What is aks- Arun's Reflection: an image in mirror/water is aks but I know it is my body but not me. I stay with stillness of soul not with the time seen in age & appearance of body. This blog is my understanding learnt in various bodies & places in different time zones and circumstances. Whatever I know is not new but just a repeat thought flashing in me. This is grace of Shiv. He has connected all the points & draw this beautiful picture. ALL COPY RIGHTS RESERVED with Author
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Love is great.Love is all round.If love does not exist nothing will exist. Love makes everything acceptable to lovers.Only love has power to get you do which people criticize in normal course of life.Love is always understood.Love speaks even unspoken.To learn “Dhayan” one shall be in love.Love is daring. It connects one with “samarpan”, “TAPA” “tyaga” .It is for all giver, not for taker. It spreads in abundance. It is destined, unstoppable, uncertain, unplanned, unkind, difficult to handle and painful. It brims with unlimited boundaries and may end on small note. It is not the thing of gentlemen.It is rough as well soft as well as hard and smooth .Only mother can understand the love of his child.One day when this world will be ending the god will ask us when you were living , did you love or waste your life. Love never touches the apex.Love matures with the time and spreading. I am a good lover because I have risen in love many times.Love is an opportunity, never to miss it..We look good together because we are in love.If love is my destiny how can I miss it.Thanks for loving me. Your love is sunshine of my life. If I have to live my life again, I will love and die rather than be loved and die. My best part of me is love. Love is the insurance to happiness. Pay good premium and get good bonus. I have no fear no hassles because I am surrounded by love.
Love is pious. Nothing can harm a lover..Love is “Tarka” to life.Love is the game of god where he loves to see you in full form. Love is strange and faultless. Love makes you respectful and heartfelt.
Love is intense. .love refines, re-find, rebound and reshapes you.
Love is the feeling of early November morning when sun is there and leafs still remains intact. Love is the heater in winter. Love adds, not subtract. I search for me till I discovered love. Love is shapeless n exists in all shapes.Love is dawn to life. Love rises you. I believe nothing until love enters. Love is in the air.
Love relaxes . Love helps me to understand my true friend- GOD.Love is surrender before the almighty with open arms waiting to be freed from all doubts, chaos, confusions, fear and darkness. I am blinded by the power of love and faith has taken me to another level of comfort where I am celebrating cos I am not alone.....
Love is pious. Nothing can harm a lover..Love is “Tarka” to life.Love is the game of god where he loves to see you in full form. Love is strange and faultless. Love makes you respectful and heartfelt.
Love is intense. .love refines, re-find, rebound and reshapes you.
Love is the feeling of early November morning when sun is there and leafs still remains intact. Love is the heater in winter. Love adds, not subtract. I search for me till I discovered love. Love is shapeless n exists in all shapes.Love is dawn to life. Love rises you. I believe nothing until love enters. Love is in the air.
Love relaxes . Love helps me to understand my true friend- GOD.Love is surrender before the almighty with open arms waiting to be freed from all doubts, chaos, confusions, fear and darkness. I am blinded by the power of love and faith has taken me to another level of comfort where I am celebrating cos I am not alone.....
I am dead-2..... "how the party begun"
I am dead-2 "how the party begun"
by Arun Sharma on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at 11:34pm
... I am so happy and flying like a bird. So I request my creator to give an opportunity and fulfill my wish one more time. I usually get favor from him and whatever I have asked for, he just fulfill it w/o questioning my intentions. I am always his lovable child and get the chances to get the moon from him. Now after hearing me, he just smiled and give a pat over my head. I got the message, this time also I am going to get what I asked for. The permission for watching my last rituals- remembrance for me. I am curious that whether it is being celebrated as I wished for .. or otherwise. I asked my angle buddy to get me best pair of black suit with red loose comfortable shirt and long leather black shoes covering my beautiful feet. I took the shower and kept my hair gelled for wet look. A close shave from both sides and lot of after shave and my 'Hugo'. It smells so good. I am ready to go and enjoy the party.
