Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Earth - The Gift of Shiva


To all citizens of this beautiful Earth. I have entered into Golden 50 Club and receiving best wishes for longevity and happiness. I expect a gift from you too and I know you would not disappoint me. The best gift I want from you all that It is being an enough time to know, understand and feel this world which is unique, ever existing and unending. We all are the same, from the  same egg, from those tiny micro cells carrying unique identities but similar in reality and qualities. I know you and you know me and we all know each other whether we have still met or otherwise. We have a common fact that We all share this Mother Earth- Our home from unknown time. It could hold us, it could take care of us, it could keep us happy and healthy. Unfortunately we have never understood its importance and ultimately started destroying it. During my school days, I heard about cold war might result into atom bomb throwing on each other,  depletion of ozone layer but that had remained far behind and more greater challenges have come up like pollution, green house, smog, increase in temperature, climate changing ie. Flood, stromes, huge jungle fire, glacier melting, scarcity of drinking water and so on.  We have become so irrelevant to its existence that today it could go for unending if we would not be here. The gift of nature is destroying self and we have become so fashionable that we have started cheating. We say we care but do nothing and then come up with this excuse that only mine doing would not help saving Earth. It would if we are sincere and serious to our efforts. No effort goes in vain and believe me it would not waste yours too. If you could do a little, do it without thinking about the effect. The positivity brings positivism. There is so much you can do to save.. Just google it and know. Only you could bring respite to this bed ridden suffering Earth. Let's bring back it from coma by adding love and care. It would be greatest gift to us and to our generations. That is a true worship and singing a prayer before almighty. Help yourself by helping mankind. Thanks a lot for your kind responses and love.

* Image is being taken from Google, available on site. The author has not  inteneded to use it for commercial purpose.

The God in various Languages


Turkish - Tanri
Latin - Deus
Albanian - Zor
Arabic - Allah 
Armenian - Astvats
Bangla - Debta
Bosnian - Boze
Bulgarian - Box
Chinese - Shen
Czech - Buh
Danish - Gud
Finnish - Jumala
Flippino - Divos
French - Dieu
German - Gott
Greek - Theo's
Hindi- Parmeshwar, Bhagwan, Ishwar, Shiva,
Irish -Dia
Italian -Dio
Japanese - Kam
Jew - Yhwh
Kannada - Devaru
Korean - Hananim
Malay - Tuhan
Malayalam - Daivam
Maori - Atua
Mangolia - Burkhan
Marathi - Dev
Persian - Parvardigar
Punjabi - Raba
Somali - Illah
Sinhala - Devi
Sufi - Hu
Tamil - Tevan
Telugu - Devudu
Urdu - Khuda
Uzbek - Xudo
Welsh - Duw
Zoroastrian - Ahura Mazda

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Q & A - Why some are more successful than others ?


How do some people get lot of success more than others? I mean why one or two get exceptionally good marks and rest of us get normal marks and unfortunately some of us do not get into the best institutions despite having intelligence or many times better than those who get through the entrance exams. Is this not a prejudice?


OK..If You wish to know how  people get outstanding results in their exams or tests whenever they appear in it. I will call it blessing, Blessing of Shiv. We are very ordinary people with average of intelligence with some memory and some planning. The memory and planning decide our course of action in our respective life. We take help of our past experiences and plan as per our thoughts. We choose our goals and dreams and do needful.  You know one has to study to get good marks, it is like meditation. I call it penance. It needs continuing efforts and produces through lot of sacrifices and self control. However many of us do not get despite doing severe efforts. Many times whatever we learn that does not appear in question paper or whatever we leave that becomes the basis of exam. The most intelligent student would be found in examinatrion hall as a sitting duck and the average student who has studied selective or a little is able to take his exam in full throtle manner. Therefore it is difficult to digest his success when one knows that how little he knows about the book despite getting good marks.  I call it, the blessing of Shiv. He blesses him with average mind but has given him a fate of success at first place. Whatever he has studied has become his question paper and ultimately lead him to success beyond his own reach.

The same goes with life... 

Understand the blessings of Shiv... He  blesses one with remarkable quality of learning and understanding so that whatever he would learn and understand becomes part of day today life or blesses him with outstanding luck so that whatever little he does becomes  graceful karma....

Either way it is him-  The Shiv, who controls and fulfills the purpose of life..

