Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Guru


Never I wanted
To drink the poison of universe
But when no one dared
Drank it like elixir

Never I wanted
To lost the love of life
But when she left, accepted it as destiny...

Never I wanted 
 son's head cutting
But when occurred, bore the pain as rock...


Never I wanted the brothers had ego clashes,
But when it appeared, healed it by love...

Oh brother, who are you? Where do come from?
Tell something about you,
Shown the way for home...

Whatever high may I touch
But accessing you 
This is beyond my reach
O Guru !! Please accept 'Aks'
I have no guts to stand...

- अरुण शर्मा
#शिव #ShivTheAlmighty
#GuruPurnima #गुरुपूर्णिमा

Thank You God for Being with me -2
30 yrs back, 8/8/88 the day and before that I lived moments, the moments of desperation, agitation, disappointment and defeat. The battles of my life despite my struggles and fight back attitude were leading to make me habitual of defeats. There was no one who could come forward for supporting me. Knowing no one could help me, I just bent down on knees and cried. I cried till someone had come and taken care and that made me to realise the truth of my existence. I was not left, I was never left lonely, there was always him remaining with me in every moment and I could feel him. I have the trust that I could interact endlessly and he would always hear me. The surrender, the faith, the cries, the prayers led me to my best friend, my mentor, my guardian, my guru- #Shiv and thereafter I have never looked back.. It is 3 decades of surrender, faith and knowing self,  the journey is continued . Celebrating 30 years of love and care... #arunaksarun

- arun Rise Sharma

Who is Shiv ?

Qus: Who is Shiv ? I mean a God, Demi God, Human or Self ? Please explain .. 

Ans : Shiva is reflection of all man kind.. he is energy beyond all energies. He is seen in the dark as  super darkest and in light as super lightest and vice versa.

Like we travel in our life from self soul to super soul, like wise super soul travels from self to human and again back to super soul… this journey occurs in side us like a true spirit creating self through self consciousness. The purpose is generated from incompleteness in us and that incompleteness creates our mind towards finding Shiva. As we search for him, he guides in fulfilling our quest. 

Don't take Shiva as God, he is beyond that and if we could know him then we are there, with him.. people those who have found him doesn't look for anything else. 

Effort is human and surrender is Shiva.. where all questions die there you will find illogical the most logical.. in my initial years I was an atheist as I always looked for answers and remained unfilled. The unfulfilling of thirst for knowing self impacted and turned me into what I can never be again in my life. A journey commenced and meaning changed.. thereafter I have become what I am today.. no answers fulfil my knowing as it revolves around the experience with him…

Aum Namo Shiva…

Monday, August 13, 2018

Speaking with God - a Little Prayer


                              "Speaking with God" - a Little Prayer

Aum Shiva - the greatest, the compassionate, and the almighty is the ultimate truth in any one or everyone!

  शिव महानतम, दयावान, और सर्वशक्तिमान ही कण कण में परम सत्य है! 

O Shiva - my father, the glory you have is ever lived and infinite and I have no words to praise the highest form of worshipping and I bow with all surrender and faith before you!

हे शिव - मेरे पिता , आपकी महिमा असीमित और अनंत है और मेरे पास वह शब्द नहीं है जिनसे मैं आपकी आराधना करके प्रसन्न करू। मैं आपके समक्ष आत्मसमर्पण और आस्था के साथ सिर झुकाता हूं!

O Shiva - my divine friend, save me from lust, greed and evils and bless me with love, kindness, mercy and compassion!

हे शिव-मेरे दिव्य मित्र,  मुझे वासना, लोभ और बुराइयों से बचाओ और मुझे प्रेम, भक्ति, शक्ति दयालुता और करुणा प्रदान करो! 

O Shiva - my world, only you are worthy of love, surrender and faith. You are savoir of us-ignorant, helpless and seekers. We all see and worship you and seek you for safely crossing this cycle of life and death to get merge in you forever. We do not deserve but it is your compassion that you accept us in every form and allow to us to merge in you!

हे शिव - मेरे संसार , केवल आप ही प्रेम, समर्पण और आस्था के लिये उपयुक्त हो। आप ही हम अज्ञानी,  असहाय और साधक के रक्षक हैं। हम सभीआप को देखते हैं और पूजते हैं और आपसे जीवन और मृत्यु  चक्र से मुक्ति की कामना करते हुए आपमें समाहित होने की प्रार्थना करते हैं। हम इस योग्य नहीं हैं परंतु यह आपकी करुणा है कि आप हमें हर रूप में स्वीकार करते हैंऔर हमें आप में समाहित होने की अनुमति देते हैं!

There is only one - Shiva who helps us, heals us, knows us, understand us. He who needs nothing but gifts us in ample. We all belong to him and he protects us without questioning or doubt. Shiv - my bliss in truth is omnipotent, omnipresent; omniscient eternal life in  immortal soul. Nothing can be equal to him!

केवल एक ही सत्य है- शिव जो हमारी सहायता करते है, विरोहन करते है, हमें जानते है, हमें समझते है। वह जो हमसे कुछ भी नहीं चाहता बल्कि हमें उपहारों से भर देते है।हम सभी उसके संरक्षण में हैं और वह बिना किसी प्रश्न या संदेह के हमारी रक्षा करते है। शिव - मेरे सत्य सुख सर्वशक्तिमान है, सर्वभूत है; सर्वज्ञ, सनातन प्राण के रूप में विधमान हैं औऱ कुछ भी उनके समकक्ष नहीं हैं!

Salutations to one and only vibrant source of energy- My Shiva - my life!