It is wonderful. As I have mentioned in my will, Reena, my wife has arranged the place in same manner. Lot of flowers and white linen covers with red carpet for every one's walk. Round tables and comfortable chairs covered with white sheet and red roses on the center is completing the sequence. And my favorite songs are just being played over good sound system with mellow voice. It is always good to hear good things whether it is music or friendly talks. Here I am getting chance to hear both. My friends , my buddies have brought lot of flowers for me to pay tribute to me. A good smell of filter coffee with danish cookies, home made cakes, chocolates made by Reena. She has also put home made aromatic candles in glass shells. I am so fortunate that my friends have cared for my wish, they have come in best of their dress, and all of them look so fabulous. At one corner my favorite pictures are displayed where all are going to say hello to me with broad smile. No one is discussing about sad, unhappy moments, here they are sharing happy stories. The atmosphere is light and cozy. I asked my buddy angle whether I can show myself to my friends and can share my after death experience so that they could enjoy it but he is not convinced and told me to let happen the things in same manner as it happens. They should believe that destiny is uncertain so that they can carry on with their routine. Now the time for me to go as my buddy is looking at me to leave. I just want to say that friends wherever I will be or you may be, I am always truly thankful to you for helping me to grow like a man. I am grateful to you that despite my many short comings you never let me down and always encouraged me to achieve what I desire. My many wishes were fulfilled by god through you. If you were not there, god could remain helpless in that situations when he really wanted to give me true happiness and in my life I count you as blessing from him. I know I will remain in a small corner of your precious heart and when you feel like meeting me, you will visit that corner where we both will share happiness and joyful thoughts. I know happy moments are always remembered as we visit them too often and sad feeling fades with time as we stop visiting them even when we alone and broken but my friends I wish to tell you that for having this joy and happiness which I am sharing with you, one needs to leave this body without any depression and to accept the death as inevitable. It shall not commit but let it happen like a weather only then one would enjoy this after-journey. I had this experience and able to share with you because I had lived my life complete and with full acceptance therefore the death which was another experience was never remain a mystery for me. So that my friends enjoy the fruit of god and till that take care and good bye. I love you all... amen :)
Live Normal-3
We cant predict or forecast because life is not a planned affair.. it is not a drama set on your stage of life. if it could then there was no charm except scheming or conspiracies. Life is an act of natural emotions come spontaneously in mind. if god be given chance, he would love to live like us or our life just because of uncertainty in various situations.The dreams are goal of our life seen with open eyes while keeping eye on targets. they are assets to us and live with us.it is sign of awaken mind. love them , they are here to take yo to another level of salvation. signs are the languages of god which we understand with his permission. it is lucky to understand him we know the language whether spoken or unspoken, it can not and must not be ignored. Life is full of giving and lot of taking. we must know that giving shall be higher than taking only then learnings of life will accept us as a true human being. Living life in simple form and in today makes us prefect for future journey.. whatever we achieve we pay price for that. In my life journey I have come across many souls who might have received more than they share in this beautiful world. they are the matter of envy for others but I have seen them paying a good price on other fronts and they miss what they have paid and don't enjoy what they possess. living life in natural degree helps one to relish what is given by sweet speaker-god. whatever he has offered to us is related with us and I wish a normal life shall be full of adventures including of nightmares, it is worth, pay for it happily, and enjoy the nectar of life...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
A man born as broken knows his defects and that encourages him to learn and fight over his short comings, the practice and right learning tells him to know where he is standing and in which direction he has to travel to accomplish the task assigned by the almighty. during the journey he understands and learn the value of truthfulness and right skills, that leads him to another level of aura where he is lived by mending his previous mistakes and avoid the future short comings. he learns to live in a simple but real manner. he understands the importance of relations created by his body as well as learns to know about soul. he achieves what he desires and in the last he merges with god. that is only because of his grace..thank you god, you remain throughout in my life and not got me wasted my life..