Therefore I advice everyone to understand that asking Shiv for little help is never a bad idea. Let he blesses us with intelligence that whatever we know, read and understand would become our knowledge or boon us with such fate that whatever a little we know becomes the essence of our life. 

- Arun Sharma


Monday, October 8, 2018

Q & A - How do I know I am at peace in the company of Shiv

Qus: How do I know I am at peace in the company of Shiv ?

Ans:  See that when your level of manipulation attitude gets reverse gear and you stop bothering Shiv for every obstacle, problem or want as you now understand that whatever you do whether good or bad is going to affect you, not him. The moment you have realised that whatever is or will be happening with you is the consequent of your way of playing the game of life and Shiv is not interfering that how do you play your game. Your questions have become larger than your will to get small prosperities and comforts. You get closeness with greater cosmos and think beyond this beautiful Earth. You know that everything has happened for a reason and that reason defines the crust of life. You know you have reached to certain level of self-awareness. You have become a being without body. The name, appearance, the description , the physical life do not define you.You are not what others are percieving or could see you. You have reached on a different dimension where you are not with some external looking visible objects but filled with an indepenedent energy.  Ok, Last night there was Masik Shiv-Ratri. The Masik Shiv-Ratri is one of most auspicioies time when you could easily connect yourself with greater being and as practice the prayers which I do every day are being done in the shubh muhurata. Every night I do prayers in midnight around 11.30/12.30 but on Masik Shiv Ratri, I do it in auspicious muhurata because that is the time when the power of nature connects us with inner-self at the most comfortable and connecting-soul’s timing. You can worship any time and you could worship while simultaneously working on some project. It is not at all difficult. Ok, come back to the things, last night while worshipping I was easily going into the samadhi and resuming awake while praying. It had never happened before as happened this time. There was no jitch nor any complex situation as Samadhi and awakening was like a karmic process. It had happened around ¾ times between the puja and then after concluding, paying respect to Shiv by 'Karpur Gauram' mantra - being the final prayer hymn  before leaving prayer room. I could feel the complete peace in me.  Praying always rejoices and gives me immense happiness and I have noticed that more I pray, the more I have become fun loving. Worshipping has made me light hearted and  more comic loving. I believe it happens when you stay in Shiv’s company, you share good laughs with him, your anger vanishes and acceptance for everything is increased  while being remain malice towards none. That is the way life works and that is how prayers affect your inner and external self. This is the way I feel peace in Shiv’s company. AUM..

- Arun Sharma

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Halloween in East Culture

Qus: The Halloween is quite popular in West. Do they celebrate it in East and what is the difference in their celebration.

Ans: The halloween is introduced through celtic culture and become quite famous in US and other countries. The attractive colour costume based event is popular in young and children. It is getting quite known in East too where some  people follow  it ( Western culture) blindly. They have never realise that the halloween in respectable and better sense is already celebrated in East. 

Ok! while west is occupying with the idea of halloween, the east has "SHRADH". Have you heard of "Shradh" ? 

Nowadays simultaneously both have period of "Shradh"  'श्राद्ध' and Halloween. In Shradh, East is remembering forefathers and praying for better after life journey, doing charities in their memory. This word "SHRADH" has originated from "Shardha" - श्रद्धा - a Sanskrit word which literally means Faith. The Shradh is an act that is performed with all sincerity and faith. It is the ritual that one performs to pay homage to one's ancestors, especially to forefathers and dead parents, grand parents etc.  It is to express heartfelt gratitude and thanks towards their ancestors and praying for their peace. It is a day of remembrance. 
And simultaneously West is busy with Halloween, thinking dead as haunted ghosts hovering in area, scaring and bullying people and children and they should light fire and wear such type of dresses to ward off ghosts and dead ones as at the end of summer, it is thought the barrier between our world and the world of ghosts and spirits got really thin and they get enter to our world to mistreat and bully us. They believe it is the time when ghosts and spirits come out to haunt, and  they would fearfully try to appease the spirits by offering them treats so that they could be ward off from humans.

The purpose of this is not to denouce any culture as East is not all that saint and West is not all that devil. The ill-customs exist in both cultures. The comparison is just to make it understand that one should choose wisely. That free will is the power of human mind.

.. - Arun Sharma

Monday, September 24, 2018

Shiv Mantra - Brahmananda swarupa

 ब्रह्मानंद स्वरुप 
ईश जगदीश
अखिलानंद स्वरुप 
ईश महेश

Brahmananda swarupa 

Isha jagad isha 

akilananda swarupa

 Isha Mahesha

The eternal bliss has appeared through who, that is not ..

