It is a busy market road in lunch hours and today I am happy like a bird having the thermal power of flying. Nobody notices me but I am walking like on feathers. The feeling to remain happy inside me has made me weightless like a quill. I could see my reflection in the shopping windows showing all dresses, souvenirs and food stuff. Nothing is attracting me but I am being attracted by all of them. They are watching the foot-steps of mine through my reflection's movement. The emotions in me are leading me to unknown directions but to same destiny. Now I feel that I do not have any wish as I have no more to say or ask that is why I feel no more pain in my heart. I need nothing and want to live on with myself. The street vendor on the corner who always offers and motivates me to buy something is silent today. He has just pretended that he has not seen me passing. My steps have crossed him and he says nothing just keep mum. The beggar near to coffee shop looks sad as look in my eyes. I put some coins in his bowl. He is emotionless and mum. The coffee shop sales girl simply asks my order without smile. She has a serious note which I can feel from her way of taking order. I think she would have going through some rough phase of life. I am just sitting quite without looking here and there. The coffee-mug is staring at me and I pretend myself to be busy with my cell. The number is here. Her number is here but she is not. I just look into sky and smile again. I know I am heard and noticed by none. Today is the day when she has her birthday. Throughout the world if anything which could bring her back to me, I am ready to sacrifice but I know nothing could … and I murmur, “I love you, Jaan, Happy b’day and RIP”.

What is aks- Arun's Reflection: an image in mirror/water is aks but I know it is my body but not me. I stay with stillness of soul not with the time seen in age & appearance of body. This blog is my understanding learnt in various bodies & places in different time zones and circumstances. Whatever I know is not new but just a repeat thought flashing in me. This is grace of Shiv. He has connected all the points & draw this beautiful picture. ALL COPY RIGHTS RESERVED with Author
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The Lonely
It is a busy market road in lunch hours and today I am happy like a bird having the thermal power of flying. Nobody notices me but I am walking like on feathers. The feeling to remain happy inside me has made me weightless like a quill. I could see my reflection in the shopping windows showing all dresses, souvenirs and food stuff. Nothing is attracting me but I am being attracted by all of them. They are watching the foot-steps of mine through my reflection's movement. The emotions in me are leading me to unknown directions but to same destiny. Now I feel that I do not have any wish as I have no more to say or ask that is why I feel no more pain in my heart. I need nothing and want to live on with myself. The street vendor on the corner who always offers and motivates me to buy something is silent today. He has just pretended that he has not seen me passing. My steps have crossed him and he says nothing just keep mum. The beggar near to coffee shop looks sad as look in my eyes. I put some coins in his bowl. He is emotionless and mum. The coffee shop sales girl simply asks my order without smile. She has a serious note which I can feel from her way of taking order. I think she would have going through some rough phase of life. I am just sitting quite without looking here and there. The coffee-mug is staring at me and I pretend myself to be busy with my cell. The number is here. Her number is here but she is not. I just look into sky and smile again. I know I am heard and noticed by none. Today is the day when she has her birthday. Throughout the world if anything which could bring her back to me, I am ready to sacrifice but I know nothing could … and I murmur, “I love you, Jaan, Happy b’day and RIP”.
Friday, April 26, 2013
A Prayer
My happiness gets doubled when covers me through your showering of joys
and rejoices. That is why what I have been blessed by you; With folded hands, I am offering it to you.
Thanking you is my way of sharing and praying that is why all I need is some
happiness and little lightness in my heart. It could be achieved only if you
are with me.
The cycle of life always tells me to walk and never to stop even
when the road to walk or direction is not cleared. I know then you would be my Saviour.
Not even a time in my life when I have felt any loneliness in my life.
I am always surrounded by my creator- you and that is the gift of having you as
my friend.
You, my friend, do not see the
weakness in me rather provide me the strength through your presence and
motivation. You always look into the purity of heart not in betraying me at the
junction of life where you are most needed.
I may not remember that how many
times I have missed my moments in life but what I would like to remember
that how many times you have come for my rescue and help me in getting the true
essence of life which was not possible without your presence in my life.
I do
not know the penance nor the way of praying but my heart is filled with all reverence
and surrender for you.
I may not able to come to you as what I could see is Grey
and dark in the horizon.
I may not remember the song of the soul but what I
know the tune of my love for you.
