Saturday, August 24, 2019

The "Samkhya Yoga"

Question: What influenced Sri Krishna to choose Karma over other medium of Enlightenment or please tell me what is The "Samkhya Yoga" ?

The "Yogeshwar" knew that life's events would not happen the way people wanted them. Many consequences were waiting to turn against him. He evolved and kept himself detach from action as a doer. 

You know when you have no one to take care of you then any one who goes through such phases always have choice to become what he wanted to be? A loser at every step or fighting surviving odds through sheer determination and focus. 

Imagine a powerful king wanted to eliminate a young child in his kingdom, Can anyone stop him from doing so. Kamsa was just playing a game for fun, sending different devils and evils to kill Krishna. If he did know that Krishna was never be an ordinary child, he would have gone himself at first place to Gokul. If Ravana would have a choice to know that abducting Sita, a grave mistake, he would have offered friendship with Rama like he did it with all his strong enemies. 

Krishna was born in that era and society where the weaken were not heard and Ahimsa/non violence was not playing effective role and not treated as initial tools to establish the rule of law in the society. So Krishna who belonged to ordinary family had choice either to follow, bear the burnt of Kamsa and curse the life he was given at mercy or to bring best results to him and everyone. He accepted the challenge and chose to work for later where the initial struggles were multiple in number and made life hell difficult for him. He opted for the acid test and fought never ending and that is why see after 8000 yrs, we are happily celebrating his birthday and count him as the "One" - the source of ultimate energy.

Best wishes on #Janmashtami 2019

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