What is aks- Arun's Reflection: an image in mirror/water is aks but I know it is my body but not me. I stay with stillness of soul not with the time seen in age & appearance of body. This blog is my understanding learnt in various bodies & places in different time zones and circumstances. Whatever I know is not new but just a repeat thought flashing in me. This is grace of Shiv. He has connected all the points & draw this beautiful picture. ALL COPY RIGHTS RESERVED with Author
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
मेरी अरदास
Monday, January 25, 2021
जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुण सागर
Saturday, January 23, 2021
अहम् शिवास्मि
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
"राम रामेति रामेति - अक्स मन में संघर्ष
Mind and Brain
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Do not weep when I am gone...
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Season's greetings to all...
Saturday, January 9, 2021
आत्म तत्व परम् तत्व
आत्म तत्व परम् तत्व
सांझ ढले जब सोया मैं
सपना कोई न मन में था,
पर पाया मूंदी आंखों ने
सपनों की झड़ी लगा दी।
उन सपनों को देखते देखते,
पता नहीं कब में सुबह हुई,
और कहीं अनंत में जीवन की अटल शाम हुई।
साये जो थामें हुए थे,
कब में हाथ से फिसल गये।
जीवन की धूप दौड़ में
ओस मोती से बिखर गए।।
क्षण भर भी विश्राम न किया,
बस चूहा दौड़ में जीवन जिया।
घूमकर कभी अपनों को न तका
आलस भाव से 'सूरज' न तका,
और समय का पहिया भी कभी न रुका।।
न भूत जिया, न वर्तमान जिया,
बस भविष्य को सजाने में समय जाया किया।
अब सतरंगी सुबह आने को है,
नयी सी बात बताने को हैं।
यात्रा पर पुनः ले जाने को है,
पर "अक्स" मन फिर से बहलाने फुसलाने को है।।
सो चल आलस छोड़,
उठकर हल्का हो,
समझ, कंघो के बोझ हट जाने को है,
सामान सारे यहां छूट जाने को है,
सपने अब टूट जाने को है
नये अध्याय जुड़ जाने को है,
प्रकाश अब समा जाने को है,
समाहित ऊर्जा अब पिघलाने को है,
अनंत अस्तित्व अब खिल जाने को है,
परम सत्य "शिव" अब मिल जाने को है।।
आत्म अध्याय जुड़ जाने को है,
शिव ज्योति अब समा जाने को है,
परम ऊर्जा अब पिघलाने को है,
अनंत अस्तित्व ज्ञान पाने को है,
परम सत्य "शिव" अब मिल जाने को है।।
-अरुण अभ्युदय शर्मा
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Why do we love rains and cloudy sky?
Saturday, January 2, 2021
Can we postpone our enlightenment and salvation till older years of life?
Friday, January 1, 2021
We had 2020 and we have 2021
There is nothing much I could say about 2020. It is the real hard task master to all of us. I would not say that no other future year would do so as the future is unseen and unpredictable but I am sure what it had taught us in a short span of life, it could not be forgotten easily. No words could explain what we had been going through in that phase. A small microscopic virus could do what even an atom bomb would not have...
The people have learnt so much in this phase that this year if someone is preaching about life lessons to anyone then no words are enough as the our experiences have taught all of us more than any information or preaching. There can not be any substitute for that experience. I hope it would transform us to better being aa well as make us understand about true treasure of given life as well as about the vulnerability of our existence.
I further believe that 2021 would not be all wimpy soap opera of rom-com episodes but another level of responsibility and exploration of new dimensions and challenges waiting to be opened with alert and concious approach. The vaccination is not going to be a great licence for living rashlessly and careless life style so be prudent anyway, it is demand of time. Maintain life standards as you were doing to avoid sickness and infection in 2020.
Stay Safe,
Stay Happy,
Stay Together
Wish you a great year of 2021 with happiness prosperity and success.
-Arun Rise Sharma