The unending bliss has appeared through who, that is not but SHIV !!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Is Lord Krishna an atheist?

                                          Is Lord Krishna an atheist?

ईश्वर: परम: कृष्ण: सच्चिदानंद विग्रह: ।
अनादिरादिर्गोविंद: सर्वकारणकारणम् ।।

ishvarah paramah krishnah
anadir adir govindaha

Krisna is called as Govinda, the one who is Supreme God, has an eternal blissful spiritual being. He has no other origin but is origin of everything  is the prime cause of all causes and actions. - Brahm Sanhita

It is really seem to be weird thinking that Lord Krishna - the greatest yogi with all godly qualities from Dwapar yuga could be an atheist but somehow this question just come up in my mind and then started mingling with my thoughts. How can someone who himself is worshipped by many people across the global, whose thoughts have generated the greatest book of all time, ‘ Sri Mad Bhagvat Geeta’ would be thought as an atheist. Is it not a surprise for all of us? However truth is truth, despite its opposition and conflict with human mind. Let us start with this subject.

 First of all we should understand that who is an atheist? In general meaning, anyone who does not believe in god is an atheist. Who so ever refuse to accept the entity of god and feels that there is no god then he would be termed as atheist.

One of major religion of India which has come into existence from Sanatan dharma defined its theory around humans. The humans who would have shaped the human lives around basic principles of human qualities while controlling the desires and greed, encourages kindness towards all other beings and based on forgiveness are some of the basic facts of this theory. It is defined that anyone who has attained these qualities can be termed as sage and ultimately liberate through attaining nirvana/ moksha. It does not talk about god or any other divine power rather believes that the chaos in the world has occurred due to absent of god otherwise if god exists then there would not be any chaos. It further says that it is prime duty of all being to understand that the life itself is a curse and the liberation is the solution to end grief and pain of soul.

There is another religion which has also come up from Sanatan dharma that also defines about the liberation of soul through choosing middle path of life as it elaborates that the extremities kill the purpose of life. Live normal is the basic theory of life and one could get nirvana through living normal as it would attract to less or no evils in life.

As I have explained before in my previous sessions that  the religion has been mistook by the followers as it is character based principles and the purpose of religion is to bring rightful conduct among its followers. It is like a software to run human life and society and whenever the software becomes obsolete or not able to cope up with the changing principles of life then a new software ie. Updated religion appears before us which is  like another advance updated version of software to run human life and society. The best software can be that which could easily absorb the updated versions as well as not rigid to its limitations. In that manner I have analyzed that Sanatan Dharma or Hindu dharma has that qualities of accepting facts without guilt and allows everyone to follow and discover his own way to explore and understand God. That is why it is more of receptive way of living life then following any particular path. The broaden vision has also helped in understanding various dimensions of God. That is why whether you are an idol worshipper or nature worshipper or believes in any other form or formless God, you are Hindu. Even disbelieving is accepted as you may see God in innerself or in some other else. That defines God in best possible manner.

 When Arjuna was standing at battle field and that moment of life he sudden had confusion in mind whether to fight or denounce this world and go into sanyasa as he was seeing his own relatives, brother and family members fighting each other over the kingdom which had to left here after even winning as death is the ultimate truth. He dropped his weapons and came up with many queries. Lord Krishna here came up as not only his advisor but savior of society, explained and removed all his doubts and brought him out of dilemma. At that moment whatever he had said that preaching had been become the greatest saying and no book could ever explain better than that about karma. Whatever Lord Krishna had said that can be truly read in the book- Srimad Bhagwat Geeta.

According to great Sage Sri Vivekananda, he had mentioned one sloka which could give the inner throught of entire book.
क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः पार्थ नैतत्त्वय्युपपद्यते क्षुद्रं हृदयदौर्बल्यं त्यक्त्वोत्तिष्ठ परंतप॥
klaibhyaṁ mā sma gamaḥ pārtha naitattvayyupapadyate, kṣudraṁ hṛdayadaurbalyaṁ tyaktvottiṣṭha paraṁtapa.
O Parth {Arjuna’s name fondly used by Lord Krishna also has a meaning- The Sharp Shooter/ Son of Prutha (Kunti)} The dilemma at Dharma Yudh does not suit a warrior. Eliminate your weaknesses and arise from within inner strength and destroy your enemies like an ash.

