Wednesday, August 5, 2020

"Prarabhbha"- (Past) Karma & "Sanchit"-(Deposited) Karma Effect

During our life, We all do and indulge in such acts on those sometimes we feel ashamed and guilty. That guilt starts controlling our future course of actions as well as become hindrance in changing our course of action. Like I did this in past so why should I not do now despite knowing now that it is wrong. 
Plz tell me How to modify "Prarabhbha"- (Past) karma and "Sanchit"-(Deposited) karma effect.

Nothing gets changed in this universe. Whatever you feel it is your basic unchanged nature. You were same as you are only there is veil between yourself and soul inside you. 

For releasing from impacts of past karma and present doings and achieving spiritual growth, Be rejoice one, Do things full heartily without making any fuss or noise,   Remain available to self. Stay without indulging senses.

 Do not look for achieving ephemeral pleasure, respect, honor but for infinite possibilities of Bliss. Let this stage be permanent state of Mind than my dear "aks" you would certainly be freed from Prarabha and Sanchit karma.
-Arun Rise Sharma

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