Sunday, August 25, 2019

Live Today

Live Today

Oh 'aks' you do worry a lot,
You do think a lot,
You do get fix in a point , 
You try reaching a destination
without knowing the essence, 
Life, thy shalt know, plays a lot , 
People like you live safely
Still get lose the major ,
If you believe in me,
I may lead you to infinity,
Beyond you when you were & will not 'aks' 
The true reality lies in facing dilemma,
Without fear or sense of defeated, 
'aks' thy shalt know you are ephemeral
But still foundation of this journey,
The role assigned to you is intended for transgressions,
Remember if I move on,
that would not conclude my voyage,
It would appear in someone else, 
So 'aks' stop worrying at all 
& enjoy the sunshine for now...

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The "Samkhya Yoga"

Question: What influenced Sri Krishna to choose Karma over other medium of Enlightenment or please tell me what is The "Samkhya Yoga" ?

The "Yogeshwar" knew that life's events would not happen the way people wanted them. Many consequences were waiting to turn against him. He evolved and kept himself detach from action as a doer. 

You know when you have no one to take care of you then any one who goes through such phases always have choice to become what he wanted to be? A loser at every step or fighting surviving odds through sheer determination and focus. 

Imagine a powerful king wanted to eliminate a young child in his kingdom, Can anyone stop him from doing so. Kamsa was just playing a game for fun, sending different devils and evils to kill Krishna. If he did know that Krishna was never be an ordinary child, he would have gone himself at first place to Gokul. If Ravana would have a choice to know that abducting Sita, a grave mistake, he would have offered friendship with Rama like he did it with all his strong enemies. 

Krishna was born in that era and society where the weaken were not heard and Ahimsa/non violence was not playing effective role and not treated as initial tools to establish the rule of law in the society. So Krishna who belonged to ordinary family had choice either to follow, bear the burnt of Kamsa and curse the life he was given at mercy or to bring best results to him and everyone. He accepted the challenge and chose to work for later where the initial struggles were multiple in number and made life hell difficult for him. He opted for the acid test and fought never ending and that is why see after 8000 yrs, we are happily celebrating his birthday and count him as the "One" - the source of ultimate energy.

Best wishes on #Janmashtami 2019

Thursday, August 22, 2019

What is Mantra "मंत्र"

Question: What is Mantra "मंत्र" ?

Mantra is a thought protection which prevents mind stray from goal. It is a combination of two words - Man 'मन' {Mind ie. logical or illogical thought in greater sense} + tra 'त्र' {To protect} . While we do something or even doing nothing , we get several thoughts, relevant or vague ones in nature. These take our inner self to hover in various known or unknown dimensions of time and imagination involving desired or unexpected actions, words, emotions and consequences. It further dilutes or destroy our focus and determination and sometimes land us in deep false trap of ego, anger, jealousy and lust hence divert us from our true nature of inner self. Here we urgently need a protection and that comes from it. The mantra is protects us from those vague emotions or guides us to focus against roaming aimlessly and motivates us to lead ourselves in focusing the true inner being. It stands as guard between the  positive self and ephemeral negative mind-design and thus brings us back to our foremost journey track. We must be careful while choosing our mantra in life. The positive generates positivity and negative  would divert to endless cycle of self- destruction.
-Arun Sharma

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Living in next moment ..

Living in next moment

Living in next moment is not going to solve your problem ..

The shoes you have ordered online which would like to deliver in next 7 days or ..

The holiday which you have booked in next summer or ..

The dress which you have kept for friend's marriage or ..

The life which you have saved for post retirement ..

These may not appear to you on the due date,

 as such You never know whether you would able to conclude this post ..

nor about the next morning supper whether happens in this life or not. (1)

Living next moment is and never will be in your hand.`. 

What you have is now ..

and that is greater than ..

 anything lies in future.. 

So stop thinking so much about the birds in bushes ..

 rather admire the one you have it in your hand.. (2)

The work you are assigned with ..

The skills you are proud to which ..

The talent you've shown to all ..

None is worthful when you know you are what you are not . (3)

Living in next moment is not going ..

 to solve your struggle rather ..

chained you with stress and grief ..

Even clouds don't keep showers for chosen days ..

The nights doesn't keep the dark for dawn ..

nor light keeps itself for night ..

The ragpicker would lift anything but ..

 a learned man would get infinite worthy ..

Therefore .. 

Do not delay or postpone this .. 

bliss in next unseen , 

have now, glow now,

Living in next moment is not going .. 

to solve your problem if you would not live it now... (4)


Who am I

Who am I 

Question: Who am I ??

Many think I am Hindu as I have born and brought up in a  Brahmin Hindu family and got name from Sanskrit, some think I am Buddhist as I have realization through understanding Middle Path, some take me as Jew/ Islamic/ Christian  as I have full faith  and inter connected belonging with one Almighty (Shiv), some could have feeling of me as Sikh or Jina as I believe in enlightened souls,  incorporeal and kailavya, some could find me getting peace with mother nature and take me as Pagan  and some see me blissful in self companionship and guess I am an atheist. Just to clarify  that I am not the part of religious groups nor defined myself under religion. I belong to Sanatan culture known as OMnism of ancient India and I have deep connected understanding and respect for one and all. Shiv - the energy in me since infinite loop of time and space, my father, defender and savior, has imparted me with the knowledge to think beyond cosmos, matter and  time. So when you curiously ask me who am I ?? I define myself as I am ____ . Now remove I and then am and now whatever is left is #Space and that is me- The whole some of Shiv- the Brahm. 

The AGE FACTOR - How old are you ?


Question: How old are you now?

The question is not asked in an appropriate manner rather I shall be asked  how old do I feel? May be few thousands years or more.. OK, See,  years are just plain numbers which could be written in figures as well as in words.  I am in that no. of years in which number my physical body has never reached before. So when you have asked this question, I could see and understand what and how generally a society acts on this issue. Some may know me as an eccentric, irrational, or calm, composed, happy and peace (remember it does not relate to tolerating idiots and smiling foolishly) in heart, oh! by the way I have paid a hefty for becoming what I am today but it worth. Asking further elaborates that you are more interested in knowing how old I should behave like. Being a back benched student in life school, I could say that I have never been grown enough to be a old civilized man as I have witnessed from that back bench how an age may make someone dull, boring, repentant and dementia. So I choose an age point in my life and that works according to my present series of happening in life. Like if I am alone with me, I am just 40 yrs when I am wise enough to handle closed doors and open mouth shutting nuisances and rumors. When I am entertaining, I am just 20, a DJ of life experiencing wild thoughts and carefree moments, thinking this could be the vulnerable end of life and relishing sinful mistakes accordingly. When I am in my office become a man of 30's, guiding and sharing my experiences and getting things done with accuracy. When I am in family and friends, I do what is needed the most and that too in effective dose. So that is why most of the time I think I am not in adulthood time rather I am still in my childhood, trying learning as much as possible, understanding and updating lessons and that too happening for the last few thousands years to me (soul). I don't believe in public approval therefore life is quite fascinating and in exploring state. I have certain realization as well and that has made me believe in inner connection and that is happening in rightful manner so whatever has gone is gone and whatever may come, would appear in right moment so therefore no hurries and no worries too.  