 Despite knowing and understanding that when Arjuna still had doubt then Krishna showed his virat rupah wherein the life was shown like an endless stream and thus removed his doubts about thoughts of committing any sin while fighting the Dharma yudh with Kurus.
To further elaborate, at one time Lord Krishna pronounced and revealed that he is Parameshwar- God while expressing different shapes of life. Then he further pronounced that now Arjuna should not doubt and must rise with weapons in hand as a karma yogi. That explanation made him to stand and fight as a warrior and became victor in the Dharma yudh.

Now the question arises that when Lord Krishna has revealed himself as God then how could he be an atheist as he pronounced and revealed himself as  God. To understand that we need to understand a little further about Shiv- the almighty.

In my previous sessions I have defined that Shiv is a true reflection of everything which is visible or invisible. He can be experienced through senses or existed without even understanding. He is a dark energy in darkness or a light in illuminated zone. He is beyond all known or unknown energy, metal, substance or space. He is one who is or one who is not. The mere possibility of question comes to an end as he is beyond logics or illogics of understanding. Shiv is a super soul and our destination and destiny of life and so either we are travelling towards him for merging in or he is reaching to us for making us realized by merging. Whatever it be but one thing is certain that it is voyage between self to super self through awakening of consciousness. The human in us motivate soul to get complete by finding truth beyond soul as the bliss in knowing self is beyond limitations and dimensions. The search remains continued till quest/purpose of soul is achieved. Once you would know and understand him then you would not look for anything. After understanding this now you would come to know that whatever is outside, the same is situated in you. Shiv exists in you before that realization. The least visited place in universe is inner self and there Shiv is present. That makes you to know that I am the truth, consciousness and bliss [Sat Chit Anand]. Now you would not try to look him anywhere because he is omnipresent and omni-existent. You worship self and know that whatever you do is not going to affect Shiv in any sense it is affecting you and your surroundings. Your sins, your words, your thoughts, your actions are with you always and they create an environment, surrounding and aura for you. You do well, feel good and remain happy, you do bad, feel worst and die in pain. This concept seems simple and straight but not everyone is able to achieve that. It is easier to say then do in action. People get affected by other views and observation that make an impact over the karma. A few who are truly karma-yogis are able to achieve that and none could doubt that lord Krishna is a true karmayogi however Arjuna was not like that, he was like most of us, filled with conflicts, confrontation, and many ifs and but therefore even Lord Krishna was not able to convince him completely and finding no other option he revealed himself to him. Whatever he has revealed is seeing god in self. However it is not possible for us to show to other that Godly presence. Being a true yogi and booned by Bhagwan Shiv, he revealed what he or every one of us is, the true form of almighty Shiv. After seeing it Arjuna followed the directions to perform karma with being detached or attached.  This is possible only when you start your journey being an atheist. Krishna had a difficult childhood and at every step he was being attacked and saving himself by lot of efforts. It makes one yogi and making him believe in self. Believe in self, understanding God in self is Shiv worshipping. You connect yourself with Shiv and become karma yogi, neither attached nor detached.

Therefore my message to all who feel themelves an athiest shall understand that somewhere they are near to Shiv and following the route track for reaching Shiv.

I would further like to tell that Lord Krishna’s Guru Sandeepan and Upmanyu were devotees of Shiv and their impact on Krishana is seen from the beginning. Even the Krishana worshipped to Shiv to grant him a good son and that resulted into the birth of Pradhuman from Rukmani. Therefore I may conclude that Krishna is devoted to Shiv in full forms. His actions, his thoughts are true example of Shiv’s presence in his life. That is why he is being known as greatest devotee to Bhagwan Shiv and could discover Shiv in self.

Aum Krishanay Nameh..

Aum Nameh Shivay...

Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Guru


Never I wanted
To drink the poison of universe
But when no one dared
Drank it like elixir

Never I wanted
To lost the love of life
But when she left, accepted it as destiny...

Never I wanted 
 son's head cutting
But when occurred, bore the pain as rock...


Never I wanted the brothers had ego clashes,
But when it appeared, healed it by love...

Oh brother, who are you? Where do come from?
Tell something about you,
Shown the way for home...

Whatever high may I touch
But accessing you 
This is beyond my reach
O Guru !! Please accept 'Aks'
I have no guts to stand...