I may not able to uses words to get fit into
this tune but what I know to sing is yodeling and wherever I will miss my words
or get out of rhythm, I will fill that space with my yodeling and silence.
know that sometimes what you listen is more than what I could say to you.
I know that when you will accept me for merging with you, you will refine me as saint not only from my body but from my soul too.
I know that when you will accept me for merging with you, you will refine me as saint not only from my body but from my soul too.
Please do accept my Thanks and bless me with your sight over me.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Lord HANUMAN and His Love
Dear friends, lets share a story about complete surrender in love by none other than Lord Hanumana !!
So after defeating Ravana and completing the exile period of 14 years, Lord Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana came back to their city Ayodhya and Lord Rama was appointed as king of Ayodhya. He was also joined with Lord Hanumana who had started living with him to serve him.
Here I wish to remind you that Lord Hanumana is also known as Rudra Avatara of Lord Shiva. He is son of God of air- Pavana and mother-Anjana. He is having a face of monkey with unlimited power to jump over the ocean and lifting big mountains. He had played an important instrumental role in the war between Rama & Ravana. He destroyed Lanka with his tail when Ravana lit his tail in order to punish him for telling to accept the Rama as superior to him.
OK lets come back to the story again, so one morning when Lord Hanumana was roaming in the palace, he saw Sita (wife of Rama) to whom he treated like mother, was getting ready and she put some vermilion- "SINDOOR" over her forehead between the hairs. Lord Hanumana got curious over that and asked with innocence that why she had put this vermilion in her hairs over the fore head. Sita smiled over the question as it seemed to her a curiosity of child. She explained Lord Hanumana that this is a custom and belief that by doing so, one can increase the age of one's lord ( SWAMI- Husband). On hearing that, Lord Hanumana went inside the store and put whole lot of vermilion over his body. He was looking all red/orange with the color. From there, Lord Hanumana went to the main darbar of Lord Rama where he was sitting with his council of ministers and other respectables of society. On seeing Lord Hanumana covered with vermilion, all the people started laughing over him but Lord Hanumana remained calm. Lord Rama asked Lord Hanumana about putting vermilion over the body. Lord Hanumana replied that these people would never understand the reason for it. Today morning when I saw Mother Sita was putting vermilion over her fore head to increase his (Lord Rama's) life. He thought that if a small quantity of vermilion would increase his life then a large quantity would be more effective and useful. So Lord Hanumana put whole vermilion over his body so that Lord Rama may get a longer life to live forever. On hearing this Lord Rama got emotional. He knew the reverence of Lord Hanumana in him. He got up from throne and blessed him.
From then onwards Lord Hanumana is always adore while having vermilion over his body. It is a common practice that many people while adoring him put vermilion over the statue. It is called "CHOLA CHADHANA". It is done to show reverence and love in the God. It is said that Lord Hanumana gets happy with whom-so-ever does that with faith and reverence, and blessed him with his 'ashirvad'. It is not because of Lord Hanumana's any self interest but because he sees it as one's effort to increase the life of his 'SWAMI'- Rama.
An unconditional love is bliss of life and especially if it is shinning and glowing with surrender, love and reverence. It is best piece of gift to every one. A love do not ask for return rather it lives with its own. Lord Hanumana was a simple plain hearted monkey till he reached to Lord Rama but once there then he was a super-human being. Much above than many homo-sapient in that time. He had achieved what he wanted the most.
Hanumana and Rama were the ideal example of Human & God ( Nar aur Narayana). They both have a respect for each other that is why caring and affection make that relation strong and unforgettable.
Lord Hanumana as I said before is called 'Rudra avatar' of Lord Shiva also shows us that despite one's any type of appearance, face or physic, one could be adorable and can become the live example of faith and worship. It further helps us to know that even when God comes to this earth, he lives like human not like God. That is the nectar of human life.
Today over than 8000 years, may be more, People still find peace and solace in the company of Lord Hanumana and who so ever has visited him, have not returned with anxiety or sorrow.
And last but not the least, nowadays I along with my team am working with Under-Trial- Prisoners and their production and my team after the briefing always have a slogan to seek help from him. It is happenning before my joining them as they belive that Lord Hanumana is giving them enough strength to handle and do their difficult but assigned job.
