Friday, November 25, 2011


An asset of a critique
Ignored by his family
Joke of Films,
Target of media,
Lured by riches,
Abused by public
Hated by politicians
Berated by their seniors,
Feared by children,
Isolated by society,
Sulks every moment,
handicapped by judiciary,
blamed by advocates,
left by colleagues,
faces danger for unknowns,
Challenged when act,
Shamed when does not,
Stoned when mob,
Suspended/Dismissed for other's happiness,
It is 'me' - A COP......
Salutes you....

1 comment:

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Ekta Singh :
Cops and Armed forces have the toughest of challenges and hardships.