I am dead
I am dead..
by Arun Sharma on Friday, March 18, 2011 at 8:19pm
So at last I am dead for world, but what I am feeling that I can’t control my body movements but I can still hear, smell and feel the contacts. I can see people around me. I want to say hey buddies don’t think I am dead, I am still alive like you and have all emotions and feelings but I cant. my body is resting and beyond my control. I have heard that souls don’t feel pain and can’t be hit.... but my body which u have put on floor is having pain from hard surface as I not used to this before... no this bed sheet is not sufficient for me , I need proper mattress and bring me a pillow as well ... why you trying to cover my face with cloth.. I have never slept like this before... it is suffocating and claustrophobic feeling.... I am angry and want to tell that enough is enough.... if you think I am dead, you are bloody wrong....only difference is that I am not able to hit you back, I am not able to move like you are moving otherwise I am still looking at you all... oh no now you have come with wooden ladder and started tying me with rope... it is too tight and giving me emotional break downs ... please put me over the bed and call some one who can understand that I am still alive... why are you making so much weeping sounds, I don’t like them.... and where are you taking me.... is someone there who can hear me... it is all in vain... oh I have been drowned ...it is no way of giving bath ... lots of water had entered ..gallop...gallop... oh men why I am being given trouble by you... you all are my friends and behaving strange like this, we have celebrated many success together and had fun..... please don’t put me over the pyre...I know what you are going to do with me... please don’t burn me.... look this is being done with dead people not alive like me.... oh god they have put oil over me and put pieces of wooden... now I understand the meaning of saying that in hell you will be fried like snacks if we commit sin we would be burn in fire... we would be drowned in water and lot of suffocation.... the pain which is occurring to me is the result of my sins.... I ask forgiveness from you all ...throughout my life I had never become a good person that is why I am suffering.... if another chance be given I will try to become a better man.... I have started weeping and asking for forgiveness which I gave to none when I was alive.. I was feeling ashamed as I was miser in giving and worst in taking and now I have3 nothing else with me except my repentance for my deeds.. I have started counting my good deeds during my life but I could not cross even five. Throughout the life I have tried to speak with god and now I want to hear him. I caused pain to people just to gain little and seduced them to have benefit from them, exploited them in the name of relations, friendship, love, caring and now I have realized that these were my sins which have brought this unending pain to me. I know i don’t deserve god to be my side but if he could give another chance I will try to be a better human and this is what I think my prayers have been listened. My pain has started decreasing, the feeling of burn’s has gone down and what I can see a white soothing light is over me and a child like angle who has just appeared and come to me and hold my hand and all pain has gone completely and I could feel flying , he smiled and without his spoken words I can hear that he is my savior and has answered my cries, I have started crying with happiness. He takes me out from me... I am above everything and seeing myself lying over the pyre... the priest is saying the prayer and now the fire is given to me... I asked for forgiveness from god and may be some of my good karma have helped me that is why my pain ends before fire to my funeral otherwise I had to suffer with fire as well....I was taken a little high and as I close my eyes for few moments in happiness, I have found myself travelling through a tunnel and I can see a light which is soothing and bright. After a while I reached on the other side of tunnel. The atmosphere is pleasant and good. There is no noise and the angle who was with me has gone in the light, I am at new place , it is peaceful and friendly but I miss earth and its fruits, may be some day I will back and this time I may try to be less sinful and arrogant. I will try to help other and try to give them happiness so that when I will leave me, my suffering will be lesser than this time... I thank to all who have come to pray for best of luck for my further travelling ..now I know I was dead at the moment when my body stops to communicate with my soul, it is only my ego which was telling a false fact so that I may suffer my sufferings and pain for my sins. Now I know that next time when I shall do my karma without any sin so that I do not have to remain in me to suffer and have pain caused after death.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