Monday, April 15, 2013
The Last Meeting
The Last Meeting
When you remain
around me I always try to remain wake up and alert as I would like to invest my
life’s best moments in alert and conscious. When you are not around me the love
in me keeps awake and alert as I always wait for you and as I do not find you
coming, I get lost myself with each passing moment. We both have spent many
nights together and many nights even in our respective beds may be having a big
distance in travel but no distance in time and space. You have seen me sleeping
while you are talking and I am listening. It is due to your sweet words that
brings relax and comfort to me.
Though out the
life I have never feel lonely but always alone that is why when you are here I now
that I am meeting none other than me. As when we started our journey, I always
knew that love could bring us near to each other but not together. The feeling
of finding you inside me is like finding my best friend- GOD and his presence
totally in me. I see I me and myself in you that is why you are none other than
God. I am created from your emotions and feelings and can be observed on your
shoulder next to neck. I still remember your smell in my body and still admire
holding you tight and close. The way we undress each other is like the sailing
of most smooth ride in the tide sea.
Now finding you
standing a far in physic but close as ever to me sometimes feels like whether I
am talking to me or you are listening every single word as you did before. I
still remember when sometimes my fear lit me inside; you hold my hand across
the coffee table and relaxed me with your tender eyes. I still want to be here
with you but the chaos and confusion had made me what I was not- a person with
hidden shadow. The anger in me has made me a loser with no purpose to fight
this battle between a man of past and man of today. I fight with you too-always
and you would be known by understanding the ignoring (you) reasons as the repercussion
of the same. I do not be holding your hand may be you know that I am fighting inside
and I know that I would never be attaining the peace in this life without you
and subsequently I would not able to stand in front of my creator and then I would
be sent back again to search you, find you and merge in you. Not this time but maybe
next time we will be united or may wait endlessly for unification for many
births. May be a time distance may send us to different time zones or different
places or may be in different groups of souls. The stakes are high but can be
accepted if we decide to be there for none but us.
Till that Lets our
love is flourished in each other and energies our soul with awakenings and
Be blessed, my
Thursday, April 4, 2013
LIFE SKILLS: The Mantra of Success
This post is related with LIFE SKILLS post : The Mantra of Good Life and The Mantra of Success
Dear friends, today I am sharing what I feel is necessary part of one's life and personality. These things I have learnt from my life experience and as it is continued the mantras will be continued too.
Dear friends, today I am sharing what I feel is necessary part of one's life and personality. These things I have learnt from my life experience and as it is continued the mantras will be continued too.
1. Respectful to your parents because they love you despite your short comings.
2. Thankful to your siblings and friends, they tolerate you even when you are wrong.
3. Obedient to your teachers and masters, they have consented to teach a fool- you.
4. Do not knock the front bencher's in class room, one day you will be working for them.
5. Understand the good hidden meaning of words told by your seniors, one day you will be one of them and want the same from your juniors.
6. Be an ideal hero before your juniors and children, you still adore yours.
7. Do not act or attempt to look child, dear you have really grown up.
8. Always reach for work before 5 minutes and leave after 15 minutes of prescribed time.
9. A courtesy phone call on holiday to your seniors will always make a difference.
10. A beer with working lunch with a junior will certainly help you achieve the goal.
11. Be a good listener of your supervisor when his supervisor is present.
12. Be a hearty fan of your junior when his lady love is around.
13. Do not discuss your finance matters with your colleagues, they will certainly stop meeting you either due to refusal for borrowings or non refunding the given.
14. It is better to have a superficial scratch on new car than to have jealousy looks.
15. Never buy a cheap defective second shoes. They are pain in #%*.
16. Never forget to thank god for everything because when things are beyond your control, you still remain hopeful.
17. Never bargain from a regular shopkeeper, you will ultimately end in paying excess of actual price.
18. Love your enemy but never forget he is an enemy.
19. Always share stories with children, tomorrow what they would be remembering are stories only.
20. Always give your 100%, it would be estimated 60 to 70 % by others.
21. Rate your career in 10's, seniors in 100 and juniors in 1000.
22. Save 20% of your earning it would 250% of your earning in a decade.
23. Do good, forget good, live cool, expect nothing, life is awesome.
24. An open receptive mind runs faster than 'Temple Run".
25. Do not discourage new inventions, it was you who could not think beyond your imagination.
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