Saturday, December 24, 2011


 This photo is thankfully downloaded from

The born artists, writers, composers, musician and likewise are occupations of God. They make people happy, joyful and complete and this is done by chosen ones. If one is chosen than one must thank his stars and God for choosing oneself for this service. It is well said that the artist always sleep half-filled stomach cause if his hunger for body is fulfilled than he would not think about the god’s wishes, he would burp and sleep.:) Sharing good things of life is god’s blessings and specially when someone is a good listener than sharing becomes a full time dream job and one never feels tired or bored with assigned work.
Understanding the God is prized possession of one’s life. Knowing his world is his faith in one self. sometimes we when remain in chaos/ confusion and feel neglected by god. If one understands the neither feeling of being one in context with God than there would not be any confusion/chaos or feeling of ignored.
Playing God is every human ‘s dream but one must understand that the big powers in life bring big responsibilities as well [ if someone wants to see plz. watch the movie Bruce Almighty] Visiting an institution of learning is paying back by your good karma's. Watching and meeting your mentors understands the worth of good karma's that means now you are not alone. Getting education through the best mentors is like meeting your angel who would take you to your best friend i.e. God. The welcoming by them is having the feast of knowledge with unlimited food and hunger. It is never ending enjoyment.
We all have to merge with super soul i.e. God but remember good souls merge easily with him w/o fewer efforts with smooth traveling and untiring attitude. The God always notices us and take the right time decision when we need him the most. We must wait for him but simultaneously walk on assigned path w/o questioning as we ourselves have chosen this path to understand and know the lesson of life. The surrender before him is always a feeling of freedom and weightless.
Living life in simple note is ‘live normal’.
We all are humans made of flesh and bone and we all feel worries/ confusion/ uncertainties. We sometime feel that this might the time when we have to do to get noticed so we start putting our efforts on false note that time is very crucial in our life because that is the time when we are going to meet for whom we had waited a long in life – God. God is as simple as child. He laughs when we laugh and cry when we cry. So it is the time to celebrate and make him feel happy. For that we don’t have to much just welcome him in first degree of happiness and delightful state of mind. The aura for him is the same and that will mix with his own aura.
In return we will see the most awaited picture /image of god so near to us that would be like meeting of souls. This will not the miracle but become routine of one’s life and would occur on each and every moment of life.
With this note I would like to wish to remind you all that the Xmas is coming and again lots of celebration, joys, happiness and rejoices. We all will celebrate the coziness of relations with our loved ones while sitting inside our houses. The markets would be full of crowd and lots of cheering. Kids will be playing with new toys and they will again wait for their SANTA CLAUSE who will  bring gifts for us. I know Santa that you really love us that is why every Xmas you bring gifts to us while traveling in cold winter night. This is your love and affection for us that you never feel tired nor bored for doing this task. I may only say that We love you as much and reciprocate your good lovely feelings for us. We recognize your effort and will certainly share your stories with our future generations. You have make us understood the meaning of role of our parents, elders in our respective life. You have always make us believe that love means giving and caring.   'MERRY X MAS' and may SANTA this year again brings lots of happy and delightful moments with love for you and your loved ones. I always wait for Santa and this year too I am eagerly waiting to visit me and brings all good wishes and gifts of God to me. I know that being SANTA, you always have to work hard and whole night to carry and to keep gifts at our beds w/o disturbing our sleep. You care for us and WE LOVE YOU…… for your kindness …thank you once again and yes we are waiting for and hugs.... Amen

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