Thursday, August 18, 2011

Little Great HAPPINESS

During our journey we always travel towards the destiny just to find little happiness.  Without realizing that that the reason of that just remains within us. A child can be happy with car-toy and after attaining his adulthood he can be happy with real car or may seek more to get same level of happiness. When I was child by my looks (I am still a child) I wanted to have a big rooms full of toys where I can play with toys as I did not have toys so I promised myself that when I would start earning I will do the same now I don’t have that much time but have lot of toys and whenever I get time I play with my sons. I feel good gifting toys to children so I try to gift them some.  The material things are not bad always as we need to be on a certain level of possession just to be stable and healthy but that level needs to be identified as soon as possible. The comforts help us to realize that the true happiness lies with not taking the things but giving. Unless and until we will not able to find out the level of comfort and start learning giving, we would not be happy and remain roaming here and there just to find little happiness.

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