Wednesday, June 20, 2012


A relation is pure source of energy. It develops one ‘s emotional and spiritual strength. It is like sacred river of holy water, blesses the persons involved.  

Betrayal is a lesson of life learnt from the closer ones. As closer the person , so high the learning. One can feel the pain of this lesson throughout the life. One cannot ignore this as we do not live in Utopian society. Betrayal diminishes the charm of relationship. The degree of betrayal depends on the intensity of relation. It is breach of trust between the persons. It is obstacle in friendship and relationship. It is one of the dish of buffet choose by us . It helps in opening one’s mind. It awakes us. It is like an electricity current passes as shock treatment in smooth life. It gets support from other negative emotions of life. Once broken never be intact again. I have seen people walking through this door and the intensity of their emotions is such high that I can feel the dryness of their eyes after the flowing of their tears. Initial stage the learner remains in denial mode and slowly when he started understanding the experience then the feeling of Pain, repentance followed by anger and hate which is sometimes so high that one may start doing the same with self. Then the stage of revenge comes. One starts living in manipulation and conspiracy w/o realising that is affecting oneself rather than anyone else. I feel that involving in such activities it is better to start a fresh with or w/o the person involve. One can forgive or forget the existence of such person, is the solution to deal with this emotion. Only then, the learning through this emotion is possible otherwise it would snatch the purpose of life from us.
TREASON  is the wish of changing the system or particular person. It is a voice against the evils design created to run the system. It may be for better or worst depending upon the decision of people involved in doing so. Hearing the direct voices may reduce the chance of happening this and respite for them who are feeling betrayed or cheated. There are many examples of this when people have stood for this whether it was war between north and south. It involves good numbers of persons from both sides. It is like a dim flame which increases with the spreading of dissatisfaction. A person against whom the treason has occurred or going to occur can handle it w/o any harm if he / she will able to take right decisions on time. It is a continue process and day to day decision making is required. A good administrative team can work for restoring the trust of people. Critics may be given the right place and suitable need based, people oriented welfare decision can control and prevent this situation.


chiccoreal said...

Jane Jones(Ja-Len Jones FB)20 9 60 henpal2121@hotmail

Dear Arun: All negative emotions, when sorted as to intensity, come from our interaction with others. The resultant emotional response being fight, flight, or frozen.

When we are betrayed, trust is broken. Treason is a political term for betrayal. Trust is something which one expects from another. When trust is missing, removed or absent, there is no true communication as trust is a capstone for the communicative structure.

Once trust is broken there will always be lingering doubts as to the motives of the person(s) who betrayed the trust.

Whether or not the betrayal was performed deliberately or not would have much to do with the healing process. I believe healing of broken trust aka betrayal can be healed with time, effort, and methods which prove successful. Of course, everything is contigent upon many specific factors, such as; who broke the trust, why did they break the trust, and most importantly; do they really honestly intend to remedy, once and for all the betrayal, and permanently reestablish a trusting relationship, communication, etc.

Thank-you Arun, I enjoyed your contraversial topic today~!

Arun Rise Sharma , अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा said...

Thanks CHICCOREAL for your kind words, Thanks a lot my friend...:)