Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Black Hole - The Third Eye of Shiv Chapter '4'

Question: what is Cosmos ? How big it is..?

Ans: The Cosmos or Brahmand is like a big infinite box free from all dimensional sides. In total 16 directions with one  inner  and external point from core point.

Question: Whether Earth is the centre of universe ? 

Ans: Yes and no both.. being infinite in nature and size, any point is centre of universe.

Question: Where is the centre of Earth..?

Ans: If you see or any planet from far, you can pin pint the centre but that is core of the planet. If you station on radius of planet like we do while living on radius then the every point or any point is centre of radius. So to remove confusion you imagine a point as 0 and then star walking over  the radius. If reaching back to same point take 360 steps then you say 180 is the centre of your walk and assume that as centre . Now think it as 0 and then walk from their for centre then 0 in previous calculations become 180 in this calculation so you have another centre, like wise all places are centre of radius of planet.
{Further elaborated}: But the value of core would never change in any situation .. that is permanent point in any situation till reshape, redesigning rescheduling occurs...

Question: How does Black hole looks like...?

Ans: A black hole is the place where nothing but only dark energy exists therefore it has outer most periphery. It is the most illuminated one. The most bright, the most powerful energy point where everything glitters beyond look able shine  like our Sun is outer periphery. But as we further explorer it and go beyond that most bright glittering zone, another zone is there where whole of the energy is shutting down as after releasing the whole energy, the substance becomes impossible to see or predict. It is transforming into an unknown un-shape, un-existent for us but  present as soul, prana in body. Seen to none but present in a form. That area is a dark energy zone where the most powerful is that energy. That energy is sufficient to change value and composition of any or everything.That biggest energy zone is black hole. An unexplained energy zone.. You may see the picture for easy understanding.

- Arun Rise Sharma

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