Monday, April 15, 2013

The Last Meeting

The Last Meeting

When you remain around me I always try to remain wake up and alert as I would like to invest my life’s best moments in alert and conscious. When you are not around me the love in me keeps awake and alert as I always wait for you and as I do not find you coming, I get lost myself with each passing moment. We both have spent many nights together and many nights even in our respective beds may be having a big distance in travel but no distance in time and space. You have seen me sleeping while you are talking and I am listening. It is due to your sweet words that brings relax and comfort to me. 

Though out the life I have never feel lonely but always alone that is why when you are here I now that I am meeting none other than me. As when we started our journey, I always knew that love could bring us near to each other but not together. The feeling of finding you inside me is like finding my best friend- GOD and his presence totally in me. I see I me and myself in you that is why you are none other than God. I am created from your emotions and feelings and can be observed on your shoulder next to neck. I still remember your smell in my body and still admire holding you tight and close. The way we undress each other is like the sailing of most smooth ride in the tide sea.

Now finding you standing a far in physic but close as ever to me sometimes feels like whether I am talking to me or you are listening every single word as you did before. I still remember when sometimes my fear lit me inside; you hold my hand across the coffee table and relaxed me with your tender eyes. I still want to be here with you but the chaos and confusion had made me what I was not- a person with hidden shadow. The anger in me has made me a loser with no purpose to fight this battle between a man of past and man of today. I fight with you too-always and you would be known by understanding the ignoring (you) reasons as the repercussion of the same. I do not be holding your hand may be you know that I am fighting inside and I know that I would never be attaining the peace in this life without you and subsequently I would not able to stand in front of my creator and then I would be sent back again to search you, find you and merge in you. Not this time but maybe next time we will be united or may wait endlessly for unification for many births. May be a time distance may send us to different time zones or different places or may be in different groups of souls. The stakes are high but can be accepted if we decide to be there for none but us.

Till that Lets our love is flourished in each other and energies our soul with awakenings and shinning.

Be blessed, my love!!

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