Whenever I look at you I feel threatened and I know you will hurt me in the game of love and trust. You will be looking to leave me alone and broken. You want me to shatter and fragile. I know you are having a purpose to do so. You have become my friend just to cheat me, betray me so you do all of above to me before that I will leave you. I will cheat you, i will betray you. I will make you weak and fragile so that whatever I fear would not happen to me. ...... Hey what I have done??? my fears have come true as everything that I feared happened to me and IT HAS HAPPENED NOT BY ANY ONE BUT BY MY OWN DEEDS AND MY FEAR.....
Aimée Brouckaert commented through FB group Natural together... dtd. 20/05/2012
Aben This often happens. We have a Dutch saying: "De mens lijd wel het meest om het lijden dat hij vreest" ( The human suffering is the most for the suffering that he fears) But it is true. xxx
The AUTHOR commented:
Je hebt gelijk Aimee we handelen en lijden als gevolg van onze interne angst, omdat dat de slaven ons in onze actie. Moeten we altijd handelen om de angst te vernietigen in plaats van dat het een van onze verre toe controle ........ :)
you are right Aimee we act and suffer because of our internal fear because that slaves us in our action. we should always act to destroy the fear rather than allow it to become our remote control........:)
Bel Claveria Carig Martinez :
love your bolgspot Arun Sharma, keep on inspiring others. Destiny is indeed in our own hands.
Bel Claveria Carig Martinez-Northwich:
love your bolgspot Arun Sharma, keep on inspiring others. Destiny is indeed in our own hands.
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