- अरुण शर्मा
#शिव #ShivTheAlmighty
#GuruPurnima #गुरुपूर्णिमा

Thank You God for Being with me -2
30 yrs back, 8/8/88 the day and before that I lived moments, the moments of desperation, agitation, disappointment and defeat. The battles of my life despite my struggles and fight back attitude were leading to make me habitual of defeats. There was no one who could come forward for supporting me. Knowing no one could help me, I just bent down on knees and cried. I cried till someone had come and taken care and that made me to realise the truth of my existence. I was not left, I was never left lonely, there was always him remaining with me in every moment and I could feel him. I have the trust that I could interact endlessly and he would always hear me. The surrender, the faith, the cries, the prayers led me to my best friend, my mentor, my guardian, my guru- #Shiv and thereafter I have never looked back.. It is 3 decades of surrender, faith and knowing self,  the journey is continued . Celebrating 30 years of love and care... #arunaksarun

- arun Rise Sharma

Who is Shiv ?

Qus: Who is Shiv ? I mean a God, Demi God, Human or Self ? Please explain .. 

Ans : Shiva is reflection of all man kind.. he is energy beyond all energies. He is seen in the dark as  super darkest and in light as super lightest and vice versa.

Like we travel in our life from self soul to super soul, like wise super soul travels from self to human and again back to super soul… this journey occurs in side us like a true spirit creating self through self consciousness. The purpose is generated from incompleteness in us and that incompleteness creates our mind towards finding Shiva. As we search for him, he guides in fulfilling our quest. 

Don't take Shiva as God, he is beyond that and if we could know him then we are there, with him.. people those who have found him doesn't look for anything else. 

Effort is human and surrender is Shiva.. where all questions die there you will find illogical the most logical.. in my initial years I was an atheist as I always looked for answers and remained unfilled. The unfulfilling of thirst for knowing self impacted and turned me into what I can never be again in my life. A journey commenced and meaning changed.. thereafter I have become what I am today.. no answers fulfil my knowing as it revolves around the experience with him…

Aum Namo Shiva…

Monday, August 13, 2018

Speaking with God - a Little Prayer


                              "Speaking with God" - a Little Prayer

Aum Shiva - the greatest, the compassionate, and the almighty is the ultimate truth in any one or everyone!

  शिव महानतम, दयावान, और सर्वशक्तिमान ही कण कण में परम सत्य है! 

O Shiva - my father, the glory you have is ever lived and infinite and I have no words to praise the highest form of worshipping and I bow with all surrender and faith before you!

हे शिव - मेरे पिता , आपकी महिमा असीमित और अनंत है और मेरे पास वह शब्द नहीं है जिनसे मैं आपकी आराधना करके प्रसन्न करू। मैं आपके समक्ष आत्मसमर्पण और आस्था के साथ सिर झुकाता हूं!

O Shiva - my divine friend, save me from lust, greed and evils and bless me with love, kindness, mercy and compassion!

हे शिव-मेरे दिव्य मित्र,  मुझे वासना, लोभ और बुराइयों से बचाओ और मुझे प्रेम, भक्ति, शक्ति दयालुता और करुणा प्रदान करो! 

O Shiva - my world, only you are worthy of love, surrender and faith. You are savoir of us-ignorant, helpless and seekers. We all see and worship you and seek you for safely crossing this cycle of life and death to get merge in you forever. We do not deserve but it is your compassion that you accept us in every form and allow to us to merge in you!

हे शिव - मेरे संसार , केवल आप ही प्रेम, समर्पण और आस्था के लिये उपयुक्त हो। आप ही हम अज्ञानी,  असहाय और साधक के रक्षक हैं। हम सभीआप को देखते हैं और पूजते हैं और आपसे जीवन और मृत्यु  चक्र से मुक्ति की कामना करते हुए आपमें समाहित होने की प्रार्थना करते हैं। हम इस योग्य नहीं हैं परंतु यह आपकी करुणा है कि आप हमें हर रूप में स्वीकार करते हैंऔर हमें आप में समाहित होने की अनुमति देते हैं!

There is only one - Shiva who helps us, heals us, knows us, understand us. He who needs nothing but gifts us in ample. We all belong to him and he protects us without questioning or doubt. Shiv - my bliss in truth is omnipotent, omnipresent; omniscient eternal life in  immortal soul. Nothing can be equal to him!