KISS / SEX is like a chocolate , the slow it melts, the more it touches heart and gives pleasure to complete body, the purpose of KISS / SEX is to give immense pleasure to the persons involved in this. it is an expression of love, affection and care. It is sign of unspoken love imprints over the heart of both the persons. LAUGHING is natural impression to show the happiness and joys of life. It is related with magic of sound as if you laugh loudly, you will make lot of sound. One can laugh alone. LIVE TRULY is live normal- like a child, feel the happiness in each moment and spend your happiness w/o saving for future. Living shall be welcoming every new day like a first day of rest of one's life. Life shall be treated in first form and like a free flowing river from a mountain top which makes its own way to descend.FORGIVENESS is " Veerasya bhushanam" i.e. the jewel of braves or true warrior. The braves never hesitate to forgive if they are asked for forgiveness.So whenever I think of this beautiful word which transforms one from human being to nearly God or God, I see a picture in my mind that a child playing in the muddy field and put lot of mud over his clothes and body, his hairs are covered with sand and soil and he is still smiling while looking at his mother as nothing has happened to him and the mother is looking and finding him the most beautiful, tidy child in this universe. Her eyes are assuring him that he should not worry about the things which are over him and he does not need any excuse to explain what went wrong at which place. She just takes him in his lap and kisses him at his cheek, takes him to home, give him a shower and wrap him in clean cloth and changes his cloth w/o any hassles. GOD DOES THE SAME WITH US when we forget to obey his directions and do something wrong , mischievous and on noticing it he just looked at us and takes us in lap, changes the “clothes” and put new “clothes” over us and give second chance to mend the ways. All the super heroes who were called as GOD have a common factor in them, they were courageous, take initiatives, natural rebel, understanding, caring and love for their friends, never afraid of their enemies and above all they have a quality to forgive their enemy despite their unlimited strength. They have a heart to forgive people who have caused them difficult pain. The other qualities can be seen in many persons but the exception is forgiveness. One needs real courage to forgive a person who has caused him difficult pain in life. These essences make a life worthy and living. Have them in abundance to understand the best gift given by our creator.
*[Regarding the FORGIVENESS if you would like to read in detail, you are requested to to read "FORGIVENESS' ]
*[Regarding the FORGIVENESS if you would like to read in detail, you are requested to to read "FORGIVENESS' ]
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Death is not such an incident which you share with any one...... you experience it and smile ....:)
I wish to be cremated with fire so that ash just merges with earth but given a choice my epitaph will be:-
” :) ”
"A man with simple emotions....... can speak with god directly."
"You know I am nearby as you can smell me and just do not try to find me ...I am here!!!"
"Lets connect our hearts through an unspoken word -'Silence' ...."
"Yes, I made lots of mistakes and sometimes judgment of error occurred too... I did not come in this world with carrying SOP ( Standard Operating Procedure) or FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) booklet..."
" Let other guess, I know where will I end "
"A man with simple emotions....... can speak with god directly."
"You know I am nearby as you can smell me and just do not try to find me ...I am here!!!"
"Lets connect our hearts through an unspoken word -'Silence' ...."
"Yes, I made lots of mistakes and sometimes judgment of error occurred too... I did not come in this world with carrying SOP ( Standard Operating Procedure) or FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) booklet..."
" Let other guess, I know where will I end "
" Being Alone is the gift of creator "
" Being Alone is the gift of creator "
" I have performed an inner journey in the company of myself "
" I have performed an inner journey in the company of myself "
if i had to live my life again- Life in reverse gear
· i will not change anything.... from past..no more comforts/luxury
· i will express respect n regards to people who had given me happiness...
· ...i will thank god for giving me everything...
· i will not cause pain to all..
· i will live simple and normal life ..
· i will be happy n satisfied.... whatever i have
· i will work hard, study hard, help others, donate more.
i will be more opened, flexible, relax, ...
i will make people happy n happy
The road which was not taken - The Life not lived
we all feel in our life that if on that day i had taken the choice which i did not follow i might reach at better than this place where i am now but i feel that whatever was chosen for me is best..
n i cannot be at other place except i am at now...
life always choose best for a person ....
and I don't have any regret.
n i cannot be at other place except i am at now...
life always choose best for a person ....
and I don't have any regret.
