Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Some times in life when we feel lonely and broken due to some betrayal or trust breaching by our beloved ones, the moment of life becomes dull and start taking the toll of our energy, we think that at this moment that no one is there to love us and even the tears from eyes are drier than thought. The death seems to be an easy prey and life becomes a spider-web. The eyes get burning and cries becomes a surviving thing in life then we must remember that in this life there is much to know yet and that could be possible only successfully passing through this phase of pain. We must take care of our pain by self and that would transform us in new avatar. We could feel and see what is hidden in us-  The God. I have seen people feeling it through pain, disloyalty, defeat, deceit and broken promises. The feeling of self esteem sometimes is at such a low point where it is even un-notice. Always know in life, only the god and his messengers have such a heart where they end their pain by winning their pain. The pain-winner can see what even a godly saint is looking. God in us !! it is truth and feel it when you are at that stage where your pain is tasted like the sweet nectar served through your best friend.  The god in us is like a god in blue denims- dashing, smart, active, energetic and well behaved. Do not afraid of this fact. It is not your liability rather an asset. Do not forget to carry this tag with smile on your face but remember with great power there lies the greatest responsibilities. Remember it and behave accordingly. You can not live like a loser more. Now smile and accept what is served and offered to you. Gracefully re-enter in the life-zone and live it completely w/o any regret or grudge. Always know a god in us will lead us to a place where we will not be same as before and would not remain the same in future. It is a shining path of self-reflection with image of god present in us.

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