जीवंत ऊर्जा के  एक मात्र स्त्रोत , शिव - मेरे जीवन प्रतीक को बारम्बार प्रणाम!

All love and respects to one who is almighty-Shiva - my lord!

समस्त प्रेम और आदर उस सर्वशक्तिमान-शिव - मेरे स्वामी के लिए है!

All my prayers and deeds are in his name, O Shiva - my courage, please look upon over us and bless me and my family with knowledge and strength and liberate us from cycle of life. The real truth and consciousness in me is you, you and only you ! ‘AKS’ is surrendering and keeping faith in only you and prays for mercy, compassion and forgiveness!

मेरी सभी प्रार्थनाएं और कर्म उन्हें समर्पित हैं, हे शिव, कृपया हमारे ऊपर अपनी दृष्टि प्रदान करें और मुझे और मेरे परिवार को ज्ञान और शक्ति का आशीर्वाद दें और हमें जीवन चक्र से मुक्त करें, मेरे अंदर परम् सत्य और चेतना आप हैं, आप औरकेवल आप ही हैं! 'अक्स' आपके  सम्मुख समपर्ण औऱ आस्था सहित दया, करुणा और क्षमा के लिए प्रार्थना करता है!  

O Shiva - my reflection, we all are grateful to seek you like Bhagwan Raam seeks you in his life. Accept us as you have accepted him (RAAM) and bless us. O lord of lords, you are the most compassionate, vibrant, graceful and energy in us!

हे शिव, हम सभी आपके कृतज्ञ होकर ऐसे पुकारते  हैं जैसे भगवान राम ने आपको पुकारा था।हमें भी उनकी तरह स्वीकार करें और हमेंआशीर्वाद दें। हे महादेव, आप ही दयावान, जीवंत और ऊर्जा स्त्रोत हैं।

The peace in me is "Aum Namo Shivay"!!

मेरे हृदय की शांति आप हो!    नमो शिवाय -

- Arun Rise Sharma

Thursday, August 2, 2018

God's Favour

Why Lord Hanuman has so much reverence for Raam? I mean he has not met him before and neither have any communication or relation with him. It was a chance meeting and that happened due to prevailing circumstances. Why is Hanuman chosen? Why not Sugreev or Vibhishan as on those Raam has done obligations also? Please clarify.

Ans: Ram and Hanuman are the live proofs of reverence, care, respect and surrender. That is possible in simply putting your faith beyond doubt. It is a true relationship among unequal who are bind by their choices to understand the truth. It further tells us that when God wants to help you, he would take any form, shape, circumstances or merely blows a wind in your favour. 

In their story of devotion, the story begins with Raam. He has full reverence beyond doubt in Bhagwan Shiv that too self less and not for taking any favour. It is always for showing and leading him path of Dharma and Truth therefore despite Raavan is called the biggest devotee lost, defeated and killed by Raam owning evil intentions to destroy the principal character of society as Bhagwan Shiv stood against him in the appearance of Hanuman. Raam’s reverence in Shiv is so strong that Shiv had to send his part for taking birth as Hanuman. Being devotee, Raam did not lose his courage, patience and calmness till Sita was kidnapped. After Sita was abducted, he was totally out of control, senseless and lost hope to live his life. Bhagwan Shiv knows that if he would not find her, he would be like a dead one as God could not see his devotee in that state therefore he himself came to open the door, the "door of Hope" for him. 

Therefore remember when you surrender without doubt in Shiv, it is certain that he would do the best for you and if required he would himself come for rescuing you from distress. Furthermore when you have a complete faith and reverence in him then know he has the same for you, complete faith, surrender and reverence with unending depth of love and adoration. 

Therefore it is Ram’s bhakti in Shiv that has brought him as Hanuman before the devotee.

So when feel broken and burying, have faith and believe that another Hanuman is waiting for you too.

Aum Namo Shivay  

-     Arun Rise Sharma

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Black Hole - The Third Eye of Shiv Chapter '4'

Question: what is Cosmos ? How big it is..?

Ans: The Cosmos or Brahmand is like a big infinite box free from all dimensional sides. In total 16 directions with one  inner  and external point from core point.

Question: Whether Earth is the centre of universe ? 

Ans: Yes and no both.. being infinite in nature and size, any point is centre of universe.

Question: Where is the centre of Earth..?

Ans: If you see or any planet from far, you can pin pint the centre but that is core of the planet. If you station on radius of planet like we do while living on radius then the every point or any point is centre of radius. So to remove confusion you imagine a point as 0 and then star walking over  the radius. If reaching back to same point take 360 steps then you say 180 is the centre of your walk and assume that as centre . Now think it as 0 and then walk from their for centre then 0 in previous calculations become 180 in this calculation so you have another centre, like wise all places are centre of radius of planet.
{Further elaborated}: But the value of core would never change in any situation .. that is permanent point in any situation till reshape, redesigning rescheduling occurs...

Question: How does Black hole looks like...?

Ans: A black hole is the place where nothing but only dark energy exists therefore it has outer most periphery. It is the most illuminated one. The most bright, the most powerful energy point where everything glitters beyond look able shine  like our Sun is outer periphery. But as we further explorer it and go beyond that most bright glittering zone, another zone is there where whole of the energy is shutting down as after releasing the whole energy, the substance becomes impossible to see or predict. It is transforming into an unknown un-shape, un-existent for us but  present as soul, prana in body. Seen to none but present in a form. That area is a dark energy zone where the most powerful is that energy. That energy is sufficient to change value and composition of any or everything.That biggest energy zone is black hole. An unexplained energy zone.. You may see the picture for easy understanding.

- Arun Rise Sharma