March 22, 2011 at 10:52 am-
Marriage has lot of fun. U know someone with whom you can grow. U can enjoy playing, sexing, eating and roaming. But with the time passes you become dependent over your best buddy even looking for socks become tedious job. I am married for more than 21 yrs and enjoy company of my buddy. We have invested one of our best period together. We have relished the time. Now we both have entered in our 40′s and believe that life would be as good as it is before. The god has helped us to find true happiness in each other. I am grateful to her for accepting me.
I choose asylum because i want to live with me… that is the place where I can be liked me… the people around me do not expect anything from me and I don’t want to ride in other person’s shoes nor I want to see them wearing mask of any other person… i think independently freely and w/o prejudice to any one… I have no place for hatred, anger, anxiety, tensions or jealousy. I believe in me and my capabilities, if tomorrow I would be taking out grass from earth, I want to do perfectly so that people appreciate my ability for my work… I want to be compared with myself nor with any tom or harry.. . If you feel my demands unjustified or irrational than please let me live in this asylum.. I am happy here.. :))
BREAK-UP IN Connaught Place
“ So kiss me and that will be my birthday gift”….
‘No, I won’t’
“Why?? What is the problem? “….
‘I am not in the mood.’
“but you know it is a special day for us… and you have kissed me before as well… not a new thing I am asking…”
‘So what, it is nothing special form me…’
“ You have always said that you love me and can’t live without me…”
‘What I have said before now I don’t want to discuss..’
“ don’t say that, it is hurting me..”
‘I don’t care…’
[boy throws ice cream softy on the floor]
‘Do whatever you like, I am going my home..’
“If you go like this it means you don’t want to return..”
‘Yes ! And I am going …’
[ both took the different ways and never met again..]
When we have this feeling, we feel obliged and thankful to god. We feel like a piece of straw which is flying because of power of wind. We feel nothing and unnoticeable thing of this world. We feel that god is great and greatest and god has chosen me because of his kindness. We feel to sacrifice everything for god. This life or every life seems to be insufficient for this kindness.
After sometime we start having another feeling that nothing is big in this. As I was perfect and skillful that is why I have kissed this success. The way I have moved and kept my game, there was no other exception than this success. I have embraced it because of my cleverness and intelligence. We further think that the money which I generally offered to temple for this achievement is the reason for getting this success. I know how to get-set-go.
Now think it for a minute and find which is right way to know the reason for success.
The living should be like a life of a child. He lives completely and happily. He lives with himself and never feels alone. While doing a small work you will find his mind completely sets over that work. With the completion of each step toward the accomplishing the target, his happiness gets double. You just enter in the house , he leaves everything behind and run to you. He would describe his day, small things of school and after five minutes he would be busy with something else. On the other side a matured man would remain in his chaos of life. This chaos is normal for his life. Every moment he would fight to be in the race without even understanding the pros and cons of his act. They feel empty if they have no stress in life.; They try to find their meaning of life in the stress. As we grow up we forget about enjoying the small things of life and make our search for better, best, excellent and outstanding. The outstanding if we get , do not give us happiness as well feel as stale.
Life is a book and nothing extra-ordinary is required to be done to read this.
The life is like sand in the hand, the hard you hold it, the more it slips. Live normal is best and motto of life.
The life is like sand in the hand, the hard you hold it, the more it slips. Live normal is best and motto of life.
Why it is so??
Why me always??
Why I have always been sufferer??
It is because of my past karma or because of curse given by others.
Somebody might have done black magic over me.
These all types of questions come in our mind when we feel lonely and painful in our life and the endurance gets tired. We go to astrologer or mantrik/tantrik to know the remedy of this. With the passage of time we get stressed, feel like loser, even our own beloved one start keeping distance from us. The whole life lived so far looks like a bunch of tasteless fruits. The life path seems to be difficult and full of endless hurdles. But there is something good is hidden in this period. This period gives us time to check and balance our acts. The troubles which we caused to other and pain occurs to them refreshes our memory. Those who understand the meaning of it, they pray for forgiveness and some start justifying their acts and sometimes become adamant for it. What could be better than this if we ask God to forgive us for our sins and get relieve from the pain, loneliness and suffering by his blessing.
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