केवल एक ही सत्य है- शिव जो हमारी सहायता करते है, विरोहन करते है, हमें जानते है, हमें समझते है। वह जो हमसे कुछ भी नहीं चाहता बल्कि हमें उपहारों से भर देते है।हम सभी उसके संरक्षण में हैं और वह बिना किसी प्रश्न या संदेह के हमारी रक्षा करते है। शिव - मेरे सत्य सुख सर्वशक्तिमान है, सर्वभूत है; सर्वज्ञ, सनातन प्राण के रूप में विधमान हैं औऱ कुछ भी उनके समकक्ष नहीं हैं!

Salutations to one and only vibrant source of energy- My Shiva - my life!

जीवंत ऊर्जा के  एक मात्र स्त्रोत , शिव - मेरे जीवन प्रतीक को बारम्बार प्रणाम!

All love and respects to one who is almighty-Shiva - my lord!

समस्त प्रेम और आदर उस सर्वशक्तिमान-शिव - मेरे स्वामी के लिए है!

All my prayers and deeds are in his name, O Shiva - my courage, please look upon over us and bless me and my family with knowledge and strength and liberate us from cycle of life. The real truth and consciousness in me is you, you and only you ! ‘AKS’ is surrendering and keeping faith in only you and prays for mercy, compassion and forgiveness!

मेरी सभी प्रार्थनाएं और कर्म उन्हें समर्पित हैं, हे शिव, कृपया हमारे ऊपर अपनी दृष्टि प्रदान करें और मुझे और मेरे परिवार को ज्ञान और शक्ति का आशीर्वाद दें और हमें जीवन चक्र से मुक्त करें, मेरे अंदर परम् सत्य और चेतना आप हैं, आप औरकेवल आप ही हैं! 'अक्स' आपके  सम्मुख समपर्ण औऱ आस्था सहित दया, करुणा और क्षमा के लिए प्रार्थना करता है!  

O Shiva - my reflection, we all are grateful to seek you like Bhagwan Raam seeks you in his life. Accept us as you have accepted him (RAAM) and bless us. O lord of lords, you are the most compassionate, vibrant, graceful and energy in us!

हे शिव, हम सभी आपके कृतज्ञ होकर ऐसे पुकारते  हैं जैसे भगवान राम ने आपको पुकारा था।हमें भी उनकी तरह स्वीकार करें और हमेंआशीर्वाद दें। हे महादेव, आप ही दयावान, जीवंत और ऊर्जा स्त्रोत हैं।

The peace in me is "Aum Namo Shivay"!!

मेरे हृदय की शांति आप हो!    नमो शिवाय -

- Arun Rise Sharma

Thursday, August 2, 2018

God's Favour

Why Lord Hanuman has so much reverence for Raam? I mean he has not met him before and neither have any communication or relation with him. It was a chance meeting and that happened due to prevailing circumstances. Why is Hanuman chosen? Why not Sugreev or Vibhishan as on those Raam has done obligations also? Please clarify.

Ans: Ram and Hanuman are the live proofs of reverence, care, respect and surrender. That is possible in simply putting your faith beyond doubt. It is a true relationship among unequal who are bind by their choices to understand the truth. It further tells us that when God wants to help you, he would take any form, shape, circumstances or merely blows a wind in your favour. 

In their story of devotion, the story begins with Raam. He has full reverence beyond doubt in Bhagwan Shiv that too self less and not for taking any favour. It is always for showing and leading him path of Dharma and Truth therefore despite Raavan is called the biggest devotee lost, defeated and killed by Raam owning evil intentions to destroy the principal character of society as Bhagwan Shiv stood against him in the appearance of Hanuman. Raam’s reverence in Shiv is so strong that Shiv had to send his part for taking birth as Hanuman. Being devotee, Raam did not lose his courage, patience and calmness till Sita was kidnapped. After Sita was abducted, he was totally out of control, senseless and lost hope to live his life. Bhagwan Shiv knows that if he would not find her, he would be like a dead one as God could not see his devotee in that state therefore he himself came to open the door, the "door of Hope" for him. 

Therefore remember when you surrender without doubt in Shiv, it is certain that he would do the best for you and if required he would himself come for rescuing you from distress. Furthermore when you have a complete faith and reverence in him then know he has the same for you, complete faith, surrender and reverence with unending depth of love and adoration. 

Therefore it is Ram’s bhakti in Shiv that has brought him as Hanuman before the devotee.

So when feel broken and burying, have faith and believe that another Hanuman is waiting for you too.

Aum Namo Shivay  

-     Arun Rise Sharma

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Black Hole - The Third Eye of Shiv Chapter '4'

Question: what is Cosmos ? How big it is..?

