimes all of us get opportunity to know and understand what they have meant to speak in their plain simple words. We all have purpose to live and to walk tirelessly on the destined path. Without understanding the truth about the phases we will not able to make any difference in our own life. We all learn from different experience and styles of walking.. Everything learn in this life as important as oxygen to our body. The actual game which we learn is the simplicity of life lies in today. But we always scare to share with other as they may mock us over the issue. playing a game is like experiencing the inner side of oneself. The person comes out in open w/o realizing that he is exposed to every one that is why a child can play better than an adult. Life gives and goes to best player or a player who has played with true spirit. The game may go to winner but essence goes to only those who play w/o fear of losing or winning. Only ‘karma’ helps us to understand the meaning of true warrior. The true warrior never plays any game in bad light or half hearted. Whatever he plays , it has his heart and dedication in it. The taste of sweat is good when taste after the serious unending fight. The happiness can be understood after the deep pain in soul. When we play and we feel that the win is being gifted to us in a tray, we don’t enjoy it. The taste of win is good when the pain of wounds are high. I am good and I am the best but I know that soon I am going to meet a better person in my life then we should get up and celebrate this meeting and feel lucky for chosen one. The true warrior can only be tested in the time when things are against him. he may pick to remain in action with anger or can initiate the fight calmly with focus and visionary attitude. the fight brings best in true warrior and he know it that is why when he is called for this fight he will obey the inner voice given as the gift from god. he knows that the decision of this war is destiny point of his life and will decide his onwards journey….

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