Ans: The Cosmos or Brahmand is like a big infinite box free from all dimensional sides. In total 16 directions with one  inner  and external point from core point.

Question: Whether Earth is the centre of universe ? 

Ans: Yes and no both.. being infinite in nature and size, any point is centre of universe.

Question: Where is the centre of Earth..?

Ans: If you see or any planet from far, you can pin pint the centre but that is core of the planet. If you station on radius of planet like we do while living on radius then the every point or any point is centre of radius. So to remove confusion you imagine a point as 0 and then star walking over  the radius. If reaching back to same point take 360 steps then you say 180 is the centre of your walk and assume that as centre . Now think it as 0 and then walk from their for centre then 0 in previous calculations become 180 in this calculation so you have another centre, like wise all places are centre of radius of planet.
{Further elaborated}: But the value of core would never change in any situation .. that is permanent point in any situation till reshape, redesigning rescheduling occurs...

Question: How does Black hole looks like...?

Ans: A black hole is the place where nothing but only dark energy exists therefore it has outer most periphery. It is the most illuminated one. The most bright, the most powerful energy point where everything glitters beyond look able shine  like our Sun is outer periphery. But as we further explorer it and go beyond that most bright glittering zone, another zone is there where whole of the energy is shutting down as after releasing the whole energy, the substance becomes impossible to see or predict. It is transforming into an unknown un-shape, un-existent for us but  present as soul, prana in body. Seen to none but present in a form. That area is a dark energy zone where the most powerful is that energy. That energy is sufficient to change value and composition of any or everything.That biggest energy zone is black hole. An unexplained energy zone.. You may see the picture for easy understanding.

- Arun Rise Sharma

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Inner Infinite Journey

[21/07, 8:15 AM]  Why have the bodies with physical matters been created?

Arun Sharma: Imagine yourself without body! Now you can reach Chennai even without blinking an eye. NYC is so near that on one moment you are here and next there. Think beyond. Moving freely in space, reaching Moon in seconds, no gravity, no hindrance, no obstruction.

Now think 'Shiv' is busy setting up new world order in far distant galaxy. The whole mechanism is functioning for creation. Being you approaching him for every problem like a child. " मास्टर जी शामू ने मेरी स्याही का डोबा ले लिया " .. "He has taken my cake piece, please reprimand him." like wise etc. Would he able to manage this chore, the chaos. Do you react everyone in same manner? No, then the things you are not able to do, you easily leave them to God so he needs to control your moment for you too, to run this machine-Earth. 

So he has given you this physical body to control you and your movement. The heart may take you to various places, time zones but the body stops you from moving fast and fix your limit of movement. That is why despite existing infinitely, you feel helpless in present too. But if you raise your consciousness then your movement would become infinite too so raise yourself and Get-Set-Go !!

Are you  prepared inner for infinite journey?

Friday, July 20, 2018

The Inner Connection

* The photos and music in this slide is being obtained from google site. A video is prepared through free software app and reproduced. The author does neither have rights nor control over the used contents. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Righteous Protects Righteous - धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः

A truth - bitter and hard to digest but will remain truth even after millions of year.

Why Ravana was killed ? 

Why Kuru dynasty was termed as evil in the history?

Why truth alone triumph?

This post is dedicated to understand Dharma, Life, after life, death, ultimate liberation ie. Moksha. 

The answer lies in this sentence- Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha !! Dharma protects those who protect dharma.

 धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः 
तस्माद्धर्मो  हन्तव्यः मानो धर्मो हतोवाधीत् 

– मनुस्मृति  Ch. 8, verse 15

 तुम धर्म की रक्षा करो
धर्म तुम्हारी रक्षा करेगा
Righteous Protects Righteous.

The answer holds the answer of all the queries we have in our mind regarding our existence, progress and destruction. It is a quest and the answer lies in walking a shortest journey from 'Self to Inner self'. The route is easiest of easy but needs lot of patience, tolerance, understanding and overall free from self boredom that occurs in knowing self. People may mock you, they may take you as joke or you become the reason of most serious discussion shall not bother you. You shall not feel sad nor happy if they denounce or praise you. It is most frightening journey as you would walk alone and have not understood the meaning of alone but once you know the definition of being alone then you would never fear of it, rather you would feel blessed in alone-ness. 

Have a blissful journey for self understanding !!